Prem Rawat - Maharaji

Prem Rawat, known also by the honorary title Maharaji, has traveled the world for four decades, inspiring people to find peace within.

kindness begins with you

        Kindness Begins with You: Prem Rawat in Toamasina, Madagascar 

  this event happened on the16thNov. Its about 55mins. and well worth a listen for anyone who is interested in inner peace. i hope you might appreciate it.

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    janice wilson

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      janice wilson

      15,642 views Nov 25, 2024 #PremRawatOfficial #Madagascar #kindness
      Madagascar President Rajoelina expressed his gratitude to Prem Rawat for his efforts in the country, particularly the prospect of training 200 young people to facilitate the Peace Education Program. The president noted that Madagascar has one of the highest percentages of youth under 25 in the world, and that TPRF’s efforts to help young people were very much needed in the country. The impactful event was the result of the collaboration between WOPG and TPRF.

      Find out more about The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF) and the Peace Education Program:

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        desmond dillon

        a lead up to the event with some idea of the things involved in getting a Prem Rawat event together. 8mins

           Behind the Scenes: Madagascar
