Creator Whispers to Us...
Those that no not where, how and when to listen, never know what blessings are being told to Self...
This place is my fence, and I am the Owl...those that know not just pass by and only hear me question Who...Who...but...those that listen, hear you, you...come and be a part of His Creation we all are living...
When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice. Cherokee
The Nations had the wisdom to teach,
to guide,
to learn,
to listen,
to love
and care for Creator
and Mother and all things created…
as did Jesus die,
so too did many of our people…
for Jesus, it was planned for a reason
that only Grandfather tells in His words passed down through time…
For our people,
so too do we have One that knows
all of the good and evils brought too and against our people…
but the end result was and is the same…
He lives…
and so too did our people live to serve another day…
the old one's can tell of these things of long ago…
yet the young can tell of what may come…
spend time and ponder this…
much truth and wisdom is shared for us all to live and see and do…
Blessings always, until we share once more…
Ramsai Karri
Apr 13, 2019