Richard L


Albuquerque, NM

United States

Profile Information:

Why You want Peace:
I want peace for the whole world so that ET's from through out the universe can have no trouble visiting us when they arrive building a embassy for them should be no problem for a world that has given up on violence all together.
What is your purpose to joining Peace For The Soul:
To make friends and expand on my friend's network online.I'd also like to spread unconditional love and service to others anyway I can.
About Me:
I'am a believer in aliens and UFO's.I'am also a single white male who lives alone but I like animals such as dogs and cats.I'am also a believer in the environment and protecting it.I like movies and new age classical music.I also like being online and conversing with others..
Interests and activities:
Most of what I've already told you about me can be found in the section of about me.

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  • Angela Menyes

    Thank you very much for the birthday wish! Best wishes for your every days! :)

  • Eva Fidjeland

    Thank you so much, Richard. Merry Christmas.

  • Brenda Tenerelli

     Thank you so much> <3