Ecological Consciousness

"Ecological Consciousness is caring about the Earth as family, connecting with Nature consciously, respecting Mother Nature's laws, knowing that YOU are Nature. We all are."

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  • Nada Jung

    Feel yourself being
    quietly drawn by
    the deeper pull of
    what you truly love.
    ~ Rumi

  • Nada Jung

    “You are in relationships with the external world that are, on the whole, incredibly harmonious. But we have this rather myopic way of looking at things. And we screen out from attention anything that is not immediately important to a scanning system based on sensing danger.”

    ~ Alan Watts

    “We are all floating in a tremendous river and the river carries you along. Some of the people in the river are swimming against the current, but they are still being carried along. Others have learned that the art of the thing is to swim with it. You have to flow with the river. There is no other way. You can swim against it, and pretend not to be flowing with it. But you still flow with the river.”

    Swimming Headless

    “When you know that you have to go with the river, suddenly you acquire—behind everything that you do—the power of the river.”

    “You hear the sound of water… And that’s quite as important as anything I’ve got to say.”

    ~ Ecological Awareness (audio)

  • Nada Jung