Irit Hakim-Keller


Rishon le Zion


Profile Information:

What is your purpose to joining Peace For The Soul:
to share with others, to get inspired by others wisdom and good heart
About Me:
live in Israel
I am an artist, working the clay - a ceramist , teaching and creating
A mother to two, grandmum to two
Interests and activities:
advocating to women's rights, to human rights and to peace.
My Website

Comment Wall:

  • Paula

    Shalom, Irit,
    How nice to see you here too! Let us hope this site may continue and let's give Eva all our support.

  • Paula

    Pink Ribbon
  • Paula

    Thank you, Irit. Yours too!
  • Eva Libre

    Hi Irit, have a sweet Sunday all lot of peace, friendship and love in your heart.

  • Eva Libre

    Sending Loving Thoughts!

  • Eva Libre

    Happy Earth Day!

  • fathi tobail

    how are you dear Irit
  • Eva Libre

    Sorry for my long absence Irit...!

  • Eva Libre

    “Giving love to all, feeling the love of God, seeing His presence in everyone . . . .
    that is the way to live in this world.”

    - Parahamansa Yogananda

  • rose

  • Jane Young

    Hi Irit
    Good to find you here too :) I've just joined and will spend some time later adding to my page etc.
    Love, hugs and blessings
    Janey xxx
  • Lothar Seifert

    Hello Irit,

    You have beautiful photos.
    Best regards from Lothar

  • jay Ramos

  • Jane Young

    Looking forward to hearing about the workshop.
    Happy Midsummer to you dearest Irit.
    Love, hugs and blessings
    Janey xxxx
  • jay Ramos

    thank you.
  • Steve Westwood

    Thank you !!1...and may your day be peaceful too!!..has all days should be...xx
  • Eva Libre

    Wishing you a year filled with happiness and bliss.

    Happy Birthday! :)

    "Let your love flow outward through the universe,
    To its height, its depth, its broad extent,
    A limitless love, without hatred or enmity.
    Then, as you stand or walk,
    Sit or lie down,
    As long as you are awake,
    Strive for this with a one-pointed mind;
    Your life will bring heaven to earth."

    ~ The Sutta Nipata ~

  • Eva Libre

    Happy Birthday!
  • Paula

    Happy Birthday, dear Irit!

  • Paula

    Pink Ribbon
  • Paula