Arseniy Lapin - Arts and Life

Insight into Arseniy's life, paintings, writings, music, photography, and sculptures.

Photo: sculpture by Arseniy Lapin.

I'm looking for a publisher!

Arseniy Lapin

Runaway City, my book for children's so far was published only in French. I have an English, German and Russian version of the story. I'm looking for a publisher!

Excerpt from a conversation between Arseniy Lapin and interested parties.

Where can II buy it? your french publishers have no mutual arrangements with english or US publishers??

No, they tried to make such agreements at book festivals, but so far they have not succeeded. In fact, the Belgian publishing house Versant Sud Jeunesse is my literary agent.

Fragment of the story in German:

The translation is ready. But I need to find a publisher for the English, German, Russian version. Someone should recommend me to publishers ...

Publishers do not contact unknown authors.

English fragment of my story:

Maybe you can help him further? Maybe someone can help him!