Ronald P. Juliano Sr


Medford, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Why You want Peace:
Too much killing and murder and war
What is your purpose to joining Peace For The Soul:
Because my friend is on here and asked me to join
About Me:
Peace activist,veteran against all wars
Interests and activities:
Helping disabled veterans,peace activism,helping children to find alternatives
My Website

Comment Wall:

  • Eva Libre

    Welcome to Peace for the Soul Ronald !

    The message in this place of peace is clear ~ share your peace & let it grow & flourish!

    Paz ~ Paix ~ Peace

  • Nada Jung

    Welcome Ronald,
    Thank you for joining. Loving greetings to Medford, NY

    Here on Peace for the Soul you can find Members from the whole world, watch Videos, add and listen to your Music, discuss in the Forums, share Photos, and exchange opinions. Become a member of a Group or create your own. Please invite your friends and others you know.
    Enjoy and benefit from the wealth of Information here, contribute to it and share it with others.

    I wish you lots of inspiration.


  • Lester Unega Waya

    Kutaa Ron.

    Nice to see you here.

  • Lester Unega Waya

    Kutaa Ron.

    You're welcome Brother.

  • Lester Unega Waya

    Teresa Teng is one of my favourite singers.

  • Anagob 1

  • Nas Williams

    Good day,

    How is everything with you, my name is Nas William, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and
    demand it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very important to disclose to you concerning your surname
    that's to say your last name .since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on:( for more




  • bridget orman

    wishing you happy days