Thought for today...

Creator Whispers to Us...

Those that no not where, how and when to listen, never know what blessings are being told to Self...

This place is my fence, and I am the Owl...those that know not just pass by and only hear me question Who...Who...but...those that listen, hear you, you...come and be a part of His Creation we all are living...


Thought for today...


Thought for today…

2 Chronicles 7:14

if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. NIV

I find myself sitting next to a tree…how much better could it be…just me and this amazing tree…

Some will go out this day and have no idea of what this day is holding for them…but…

Not me…I'm sitting next to this tree…

Others will go through this day and never think of the wonders and beauty that this day holds, nor will they share in this amazing day and the natural wonders of another day on Mother Earth…

So today, take the time to stop and smell the flowers, look and see the birds, take the time and give thanks to Creator for All Things…and…

If you wonder where I am…I'm still sitting by this old tree, and we are content sharing this day with me looking at it and it just standing tall and covering me, for it is hot and it is not as bad knowing how much cooler it is as this place I sit next to this tree… is covering and protecting me…all I can say this day is…Wow…thank you for always standing tall and protecting me…I love you and yes…I love this tree…blessings always, until we share once more…

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    Rosmarie Heusser

    Joining You under the old tree.., I thank You for Your beautiful, profound texts. 

