Arseniy Lapin - Arts and Life

Insight into Arseniy's life, paintings, writings, music, photography, and sculptures.

Photo: sculpture by Arseniy Lapin.

  • Luna Arjuna

    Painting by Arseniy Lapin

    A warm welcome to my friend's worth of life, in which I give you an insight here. May we share and love his works together.

  • Luna Arjuna

    Painting by Arseniy Lapin

    For now, good night dear friends!

  • Luna Arjuna

    "Traveling musician"

    oil painting on a wooden board measuring 15 by 21 cm.

    For sale! price in personal message

  • Luna Arjuna

    "Wooden elephant"
    (not for sale)

  • Luna Arjuna

    I play the guitar, different types of flutes and love to travel.
    My concert and art exhibition can be organized in any city in any country in the world.
    I can come alone or with a small band.
    You can see my video clips in comments)
    I will be glad to your invitations

  • Luna Arjuna

    Arseniy Lapin - Dreamriver

  • Luna Arjuna

    South Wind - Arseniy Lapin & Evgeniy Bindiukov

    Live concert in Bindjukoff House

  • Luna Arjuna

    Arseniy Lapin - White Sea Fire

    Music: Arseniy Lapin and his Brilliant Friends
    This is a film about life in the White Sea islands

  • Luna Arjuna

    "Blue Unicorn"

    Wooden sculpture
    (Not for sale)

  • Luna Arjuna

    "Apple Lion"

    Wooden sculpture
    (not for sale)

  • Luna Arjuna

    "Blue Fish"

    Wooden sculpture
    (not for sale)

  • Luna Arjuna

    "Forest people"
    (not for sale)

  • Luna Arjuna

    "Green Fish"
    (not for sale)

  • Luna Arjuna

    "Lady and Dragon"
    painting (not for sale)

  • Luna Arjuna

    "Wild Blue Cat"

    My wooden sculpture for sale!
    Height 15 cm, price in personal message at

  • Luna Arjuna


    (not for sale)

  • Luna Arjuna

    "Three Seafarers"

    Oil painting on wooden board 22 x 22 cm
    For sale! Price in personal message at

  • Luna Arjuna

    "September horse"

    Wooden sculpture (not for sale)

  • Rosmarie Heusser

    Thank You, Luna for sharing these very special and beautiful Art-Works! ∼ ♡ ∼

  • Luna Arjuna

    Thank you Rosmarie. Did you watch the wonderful landscape photos in the two discussions 'Wild Karelia'? There he is always in the summer months. Yesterday I ordered my second little wooden sculpture, a cat. He is such an amazing nature lover, and artist that I have decided to set up a group here for his works.

  • Rosmarie Heusser

  • Rosmarie Heusser

    I found these two videos from 'Lunar Folk Tales' 

  • Luna Arjuna

    "Night ride"

    oil painting on wooden board 19 x 19 cm
    (not for sale)

  • Luna Arjuna

    "Pufer Shop"

    (not for sale)

  • Eva Libre

    Thanks for the two great videos Rosmarie. Isn't he amazing? He also wrote children's books.

  • Eva Libre

    I am looking for a publisher for my children's books in English German and Russian.
    I need contact to publishers of children's literature. I will be very grateful for your help. Self-publishing and crowdfunding are not interesting for me.

    L’histoire de Maître Oiseau et des villes en fuite

  • Eva Libre

    Runaway City (Book trailer)

    Film by Valeriy Golubtsev
    Painting and story: Arseniy Lapin
    Music: Natasha Shtanko

    I am looking for a publisher for my children's books in English German and Russian.
    I need contact to publishers of children's literature. I will be very grateful for your help. Self-publishing and crowdfunding are not interesting for me.

    The French version of "Runaway City" already available on: L’histoire de Maître Oiseau et des villes en fuite

    I continue to search for publishers for the English and German version of my story :)

  • Luna Arjuna


    (not for sale)

  • Rosmarie Heusser

    Yes...what an amazing fantasy! ∼ ∼

  • Luna Arjuna

    "Magic Bird"

    (not for sale)

  • Luna Arjuna

    "Green musician"

    (not for sale)

  • Luna Arjuna

    "Unicorn in the thickets of sea buckthorn"
    (not for sale)

  • Luna Arjuna

    Little Siren

    (not for sale)

  • Luna Arjuna

    September birds
    (not for sale)

  • Luna Arjuna

    Arseniy Lapin Polar Summer

    White Sea Islands
    Music & Video : Arseniy Lapin

  • Luna Arjuna

    My live concerts can be organized in any country in the world.
    My e-mail

  • Luna Arjuna


  • Rosmarie Heusser

  • Rosmarie Heusser