

L'Amable Ontario


Profile Information:

Why You want Peace:
Peace begins within one's heart. The world needs peaceful hearts. I do my best to find that place within me.
What is your purpose to joining Peace For The Soul:
inspiration and connection to help me find that place of peace within my heart.
About Me:
I am an intuitive psychic medium, energy transformer, creative artist and writer.
Interests and activities:
Pastel painting, gardening, swimming, playing music (ukulele, keyboard), channeling Divine guidance, writing, cooking, knitting, loving dogs and cats and people
My Website

Comment Wall:

  • Eva Libre

    Welcome to Peace for the Soul, Leilah!

    peace & metta,


  • Luna Arjuna

    Namaste Nancy

    Thank you for joining Peace for the Soul!

    Ask questions, share your experiences, photographs, music and videos.

    Create a group about the topics and issues that are close to your heart.

    Browse through the pages - you will find a lot of material of different subjects for you here.

    Enjoy and benefit from Information, contribute and share with others.

    Wishing you lots of inspiration!

    Om Shanti,

    Love, Luna

  • Luna Arjuna

    Hi Leilah, I have no idea, we've never had a problem like this before.

    Please try the usual:
    Clear the cache and cookies of the browser or use a different browser if there are further issues with this procedure.

    Under Settings you can change the photo, information about you and the page design.

    Wish you a good night, and sweet dreams.

  • Luna Arjuna

    Wonderful picture of you, Leilah. What a wonderful woman you are! 

  • John Savlove

    Welcome, Leilah!

  • Mody Ibrahem

    Welcome Leilah ,

    and nice to meet you here ,

    Thanks, have a nice night my dear



    Thank you and Have a Great Tuesday!