“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
What an amazing discovery! Scientists have discovered that ants, after collecting the grains and seeds that they need for winter break those seeds down into halves before storing in their nests because breaking them in half keeps them from germinating even through rain and the most perfect germinating conditions. But scientists were stunned when they discovered that coriander seeds stored in the ant nest were broken down into 4 pieces instead of 2 pieces. After lab research, scientists discovered that a coriander seed will still germinate after being divided into two, but it won’t germinate after it’s divided into four parts. So how do these tiny tiny creatures know all this? Humans know very little, there's a lot to learn from other creatures
Carmen Elsa Irarragorri-Wyland
Yes, indeed, we live in different Worlds and yet we have all our own wisdom, and even more, it is still the same World!
Dec 26, 2023
Carmen Elsa Irarragorri-Wyland
Dec 26, 2023