81 Verses of Tao Te Ching

I have personally been studying the 81 Verses of the Tao Te Ching since August 2007, choosing to gain a broader perspective by reading different versions by a diversity of authors.

In this group is an Index of links for each verse that will take you to any verse you wish to explore.

Members of this group are welcome to add their own favorites or comment upon those versions shared by me.

I have also included biographies for each of the various authors I have selected.

I recommend to you also the other Daoist/Taoist group here at PFTS, where you may gain an even broader perspective on Taoist thinking.

I have personally found studying these ancient 81 verses quite satisfying. I hope to write my own version of the Tao Te Ching from a naturalist/mystic's perspective someday.

It has been a joy to share the Tao Te Ching with you here. I have a deep appreciation of it's wisdom.

Deep Bows to ALL

who travel the Way -


Deborah Hart Yemm

  • Verse 46 - Living Peacefully

    46th Verse When the world has the Way,running horses are retired to till the fields.When the world lacks the Way,warhorses are bred in the countryside. There is no greater loss than losing the Tao, no greater curse than covetousness,no greater tragedy than discontentment;the worst of faults is…

    By Eva Libre

  • Verse 45 - Living Beyond Superficialities

    45th Verse The greatest perfection seems imperfect,and yet its use is inexhaustible.The greatest fullness seems empty,and yet its use is endless. Great straightness seems twisted. Great intelligence seems stupid.Great eloquence seems awkward.Great truth seems false. Great discussion seems…

    By Eva Libre

  • Verse 44 - Living by Knowing When to Stop

    44th Verse Which means more to you,you or your renown ?Which brings more to you,you or what you own ? I say what you gainis more trouble than what you lose. Love is the fruit of sacrifice.Wealth is the fruit of generosity. A contented man is never disappointed.He who knows when to stop is preserved…

    By Eva Libre

  • Verse 43 - Living Softly

    43rd Verse The softest of all thingsoverrides the hardest of all things.That without substance enters where there is no space.Hence I know the value of nonaction. Teaching without words,performing without actions --few in the world can grasp it --that is the master's way.Rare indeed are thosewho…

    By Eva Libre

  • Verse 42 - Living By Melting into Harmony

    42nd Verse The Tao gave birth to one.One gave birth to two.Two gave birth to three.And three begat the 10,000 things.The 10,000 things carry yin and embrace yang;they achieve harmony by combining these forces.People suffer at the thought of beingwithout parents, without food, or without worth.Yet…

    By Eva Libre

  • Verse 41 - Living Beyond Appearances

    41st Verse A great scholar hears of the Taoand begins diligent practice.A middling scholar hears of the Taoand retains some and loses some.An inferior scholar hears of the Taoand roars with ridicule.Without that laugh, it would not be the Tao.So there are constructive sayings on this:The way of…

    By Eva Libre

  • Verse 40 - Living by Returning and Yielding

    40th Verse Returning is the motion of the Tao.Yielding is the way of the Tao.The 10,000 things are born of being.Being is born of nonbeing.  Contemplation/Meditation Verse I bow to the all-creating power         from which I came,and to which I am returning.                     Do The Tao…

    By Eva Libre

  • Verse 39 - Living Wholeness

    39th Verse These things from ancient times arise from one:The sky is whole and clear.The earth is whole and firm.The spirit is whole and full.The 10,000 things are whole, and the country is upright.All these are in virtue of wholeness. When man interferes with the Tao, the sky becomes filthy,the…

    By Eva Libre

  • Verse 34 - Living the Great Way

    34th Verse The Great Way is universal;it can apply to the left or the right.All beings depend on it for life; even so, it does not take possession of them. It accomplishes its purpose,but makes no claim for itself. It covers all creatures like the sky,but does not dominate them. All things return…

    By Eva Libre

  • Verse 38 - Living Within Your Own Nature

    38th Verse A truly good man is not aware of his goodnessand is therefore good.A foolish man tries to be goodand is therefore not good. The master does nothing, yet he leaves nothing undone.The ordinary man is always doing things, yet many more are left to be done. The highest virtue is to act…

    By Eva Libre
