Today…4/24/2019 So here we are another day in our journey…Have we gained the wisdom that will assure self that we know how to live this day for the most part…As we all know…Creator is the beginning and we are the result along with All Things…One question I still have is not of Him,nor is it…
Today…4/17/2019 Father…I give you all that I hold within Self, some good, some not so good…Self is in need of You always, and in knowing this truth, I admit falling short of Your desire for me…Father…It is not just a passing thought that I come daily for Your guidance, this is a true desire to live…
Today…4/14/2019 Today was a good day to spend prayingand pondering what is awaiting when we do get called Home…I know that I need to spend twice as much time prayingas I do playing,for this lifeIs but a drop of rainthat takes a life time to falland join the other drops before usin the oceans of…
Today…4/13/2019 When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice. Cherokee The Nations had the wisdom to teach,to guide,to learn,to listen,to loveand care for Creatorand Mother and all things created…But…as did Jesus die,so… only looks dark awhile...then the sun rises and you see the new...blessings always
7/5/2018Thought for today…Psalm 33:12Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance.NIV We are a chosen people…those that know Him…have the blessings of the Highest of High…the leader of Nations, the Father of Life itself and the last say when it is my last…
7/4/2018Thought for today…Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, And Your dominion endures throughout all generations. Psalms 145:13 When we find our way, when we find that all is as it has been promised, we find much comfort in this truth. As we move forward on our daily journey down the Red…
Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16 Grandfather taught me that with many things we must first acknowledge them and get familiar with the idea we hold within self first, then we are to…
5/4/2018Thought for today…2 Chronicles 7:14if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. NIVI find myself sitting next to a tree…how much…
4/26/2018Thought for today…Hebrews 7:25Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. NIV The Old One's have always been our voice of reason and learning what was and all the way to today…We have only one that knows if today…
Creator Whispers to Us...
Those that no not where, how and when to listen, never know what blessings are being told to Self...
This place is my fence, and I am the Owl...those that know not just pass by and only hear me question Who...Who...but...those that listen, hear you, you...come and be a part of His Creation we all are living...