“Through our eyes, the Universe is perceiving itself..." ~ Alan WattsThe Universe is who we are. Every photon streaming to Earth from the sun, every pebble on every beach. The light of distant galaxies,…
"How can we become free from the soulless monster of materialism and its child, consumerism, and instead create a civilization that values all of creation, one that supports…
Stephen Harrod Buhner passed away on December 8, 2022. Rest in Peace ((brother)) …
IT IS TIMEWe cannot fix the planet. We cannot save the oceans.We can only allow nature to reveal its own innate intelligence, logic, interconnections and regenerative cycles, teaching us how to respect it as ourselves.We are nature. There is nothing to fix. There is only tuning into our own…
This video has been posted before, but I think it is worth to see and hear it again❣️ I deeply love it.
How Ecuador’s rainforests are protected by indigineous communities
Sadly, we just learned that Alan Charlton passed away unexpectedly a few days ago. He was generous, kind and wise. This was one of his favorite poems, by Lindsay…
"Ecological Consciousness is caring about the Earth as family, connecting with Nature consciously, respecting Mother Nature's laws, knowing that YOU are Nature. We all are."