



Profile Information:

What is your purpose to joining Peace For The Soul:
Peace for the Soul
About Me:
I'm yoga practiseid
Interests and activities:
Yoga, Buddhism, God, spirituel life

Comment Wall:

  • Eva Libre

    Welcome to Peace for the Soul !

    The message in this place of peace is clear ~ share your peace & let it grow & flourish!

    And, with this in mind, please embrace the philosophy behind this movement and share your passion for peace by reaching out and inviting your friends.

    Paz ~ Paix ~ Peace

  • Krishna Jaya

    Namaste Katja,

    Welcome to this site and thank you for joining Gita group.

    Questions, comments and/or submissions of all kinds are always appreciated.

    Bright Blessings,

    Krishna Jaya

  • Eva Libre

    Welcome my new friend. Sending a gift of light to You ...
  • Eva Libre

    Thanks for your warm support, dear Katja !♥!

  • Nada Jung


  • Luna Arjuna


  • Brooke Lovestone


  • Brooke Lovestone

    Brightest Blessings, Katja!

  • Brooke Lovestone

    Yellow Ribbon
  • Rosmarie Heusser

    Teatime at night

  • Rosmarie Heusser


    - Have a good Time!

  • Rosmarie Heusser

    Vielen Dank für das schöne Bild! - ..und bis zur nächsten 'Teatime'. 

  • Rosmarie Heusser

  • Rosmarie Heusser


  • Rosmarie Heusser

    You're welcome and...Herzlichen Dank for that beautiful video! - 

  • Rosmarie Heusser

    The same to You, Katja :-)

  • Rosmarie Heusser

    If You would like to see the movie "La belle Verte" ("The green beautiful") in German, Danielle sent me the link:  http://youtu.be/mb6uhCd9FL0   

  • Rosmarie Heusser

    Dear Katja, many Thanks to You too for the nice picture! - Do You know where it is?  

  • Rosmarie Heusser

    I liked to see the videos of Arnaud Desjardins. Thanks, Katja for that link.

  • Anagob 1

  • Rosmarie Heusser

    Dear Katja, I wish You a joyful and wonderful next year of your life! :-)                                

    Japanese Tea ceremony  

  • Eva Libre

    May the journey of your life
    Be fragrant with new opportunities,
    Your days be bright
    With new hopes and your heart
    Be happy with love!
    Happy Birthday dear Katja!

  • Rosmarie Heusser

    Danke gleichfalls  .. auch dir eine ruhige Adventszeit! - Zum Glück bin ich selber nicht in Hektik.


  • Rosmarie Heusser

    You're welcome! - Many Thanks for that beautiful picture; I like it very much. - 

  • Rosmarie Heusser

    Dear Katja, I first got to know Brother David by the video: "Every moment is a Gift", which Krishna Jaya once shared on my page. - You find it on my 'comment wall' or on 'discussions' and the Home Forum.

    Friendly Greetings

  • Rosmarie Heusser

    Dear Katja, fortunately I don't feel something dark in the air. - Since the year 2000, when I began to read the messages of Kryon, I am optimistic again. It gave me new hope and motivation. Here is the link, where You can find many important, precious informations about "the bigger picture", how things work, about the old and new world and what is going on now, and above all that the potential is Peace on Earth :-)  It may take several generations, but Peace will come. - I never felt any doubt about the truth of these messages, coming from the other side of "the veil". (I have two big, heavy folders yet..): 

    http://www.kryon.com/k_25.html  - I wish You a lucky - sunny time! - 

  • Rosmarie Heusser

    Many Thanks for this beautiful flower-blossom! _()_ 

  • Stephen Quinto

    Dear, dear Katja... 

    it must be that I love all the Katjas in the world ...because the two I know now ...are two of those who make life that much more wonderful - thanks you for your generous spirit ...it sings so sweetly.

  • Stephen Quinto

    yes, my dear Karja... dear friend, the mirror will show you the way - it is full of Love ...the 'way' ...yes

  • Rosmarie Heusser

    Wie schnell doch ein Jahr vergeht! - Ich wünsche dir eine glückliche Zeit. - 

    Herzliche Geburtstagsgrüsse aus der Schweiz 

    (Das Mandala heisst: "Rubinroter Strahl der Gnade und Liebe" von Ruth-Cassandra Maurer)

  • Rosmarie Heusser

    - Gerne -..und dir vielen Dank für das wunderschöne Bild -
    Have a good week!

  • Dr. Sohiniben Shukla

  • Mody Ibrahem

    hope you are well and wish we can  talk soon :)

    peace , love from Egypt .

  • Mody Ibrahem

    hello  Katja ,

    wish you good Friday and nice evening dear , 

    hugs from  Egypt ..

  • Nada Jung

    Herzliche Grüsse zu deinem Geburtstag. Möge Green Tara über dich wachen.

  • Eva Libre

    Happy Birthday, and many, many more! May you have a wonderful day.

    A friend of Peace

  • Eva Libre

    Happy New Year dear Katja !

  • Eva Libre

    Das ist ja eine wunderschöne Überraschung, dein Besuch hier, liebe Katja! Du kannst dir nicht vorstellen, wie ich mich darüber freue. Hast du Valentine mit viel Schokolade, Familie, oder Freunden verbracht? Ich habe eine ganze Packung vernascht, dabei esse ich fast nie Süsses.

    Wünsche dir eine erholsame, gute Nacht!

  • Nas Williams

    Good day,

    How is everything with you, my name is Nas William, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and
    demand it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very important to disclose to you concerning your surname
    that's to say your last name .since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on:(naswilliam1@gmail.com) for more



  • Richard Levison

    "Happy Birthday!"

  • Eva Libre

    Panting by Victor Nizovtsev

    Happy Birthday dear Katja!

  • Richard L

    "Happy Birthday!"

  • Eva Libre

    Herzliche Grüsse zum Geburtstag Katja !