Prem Rawat - Maharaji

Prem Rawat, known also by the honorary title Maharaji, has traveled the world for four decades, inspiring people to find peace within.

Hear Yourself


Prem Rawat has just published a book entitled 'Hear Yourself'.  

 It is about how to find Peace in a noisy world and is available in English, Spanish, French and German.. sales have taken it immediately to the top of the best selling list in many countries which reflects the level of interest that there is in the subject of Peace at the present time..

 There are many many recommendations from other authors, my favourite being from Claudio Naranjo which says 'Prem Rawat is the Einstein of consciousness.'

A quote by Prem from the book states 'Imagine if everyone around you could gain this deep connection with who they are. Imagine if everyone could hear and play the music of self-knowledge. Think of the impact on individuals, on families, on communities, on politics, on war, on our world. Well it starts with one person at a time - in this case, you. Let's begin.'

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