Irit Hakim-Keller


Rishon le Zion


Profile Information:

What is your purpose to joining Peace For The Soul:
to share with others, to get inspired by others wisdom and good heart
About Me:
live in Israel
I am an artist, working the clay - a ceramist , teaching and creating
A mother to two, grandmum to two
Interests and activities:
advocating to women's rights, to human rights and to peace.
My Website

Comment Wall:

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  • Qais M. Yousef

    Peace is love, when you work for the peace you work for the love, Love The Peace.
    in the soul of the peace you will see the love, Peace For The Soul.

    Peace, Love

    And remember that Arabs and Jewish are cousins, that why I said My cousin on my comments.

    Blessings, Qais

  • Paula

    Thank you, Irit, we're all doing fine, and you? Have a wonderful week. S

  • Paula

  • Qais M. Yousef

    السلام عليكم عيريت ، שלום עליכם אירית,
    بارك الله فيك. אלוהים יברך אותך.

    Peace be upon you Irit,
    God Bless you.
  • jay Ramos

    Red Ribbon
  • Paula

  • Paula

    Lots of love, dear Irit.

  • jay Ramos

  • jay Ramos

    hello,,, good evening. thanks for adding me. take care and god bless you all....regards.
  • anna-trix

    thank you irit

    i wish you to a wonderful new year. From switzerland
    love and light
  • RAshad

    yes you are right and you know they are mad on NGO's how selfish and stupid.
  • RAshad

    yes we do, glad to see you here. Regards, love and peace.
  • Qais M. Yousef

  • Qais M. Yousef

    You are almost welcome Irit,
    I actually don't know, but you can find it here

    Much love, Peace and happiness for you
    and happy Sukkot too.

  • Serene

    Enjoy the falling leaves. Thanks.
  • jay Ramos

    good morning sister. how are you now? take care and god bless.
    Flowers Comments

  • jay Ramos

  • Uriel

    תהיתי לי אם את קשורה למשפחת קלר,
    אמיתי קלר היה איתי בכיתה....
    איפה את גרה כיום?
  • Uriel

    אמיתי הוא הבן של רחלי, אשתו של יוסי קלר ז"ל.


  • Lothar Seifert

    Merry Christmas

  • Pia Rasmussen

    Thank you for your nice comment on my pictures :)
  • Florence Hutchison

    hello Dear Irit!  i'm here new member   with your help   noticed  the information on FB

    and it's so  wonderful to discover so much épeople envolved in all these  beautiful  mouvements and sharing  peace, love and arts  and  so  very  much thanks  I hope  you will add  my inviation and  fin^d  you  as friend too here   With all my    beautiful thoughts t a very  dear one  I'm so honored  to   get friendship  with a  beautiful hearted person as  you   Florence

  • tim max

    thanks  you are very  kind  ,  kisses   tim
  • tim max

    please  i  woud  like ,  to  listen  your  music   folclore   from  your  country   !!!  thanks 
  • tim max

    wonderful  this  picutures
  • Florence Hutchison

    Yellow like the sun to bring you warmness
  • tim max

    ok  very pleasure  see  againa  ,kisses  tim
  • Eddie Two Hawks

    Safe Sailing

  • Eva Libre


    Happy Birthday !


    Count your life by smiles, not tears.

    Count your age by friends, not years.

    May each and every passing year bring you wisdom, peace and cheer.


    Many Blessings of Peace, Love, Joy and Abundance to you dear Irit.


  • Nada Jung

    .... hi Irit..., my pleasure to be your friend.


    Best to You,




  • Uriel

    Hey, Just living and teaching, you know, the usual ;-)

  • Samuel Rodriguez

  • leonardo martin


    cotizaciones de Prem Rawat - Maharaji


    Happy birthday dear Irit!

    May this year which begins for you offers you even more than you hope and imagine.

    Love and Peace for all Beings.

  • Eva Libre

    wish you a lovely day Irit .., happy birthday !

  • Ramesh M. Shani

  • Ramesh M. Shani

  • Vish

    Hope lovely surprises are coming your way
    To make your Birthday a wonderful day
    Wishing you a Happy B’day Dear Irit Hakim-Keller!

    Sending Birthday Wishes, n a lot of Happiness ✫*¨*✶✿ܓ

  • Vish

  • Vish

  • Vish

  • Vish

  • Nada Jung

    why you stay here?


    Personally I prefer life in reality ...

    all the best for your future...

  • rayan rayan rayan rayan

    thank you Irit , 

    So , what the zionist movement is ?

    is it national movement ?

    is represent a nation?

    is represent a religion ?

    what is it if it  is not a coalition of capitalists ?

    who stole our land , build  houses and sale it to settlers ?

    how much money  this robery equal ?

    where are the money go?

    what is name of this if it not the colonialism itself? ! 

    please be more rational irit ?

     with respect rayan 

  • Eva Libre

    Happy Birthday Irit! Hope you have a beautiful day. I often think of you, and read all your posts on FB, if they are in Hebrew I translate them. But here everything is in silence - why is it so sad here?

    A warm hug, Eva

  • Eva Libre

    Happy New Year dear friend !

  • Richard Levison

    "Happy Birthday!"

  • Eva Annemarie

    Happy Birthday, dear Irit!

  • Richard L

    "Happy Birthday!"

  • Eva Libre

    Wish you a happy and healthy Birthday...