Hare-Krsna Hare-Krsna Krsna-Krsna Hare-Hare Hare-Rama Hare-Rama Rama-Rama Hare-Hare-- = JOYOUS-CREATOR & All Creation universe-wide is for Joy without ignorance-evilness-violation. HE is in Everywhere to Everyone...........
Congratulations. Happy Gaur-KRSNA Jyonti and World Peace-Day including World Mental health Day + happiness of Deepwali and happy Merry Christmas- glorifying human rights everywhere with world Women's Day. Thanks to all you like. We are for all, All are for us to share what to do for us & for next generation, to reach our human goal. Friendship can do everything for rebuilding PEACE removing all ignorance +evilness all over the world. Friendship is a touch of hope to do the best for humankind. So come & share what can we do for humankind +environment & their rights improving their physical, mental & spiritual health based on "Total Health Solution". Thanks again for going ahead for mankind +PEACE more than heaven all over the world/universe. I'm a Humanist, Researcher, Writer & Physician supporting humankind +environment--share what can we do together for the same.... assuring 'Ageing & Health' of World Health Day....Please send your opinion if possible.
Desmond. Tell me where you want to post the video. a group .. discussion .. blog .. video section ..?
It is not so good when all contributions come from me, and the members see that no one is active ..
I will help you very much, but it would be nice you ask your (daughter ?) to explain the technique. It is very easy and then you're free to your creativities on the site and elsewhere.
'Golden Light Flow' - Dear Desmond, I admire your gift of being able to write down all these interesting poetry. - Thank You for your precious work! May the flow of inspirations never end. -
since i saw you both yesterday had a call from don - he has made contact via his computer work - with the manager of a care home in ottery - which is MILES - but he is up to driving there and doing the follow up to get everything arranged so hopefully he and i will be taking poetry and music (not live yet) but best we can manage in to the sitting room there at some time in the not too distant future
i am really pleased about this - all and any contact is a start and it can only grow!
went to a music gig last night on the river near teignmouth and the chap i went with performed some of his poetry - he was the only poet there so it was really exciting spot for him
spent a couple of hours with neighbour this morning who is overwhelmed with decorating problems
everywhere you look things are happening - people are feeling whatever they are feeling - all i can do is do my best to feel still inside and if anything come through then that is amazing - taking me a long long time to realise there is nothing i can do of any effect but much of effect can happen if i do nothing
great to see you and helen yesterday - loved the pasty - all love to you both annabel
Oh yes it certainly is one of Rumis and one of my absolute favourites. Went along to hear Charanand speak last night...it was such a wonderful evening...lovely to hear those words...lots of talk of Barcelona, from what I hear it was a fantastic event. I keep waking up laughing haha so ready for this day.
Dear Friend, tell me when I am wrong, but I am missing your self-esteem in this two little sentences you posted in the group 'Peace Poetry'! -
Why do You believe that old stuff of dust and rust, knowing that You are a part of Spirit/God coming from the Light and returning once into it? -
It 's obviously worldwide a time of self-empowerment. One can observe it in the news, how X thousands of people are risking there lives every day in these battles between the old and new energy (thinking).
As it has been told, it is also the time now of finding and allowing to manifest our own light and colors. It can't be said enough: "You are beautiful! We all are really beautiful in our own ways - and we surely aren't dust and rust. -
Hi, Desmond. Yes; I wrote the poem in Spanish, but I´ll do my best to translate it into English, or perhaps, i have already done it. I´ll search and see.
Happy Birthday Desmond! The greeting comes a little late but he comes. I wish you much health, love, happiness, and everything that is so dear to you for your new year.
Dear Desmond, i wish you a lot of joy ~ today and always ~ and the LIGHTness of BEiNG ~ in the deep sense of being guided ~ forever ~ by LiGHT and LOVE.
All the best, even today, for your birthday, dear Desmond. Hopefully you had celebrated a nice day in the circle of your family. Wish you much love, peace and health in your future life...time..
Hello Desmond, It's hot, I'm tired and I'm living my life without internet. Enjoy the relaxing rest of summer days until we read something from each other again....
Eva Libre
Dec 16, 2011
Eva Libre
if you want to delete comments in your scrapbook, click on the small gray cross in the top right of the comment. In your group does the same.
Dec 16, 2011
Eva Libre
City Night Scene Nord Pol
Happy New Year, Desmond ...
Peace, love, and joy for you and your family .....
Dec 30, 2011
leonardo martin
Apr 26, 2012
It's a great pleasure and honor to be your friend, Desmond.
I wish you the best.
Love and Peace for you and all Beings.
Apr 28, 2012
I can say exactly the same for you. Ypur presence on this site is a bliss.
Thank you for Beings who you are. I can say exactly the same for you. Your presence on this site is a bliss.
Thank you for Beings who you are.
Love and Peace for all Beings
Apr 28, 2012
Dr. Paresh Ch. Majumder
Hare-Krsna Hare-Krsna Krsna-Krsna Hare-Hare
Hare-Rama Hare-Rama Rama-Rama Hare-Hare-- = JOYOUS-CREATOR & All Creation universe-wide is for Joy without ignorance-evilness-violation. HE is in Everywhere to Everyone...........
Congratulations. Happy Gaur-KRSNA Jyonti and World Peace-Day including World Mental health Day + happiness of Deepwali and happy Merry Christmas- glorifying human rights everywhere with world Women's Day. Thanks to all you like. We are for all, All are for us to share what to do for us & for next generation, to reach our human goal. Friendship can do everything for rebuilding PEACE removing all ignorance +evilness all over the world. Friendship is a touch of hope to do the best for humankind. So come & share what can we do for humankind +environment & their rights improving their physical, mental & spiritual health based on "Total Health Solution". Thanks again for going ahead for mankind +PEACE more than heaven all over the world/universe. I'm a Humanist, Researcher, Writer & Physician supporting humankind +environment--share what can we do together for the same.... assuring 'Ageing & Health' of World Health Day....Please send your opinion if possible.
May 1, 2012
Eva Libre
Desmond. i found the video on vimeo. can not open your file. please right click on the video and copy embedded code.
now you can insert this code where you'd like.
Aug 6, 2012
Eva Libre
Desmond. Tell me where you want to post the video. a group .. discussion .. blog .. video section ..?
It is not so good when all contributions come from me, and the members see that no one is active ..
I will help you very much, but it would be nice you ask your (daughter ?) to explain the technique. It is very easy and then you're free to your creativities on the site and elsewhere.
How do you think about it .. ?
Aug 7, 2012
Eva Libre
Happy Birthday Desmond :) Best wishes !!!
Aug 22, 2012
leonardo martin
Oct 31, 2012
Floy Dy Ra
Welcome Desmond I appreciated your words on my poem "Question Yourself" very much. Thanks a lot!!! Be blessed.
Dec 1, 2012
Rosmarie Heusser
You're welcome Desmond!
Jan 17, 2013
Rosmarie Heusser
I am pleased to welcome You as friend, Desmond.
Mar 25, 2013
Rosmarie Heusser
'Golden Light Flow' - Dear Desmond, I admire your gift of being able to write down all these interesting poetry. - Thank You for your precious work! May the flow of inspirations never end. -
Apr 10, 2013
hi dez - yes i got it together this time
since i saw you both yesterday had a call from don - he has made contact via his computer work - with the manager of a care home in ottery - which is MILES - but he is up to driving there and doing the follow up to get everything arranged so hopefully he and i will be taking poetry and music (not live yet) but best we can manage in to the sitting room there at some time in the not too distant future
i am really pleased about this - all and any contact is a start and it can only grow!
went to a music gig last night on the river near teignmouth and the chap i went with performed some of his poetry - he was the only poet there so it was really exciting spot for him
spent a couple of hours with neighbour this morning who is overwhelmed with decorating problems
everywhere you look things are happening - people are feeling whatever they are feeling - all i can do is do my best to feel still inside and if anything come through then that is amazing - taking me a long long time to realise there is nothing i can do of any effect but much of effect can happen if i do nothing
great to see you and helen yesterday - loved the pasty - all love to you both annabel
Apr 17, 2013
David Rendle
Come, come, whoever you are.
Wonderer, worshipper, lover of leaving.
It doesn't matter.
Ours is not a caravan of despair.
Come, even if you have broken your vow
a thousand times
Come, yet again, come, come.
May 21, 2013
Brooke Lovestone
Brightest Blessings, Desmond!
May 28, 2013
David Rendle
Oh yes it certainly is one of Rumis and one of my absolute favourites. Went along to hear Charanand speak last night...it was such a wonderful evening...lovely to hear those words...lots of talk of Barcelona, from what I hear it was a fantastic event. I keep waking up laughing haha so ready for this day.
May 30, 2013
Rosmarie Heusser
Dear Friend, tell me when I am wrong, but I am missing your self-esteem in this two little sentences you posted in the group 'Peace Poetry'! -
Why do You believe that old stuff of dust and rust, knowing that You are a part of Spirit/God coming from the Light and returning once into it? -
It 's obviously worldwide a time of self-empowerment. One can observe it in the news, how X thousands of people are risking there lives every day in these battles between the old and new energy (thinking).
As it has been told, it is also the time now of finding and allowing to manifest our own light and colors. It can't be said enough: "You are beautiful! We all are really beautiful in our own ways - and we surely aren't dust and rust. -
I wish You an uplifting time :-)
Aug 8, 2013
Rosmarie Heusser
Yes,..nice words; I am reassured :-) thank You.
Aug 9, 2013
leonardo martin
Aug 14, 2013
_ / ♥ \ _
Aug 14, 2013
Rosmarie Heusser
A very lucky and sunny next year of your life to You, Desmond! -
May there shine more and more Lighthouses (I like that symbol) all over the world -
Aug 22, 2013
Rosmarie Heusser
Your welcome! Me too, I am striving to keep on 'shining through'..
Aug 23, 2013
David Rendle
Hey Des,
Have you seen/heard of any of these?
Sep 19, 2013
Hi, Desmond. Yes; I wrote the poem in Spanish, but I´ll do my best to translate it into English, or perhaps, i have already done it. I´ll search and see.
Jun 21, 2014
So good this video and the lyrics so suitable for our times...
Jun 21, 2014
Eva Libre
Hi Desmond, wish you a very happy birthday!
Best wishes, Eva.
Aug 22, 2014
Merci Desmond et joyeux anniversaire
Dec 9, 2015
Luna Arjuna
I wish you a happy Easter!
Mar 29, 2018
Eva Libre
Happy Birthday Desmond! The greeting comes a little late but he comes. I wish you much health, love, happiness, and everything that is so dear to you for your new year.
Aug 22, 2018
Eva Libre
Happy New Year Desmond !
Jan 1, 2019
Eva Libre
Have a nice day!
Aug 22, 2019
Carmen Elsa Irarragorri-Wyland
Welcome to the group "Science and New discoveries", Desmond!
Jan 16, 2020
Luna Arjuna
Dear Desmond, i wish you a lot of joy ~ today and always ~
and the LIGHTness of BEiNG ~
in the deep sense of being guided ~ forever ~ by LiGHT and LOVE.
Aug 22, 2020
Luna Arjuna
Aug 22, 2020
Rosmarie Heusser
∼ A wonderful ∼ healthy ∼ lucky ∼ beautifully inspired Continuation Time to You, Desmond!∼ ∼ ∼
Aug 22, 2020
Eva Libre
All the best, even today, for your birthday, dear Desmond. Hopefully you had celebrated a nice day in the circle of your family. Wish you much love, peace and health in your future life...time..
Much love, eva
Aug 24, 2020
Eva Libre
Jan 4, 2021
Eva Libre
Mar 1, 2021
Eva Libre
hi Desmond, its your birthday... wishing you a healthy, happy and peaceful new year of life...
much love, eva
Aug 22, 2021
Eva Libre
Aug 22, 2021
Luna Arjuna
Happy Birthday !
Aug 22, 2021
Nada Jung
Thank you for being born and blessing our world. Happy birthday, dear friend.
Aug 23, 2021
Nada Jung
hi Desmond, a masterpiece, if you have time and interest:
Nov 19, 2021
Eva Libre
may you find joy and peace in celebrating the beginning of Advent ... dear Desmond ...
Nov 27, 2021
Nada Jung
Hello Desmond,
It's hot, I'm tired and I'm living my life without internet. Enjoy the relaxing rest of summer days until we read something from each other again....
Aug 18, 2022
John Savlove
with thanks
Jan 11, 2023
Eva Libre
God Save The King
May 7, 2023