Celicia Theys




Profile Information:

Why You want Peace:
I want peace because it is the natural, beautiful state of all living and non-living beings. Peace understood not as the absence of tension or conflict, but rather as the soul's tranquility which enables us to truly welcome every situation presented to us and keep growing, growing, growing from everything the Universe sends our way. I want peace so that people may connect to themselves and others, receive and give the simple joys of sharing our common humanity, every day.
What is your purpose to joining Peace For The Soul:
To share with like-hearted human beings, connect to the countless others committed to live, love, and learn peace, together. To learn and to grow.
About Me:
I have a passion for the human diversity and commonality, for travels, for the arts (theater in particular) as tools for personal and societal transformation. I love :) !
Interests and activities:
Theater as a tool for social change, conflict exploration through creative means, holding spaces for encounter (of self, and with others), co-creating and writing new narratives for a peaceful and open society.

Comment Wall:

  • Eva Libre

    Welcome to Peace for the Soul, Celicia!
    peace & metta,
  • Nada Jung

    Welcome Celicia !

    Thank you for joining Peace For The Soul. We hope that you'll find your experience here valuable, enriching and effective.

    Please feel free to start a forum discussion or even group about the topics and issues that are close to your heart. You can blog, post media and chat with your friends here. You, and your peace, are the stars here.

    Nada and the team of Peace For The Soul

  • Florence Hutchison

    Welcome chère Célicia! Si heureuse que tu ai accepté mon invitation à joindre ce groupe merveilleux!
  • Mody Ibrahem


  • Mody Ibrahem

  • Luna Arjuna

    Wishing you a wonderful birthday, and many happy returns!

    Love, and blessings, Luna

  • Richard Levison

    "Happy Birthday!"

  • Eva Libre

    Happy Birthday Celicia!

  • Nas Williams

    Good day,

    How is everything with you, my name is Nas William, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and
    demand it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very important to disclose to you concerning your surname
    that's to say your last name .since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on:(naswilliam1@gmail.com) for more



  • Luna Arjuna

    Sending you loving waves of light and bliss


    and a  generous wish


     for a most joy~full day.


    Namaste & many blessings, are now sent your way

  • Richard L

    "Happy Birthday!"