Mother Nature and disability

Here I would like to create a place for people with physical or mental problems. People who have the will and Courage to tell about themselves

a poem for all ~ Heartfelt Thoughts ~

~ Heartfelt Thoughts ~

We came from love and we are going to love
On the journey of life we will encounter sorrow
suffering , pain , loss
But we don't want to make them our friends
Because the heart wants to be free
to love, to enjoy, to feel gratitude
to feel thankful for life itself
on whatever terms it is given to us
each day that we have it
We don't own life, it has always been a gift
We see in the end we don't own anything or anybody
They just pass through our lives
The big things we don't control
only the piddly little things
Human creatures being humbled by life
Our heart is our best friend
Because it is the source of joy, of love, appreciation
of hope that we can find our way back home
into the love where we came from

~ Janice Wilson

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    Kerrin Charles Muir

    Thank you Janice, For this chalice, But don't forget, That as a soul, You have power to get, I mean majic, that is your power, to set up your learning event.

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      Béatrice LATEUR LACROIX

      I do love your poem, Janice.
      Touched directly in the heart !!!

      Love and Peace for you and all Beings
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        janice wilson

        thank you

        this was written after my mother in law passed

        about 10 years ago now
