Nada Jung


South Tyrol


Profile Information:

Why You want Peace:

"Let there be Peace on Earth And let it begin with me."

What is your purpose to joining Peace For The Soul:

friends and like minded people ....

About Me:







Interests and activities:

art, music, travel, social work, human rights, human ecology,

Comment Wall:

  • Eva Libre



    Welcome Luna Nada !


    Thank you for joining Peace for the Soul. I hope that you'll find your experience here valuable, enriching and effective.

    Please feel free to start a forum discussion or even group about the topics and issues that are close to your heart. You can blog, post media and chat with your friends here.

    Peace for the Soul is a people movement. It is not for profit, and has no organization behind it. You, and your peace, are the stars here.


    Blessings, Eva



  • bernard-guy Van Eecke

    nice to meet you!
  • David Gould

    A most inspiring page. Indeed we fight darkness with light and hate with love. I have suffered terrible loss but know that the only path that makes sense is for respect and understanding to return so that human compassion can shine out of sorrow and be transformed into power.

    Peace be on you.

  • Barry Hesperus

    Hi, Nada,


    Thanks for inviting me to be your friend. I am highly impressed with your compassionate, inspirational, profile.


    Best wishes and Blessings,


  • dima27

    Thank you for virtual friendship :)!

    best regards,


  • Samuel Rodriguez

    Hello! Nada

    Glad to have you here on my "Peace for the soul" friends list!!!

    Thanks  for the great themes on your blog!

    Evolution, fascinates me!

    Peace and the best of everything to you!

    Greetings from Brazil! :)


  • peter waldmüller

    s is schön
    so von dir begrüßz zu werden
    aus südtirol?
    let´s sing together
    a song of fun
    and careful fire
    a song of health
    and singing wather
    breath the common
    air together
    mothers wisdom
    inside outside
  • Irit Hakim-Keller

    thank you for your friendship, Nada.
    have a nice weektime.
  • Cynthia B. Ainsworthe

    Hi Nada,

    It's my pleasure to have you as a friend, too! Have a great week!!


  • dima27



  • Stephen Quinto

    How splendid is the word: Peace.....  like a song weaponized with pure Love.  Come Let us pray together, all of us....
  • Gary Tipping

    Thanks for your friend invite
  • ☮Malang☮

    Blessings I posted the video "Out the shadows" on my page to make it easer to find.

    Love and Light

  • Gary Tipping

    Thanks for your kind comment in my video.
  • ☮Malang☮

    I just fixed all the links on my page

    Have a beautiful loving weekend

    Love and Light

  • drago kulic

    Thank Dear Nada...wonderful video...with blessings of joy to your & peace


  • Sanjeev Rai

    Red Ribbon
  • Gary Tipping

    Thanks for your kind comment on my music video.

  • Krishna Jaya

    Namaste Nada,


    Thank you for joining Gita group

    Questions, comments and/or submissions of all kind are always welcome

    And thank you for the Hiroshima video and text

    My birthday is August 6


    Blessed Be

    Krishna Jaya

  • Lester Unega Waya

  • Leon Berg

    Thank you for the birthday wishes Nada.  I just read your post about Hiroshima.  It was very moving.  Thank you.  God Willing we will meet one day.



  • Om Prakash Sharma

    Many Thanks and the God will give you the Light. With Light you can see the future.
  • Samuel Rodriguez

    Thanks!!! Dear friend Nada Jung


    Peace Always!


  • Heimo Grimm

    Hi Nada! Thank you for adding me as your friend! Its my pleasure too! Have a great and Happy New Year! Love and greets from Austria Heimo

  • Houcine Brahmi

    many thanks to you dear Nada, The Great God bless you. I wish you and your family a happy new year 2012 , full of light, joy and peace

  • Mary Stuart

    Thank you Nada.

    Wishing you a wonderful New Year.

    Mary x

  • Uriel

    Hey Nada,

    I couldn't understand what does it mean "he who has himself in his own power", what does it mean to have myself in my own power?

    All the best,


  • Barry Hesperus

    Dear Nada,


    Thanks for the beautiful flower card that you send me, wishing me a beautifully happy birthday! I really appreciate your reaching out to me in this kind, thoughtful, way.


    Best wishes and Blessings Be,



  • Nicholas Osegboun

    “If instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give."

  • Nicholas Osegboun

    “One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.”

  • Joey Henriques-Fernandes

    Thank you for welcoming me.

  • Nany


  • Kerrin Charles Muir

    Sunshine Heart
  • fátima queiroz

  • Gary Tipping

    Thanks for your message.
  • Serene


  • Lady Starduzt

    Hi Nada, so happy to be here ! 


  • Michel Laudermilk

    Thank you Nada for your warm wishes! I hope you are having a beautiful day!

  • Nicholas Truske

    wow Nada Jung - such a name  - connects with me in 2 ways - I studied Nada - sound yoga & also Carl Jung - the combination of these 2 are very powerful to me  & then to connect with this group - Peace for the Soul - is very strong - now i see the note from Jens below here & wonder if I know him :))  

    Thank you for your welcome Nada ! ! I feel thrilled to be here - like a new baby exploring this wonderful world of Peace for the Soul :)))

  • Nicholas Truske

    wow ! Yes Jens with Overtone Music Network ! ! ! ! Yea :))))  ! ! ! ! !  I have enjoyed following  his work

  • Nicholas Truske

    Thank You Nada ! such a big day for me  today - all day long I have been amazed at the amazing people I have been meeting & hearing their amazing stories of spiritual soul connections- such a time to be alive for whatever is happening