81 Verses of Tao Te Ching

I have personally been studying the 81 Verses of the Tao Te Ching since August 2007, choosing to gain a broader perspective by reading different versions by a diversity of authors.

In this group is an Index of links for each verse that will take you to any verse you wish to explore.

Members of this group are welcome to add their own favorites or comment upon those versions shared by me.

I have also included biographies for each of the various authors I have selected.

I recommend to you also the other Daoist/Taoist group here at PFTS, where you may gain an even broader perspective on Taoist thinking.

I have personally found studying these ancient 81 verses quite satisfying. I hope to write my own version of the Tao Te Ching from a naturalist/mystic's perspective someday.

It has been a joy to share the Tao Te Ching with you here. I have a deep appreciation of it's wisdom.

Deep Bows to ALL

who travel the Way -


Deborah Hart Yemm

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  • janice wilson

    wonderful group , sharing you have made

  • Eva Libre

    Happy to see you joining us, Janice, and all, in this study of very ancient wisdom that resonates as cleanly today, as it did so long ago . .

  • Rosmarie Heusser

    ∼ Thank You, Eva for the invitation to join this group ∼

    There is so much to read here that I feel quite overwhelmed!

    I also studied the Tao Te Ching a bit many years ago...