Carla Shepherd


Austin, TX

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Eva Libre


    Welcome to „Peace for the Soul“ Carla!

    Sunshine is a welcome thing. It brings a lot of brightness.
    * * * * *

    Please feel free to explore and enjoy our website.

    Your ideas and contributions will be welcomed.





    Happy to know a nexw Peacemaker : You !
    Welcome to our site.
    Love and Peace for you and all Beings.
  • Motorcycle Hippy Al

    Carla, to

    "Peace for the Soul"

    "So Let's Make a Difference for You & Yours & Everyone" and

    "Happy Trails" & "Happy PeaceMakering"

  • Motorcycle Hippy Al

    "Thank You" for the

    gift, as I Love

    Carla, I don't participate in the Give a Gift program, but I appreciate Your gift.

    "Happy Trails" Peace and


    Thank you for the marvelous dove gift !
    I wish you a marvelous day .
    Love and Peace for you and all Beings.

  • Mody Ibrahem

    just little ribbon to show some love to you .
    be safe, be loved always..
  • Mody Ibrahem

    with love ,peace..
  • Mody Ibrahem

  • Sanjeev Rai

    Red Ribbon
  • Eva Libre

    Wishing you a year filled with happiness and bliss.

    Happy Birthday Carla ! :)

    "Let your love flow outward through the universe,
    To its height, its depth, its broad extent,
    A limitless love, without hatred or enmity.
    Then, as you stand or walk,
    Sit or lie down,
    As long as you are awake,
    Strive for this with a one-pointed mind;
    Your life will bring heaven to earth."

    ~ The Sutta Nipata ~


  • Eva Libre

    Happy Birthday !

    May this year which begins for you today offers you even more than you hope and imagine.
    Love and Peace for you, dear Peacemaker, and for all Beings.
  • Eva Libre


    Many Happy Returns of your natal day.





  • Nada Jung


    It's your birthday !


    Enjoy the celebrations.


  • Anagob 1


    Happy birthday dear Carla!

    May this year which begins for you offers you even more than you hope and imagine.

    Love and Peace for all Beings.

  • Nada Jung

    Happy Birthday dear Carla! Hope you have a wonderful day.

  • Eva Libre

    2. Advent Blessings!

    And a wonderful Birthday!

  • Eva Libre

    Happy New Year dear friend !

  • Richard Levison

    "Happy Birthday!"

  • Luna Arjuna

    Sending you loving waves of light and bliss


    and a  generous wish


     for a most joy~full day.


    Namaste & many blessings, are now sent your way

  • Richard L

    "Happy Birthday!"

  • Richard L

    "Happy Birthday!"

  • Eva Libre

    Hi Carla,

    its your birthday! Wish you all the best, above all, much health!

    Haven't seen you for a long time... Hope your doing well ?!

    Have a nice day... Happy happy Birthday!

    Much love, Eva