a story forwarded with slight modification. nrparwaniA story is told about a soldier who was finally coming home after having fought in Vietnam. He called his parents from San Francisco. “Mom and Dad, I’m coming home, but I’ve a favor to ask. I have a friend I’d like to bring home with me. “Sure,”…
"In Washington DC , at a Metro Station, on a cold January morning in 2007, a man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, approximately 2000 people went…
How many of you came to a point in your life, where you felt like you stood at a crossroads, a junction, a T-junction, and just didn't know where to go?Did you stand there wondering which direction should you take? Did you stand there thinking and thinking and thinking about all the possibilities…
How many of you ever came to a point in your lives where you just had enough? You had enough of this constant struggle of living, this ongoing pain that never leaves you, the fear of not knowing anything for certain about how to make your lives better and no one seems to have the final word about…
Grandfather, told me once...always listen close to your spirit, because you will hear a voice saying follow me.I have in later years thought of this, and I have tried most of those years to do what I was told me from grandfather, he was very wise and he was very faithful to Creator, and for this I…
What a wonderful day to allow Self to stand aside and allow our love and care to reach out and flow as the waters of the great rivers to Others...You may ask the question Why?...and my question in return is Why Not?May all be blessed this day and know I love All that will allow me too and even…
As a child growing, I had many questions...As a young man, I had many more questions...As a father of my children, I had to find and answer many questions...As a grandfather of my children's, children, I had to grow in true understanding and knowledge of life and purpose and direction of my path…
(image: Zen painting of Hakuin). Hakuin, the fiery and intensely dynamic Zen master, was once visited by a samurai warrior. “I want to know about heaven and hell,” said the samurai. “Do they really exist?” he asked Hakuin. Hakuin looked at the soldier and asked, “Who are you?” “I am a samurai,”…
If you have experienced an incredible story or incident connected with our lineage or practice, or Your private life, if you have something incredible to tell which you would like to share with other practitioners, do it here!