Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers

The Art of Conscious Creation (Book Review)

Jackie Lapin

The Art of Conscious Creation : How You Can  Transform The World

(Charleston, SC: Elevate, 2007, 210pp.)



            There is a Zen story in which the student asks the master “What is the secret of enlightenment?”  The master writes on his board “attention”.  The student asks again “Is that all?  The master writes “Attention, attention.”


            Attention-awareness is at the heart of conscious creation.  In awareness there is freedom to see things as they actually are, without distortion.  Awareness is the freeing of the mind from all symbols, images, and remembrances, for thought and feeling dissipate energy; they are repetitive, producing mechanical activities which are a necessary part of existence, but they are only part.  Awareness is seeing, watching, listening without a word, without comment, without opinion. With awareness the mind becomes quiet, naturally  silent, not made silent through suppression, discipline or control.   Awareness is something that requires a great deal of intelligence, sensitivity, and the capacity of love and beauty.


            Awareness is the first step of empowerment. As Jackie Lapin writes “ The Art of Conscious Creation is a manual for empowerment.  It is a wake-up call for those who have spent their lives feeling powerless, victimized, or buffeted by life’s challenges.”  Awareness gives us insights into the working of what can be called “the Universal Force” — benevolent, loving, energetic power.  With awareness, we see how our thoughts and emotions blend with those around us to form a collective consciousness although many are not fully aware of the power of ideas and emotions to create form.


            As Shakti Gawain has written in her book Path to Transformation “Whatever attitudes and beliefs are held most deeply and powerfully in the mass consciousness will, for better or worse, be manifested in the collective reality…Our own thoughts, feelings and actions are not isolated occurrences taking place within the confines of our own bodies, but are in fact manifestations of the one spiritual and energetic source that moves through everyone of us.  It is no more possible for one of us to change without changing the rest, as it is for a single wave to crest in the ocean without affecting the whole.”


            Thus, we need to be aware of how the mood of others, and of the society in general influences our thoughts and emotions as we must be aware that our thoughts go to form the mood of the total society.


            As Lapin writes “What we think and feel, we attract…If you are vibrating fear, victimization, and hopelessness, you’ll attract more negative energies…This ‘law of attraction’ as it’s called in the energetics world, is all about where we put our focus…The message to be learned is to focus on what you do want, not what you don’t want…We can stay centered through positive thoughts and deeds, no matter what is happening around us and continue trying to attract for the world and ourselves a better future.”


            Thus, we need to be aware of how the mood of others, and of the society in general influences our thoughts and emotions as we must be aware that our thoughts go to form the mood of the total society.


            As Lapin writes “What we think and feel, we attract…If you are vibrating fear, victimization, and hopelessness, you’ll attract more negative energies…This ‘law of attraction’ as it’s called in the energetics world, is all about where we put our focus…The message to be learned is to focus on what you do want, not what you don’t want…We can stay centered through positive thoughts and deeds, no matter what is happening around us and continue trying to attract for the world and ourselves a better future.”  Thus in guidelines for action Lapin advises “Send out only positive energy and that energy will eventually return.  Monitor your thoughts, feelings and actions.  Choose those that will manifest a win-win for all.  Release the fear that may cause you to make a poor judgement.”


            The second step after awareness is visualization.  Visualization is a powerful tool, and Lapin has a long chapter of guided visualizations “Visions for a Better Future.”    Visualization is not ‘day dreaming’ but is focused thought, emotion, and energy in a one-pointed direction.  There is a form-building power of directed thought, and visualization sets this power into motion.  As Lapin recommends for creating and structuring your vision “Choose a positive focus — not one that blames or condemns.  You must operate from a framework of love for what you are bringing forth, not from fear or dread.  Use positive language in your mind, stressing the wonder and joy at this exciting new dimension coming true.  Picture it as if it has already happened, as if it already exists.  Feel like it is already here.”


            The third step is action.  As Lapin notes “Vision and action unified are the most powerful combination for manifesting.  They are synergistic, amplifying the energy and power of the creator…Action is also change.  By taking action we signal to the Universe that we are ready to accept change and to create it at the same time.  We are planting the seeds for our own transformation when we act to transform what is outside of us.  Setting an intention and following through with love, kindness and compassion create the most fertile environment for growing the life we want to enjoy.”


            Jackie Lapin has written a very useful guide to empowerment for a better world.


Rene Wadlow




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