Practicing forgiveness lightens our load

Practicing forgiveness lightens our load. It is not a matter of right or wrong. Simply acknowledge the trauma associated with our hurts, and release them. You have to try many times before you get some traction. Usually forgiveness is a solo activity. It is not placing blame. It doesn’t mean that the other person is “right” and we are “wrong.” It merely means letting go of the hurt. In that spirit we are forgiving the other person, and forgiving ourself. This allows us to grow and move on. It lightens our load. Recognized that holding on to past trauma can fester and hold us back, is in itself healing. The most healed living human being on the planet is His Holiness the Dalai Lama. He is the best living example of unconditional love and compassion. He is the purest living human being, and maybe a Buddha, who is always compassionate towards everyone, including the Chinese Gulag guards torturing and killing his people. He doesn’t even harm a mosquito! Emaho!

  Barry Kerzin