Creator Whispers to Us...
Those that no not where, how and when to listen, never know what blessings are being told to Self...
This place is my fence, and I am the Owl...those that know not just pass by and only hear me question Who...Who...but...those that listen, hear you, you...come and be a part of His Creation we all are living...
I give you all that I hold within Self, some good, some not so good…
Self is in need of You always, and in knowing this truth, I admit falling short of Your desire for me…
It is not just a passing thought that I come daily for Your guidance, this is a true desire to live the life, and be the true person I should be, yet I fall short daily…
Forgive me Father for I have sinned, allow me to makes these things as they should be, help me in my walk this day, allow me to repair my wrongs done…most of All, allow me to show You that even when doing something that is not of Your Will or teaching, allow me to be responsible enough so as to admit what is not good, and allow me to repair this so as to accept my sinful nature, and hold this closest to Self, so that I may show You and all that it is possible for self to wright a wrong, it will never go away, but it will also not cause another to fall short if only they pay attention to those that have fallen short as have I…forgive me Father, allow this to flow into the heavens and be the seed that will make self better and more able to be used for the good…
I ask this today, in Your mighty name…Father, may this be done if it is Your will this day, in Jesus Christ, do I humbly ask this be done…Amen
Blessings always, until we share once more…
Ramsai Karri
Joseph EagleBear Verrett, Thank You for the PRAYER!
Apr 17, 2019