Michael J Masiko


Glendora, NJ

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Eva Libre


    Thank you that you have accepted my invitation Michael!

    In Love and Peace,


  • Eva Libre

    Have a pleasant evening and a Joyful week Michael!

    In Love, Eva

  • Eva Libre

    I wish you a weekend filled with Love and Light

    Blessings, Eva

  • ☮Malang☮

    Blessings Love and Light Malang
  • Eddie Two Hawks

    Original material is spontaneous. Little is recorded except for what is presented on "spaces". (search: "Eddie Two Hawks")
  • Ray

    Hi! Thank you for the warm friendly greeting and welcome to Peace For The Soul. Yes. Fresno is about 100 miles north of Bakersfield here near the southern end of the San Joaquin valley. We have important things in common. If you like send me a friendship request and I will accept it.

  • Yves Gagné

    Hi Michael, thanks a lot for your comments
  • Eva Libre

    The link from the Parrot has not worked. Without Admin I am somewhat helpless with all the technology. Well, you might even come into the situation. -:)) Good night!
  • Eva Libre

    That was so similar, but better. It was live on TV and he responded to questions.
    I am a self-taught with the technique here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Yves Gagné

    Hi Michael, Y am pretty sure that yuo already fond something to do whit yourself.
    Y am not participating a lot right now to your discution, y am realy busy whit a lot of business boring thing, but y always look in the morning or at night what is going on. And very soon y am gone participate, it is a promises. Have a god day whit yourself. Yves
  • Yves Gagné

    Hi Michael, I loved your comment about the tv emission on the Dalai Lama. Very well said. Thanks a lot to make use be part of your feeling like this.
  • Yves Gagné

    Well said again Michael, I think I am gone a follow more of your discution. Thanks. I left a photo to a few women on different page or site today I think you deserved it too and wy not.

  • Yves Gagné

    I present you William Bouguereau.
  • Yves Gagné

    I forgot something i have an other one for you, my prefered sculptor.

  • Yves Gagné

    By the way this thing is all in marble
  • Yves Gagné

    Michael, you where not fast this time. Who is trhat crazy sculptor to try to do unbelivsble thing whit marble. I am gone a give you a hint, Is Italien and in a recent book there talking a lot about him.
  • Yves Gagné

    I have to go to bed beacose i have a lot of thalking to do may be in an hour or a bit more. That bunch over sea they got up like crazy.
    The crazy sculptor is Bernini. Good night Michael. ho buy the way i just fund that we should take together, where stranger my god, what would my mother think of me. So i am gone a hask you if you whont to be my friend. Good night and think about it.
  • Yves Gagné

    Did you no about it, Last night i look in to my friends and i did not see you, so i whent to yours and find the same thing , it make me laft and wrote a litle stupedity about it. But i probably gone tell my mother about it. She is realy gone a have 90 this month and were best friends and she is gone a laft.
  • Toronto Pictures

    Dear Michael,

    Thank you so very much for your welcome and kind message! We really appreciate it!

    You are always welcome to join our site to at: http://torontopictures.ning.com and to keep in touch with us for possible collaborations.

    Kind regards,
    Daria and Bruno

    Toronto Pictures
  • Eva Libre

    Hey Michael,
    I do not understand why you think so! We have absolutely no interesting blog topics. The site is stagnant. I and many members are happy about every interesting contribution. Thank you, that you have joined the groups, and for the blog post.

    Good evening,
  • Eva Libre

    Thanks loyal friend....:))
  • Eva Libre

    Happy Earth Day!

  • Eva Libre

    Happy Birthday dear friend!
  • Eva Libre

    “Giving love to all, feeling the love of God, seeing His presence in everyone . . . .
    that is the way to live in this world.”

    - Parahamansa Yogananda

  • Paula

    I am so glad you like Wilde! He is one of my favourites of all times and I am writing a thesis on him.
    I find that definition of friendship so wonderful that I had to share.
    I wish you a wonderful day.

  • Eva Libre


    Happy Birthday !


    Wishing you a day filled with happiness ... :)



    Happy birthday, dear Michael !

    May this year which begins for you offers you even more than you hope and imagine.

    Love and Peace for all Beings.

  • Eva Libre

    Happy Birthday, Michael !

  • Nada Jung

  • Eva Libre

  • Luna Arjuna

    I wish you a happy Easter!

  • Eva Libre

    Happy New Year dear friend !

  • Eva Libre

    Happy Birthday, Michael! Hope you are doing well...today...

  • Eva Libre

    Have a nice day, Michael!

  • Luna Arjuna

    Dear Michael, i wish you a lot of joy ~ today and always ~
    and the LIGHTness of BEiNG ~
    in the deep sense of being guided ~ forever ~ by LiGHT and LOVE.