How can I be more compassionate?

People often ask, “how can I be more compassionate?” This is not an easy question. From an eastern perspective, especially Buddhist, one follows the six perfections. Reflect on them daily and work towards them every day. Generosity or giving, physical and psychological support, including a smile. Being true to oneself, being honest, and living within integrity. Avoid lashing out when we get hurt. Take a deep breath, and work on tolerance and patience. Never give up when doing good things. Train in non-distraction. This is concentration. It makes the mind more powerful. Lastly, remember we are not who we think we are. Appearances are false. They are nothing but mental fabrications. Please don’t take yourself seriously. Wisdom is the last perfection, making all the others perfections, because this accords with reality. There are many similarities with quantum physics. Emaho!

Barry Kerzin