Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers

Shefqet Avdush Emini
  • Male
  • Arnhem
  • Netherlands
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Shefqet Avdush Emini's Friends

  • marek wysoczynski
  • Dr. Paresh Ch. Majumder
  • leonardo martin
  • Nada Jung
  • Ronit Afek
  • Dr. Ravindra Kumar
  • Florence Hutchison
  • Samuel Rodriguez
  • Kris Kavanagh
  • ahmed hassan
  • Patricia Araya
  • Rattan kumar
  • Carla Shepherd
  • Heimo Grimm

Welcome to Shefqet Avdush Emini!

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Why You want Peace:
peace is beste for evryone
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Shefqet Avdush Emini's Biography,CV,Publications


Tani atje mbizotron gjelozia primitive !
Nu dojn askend perveq vetvetes !
Egoizmi kishte kaluar qdo mase !
Per fat te keq , ishte renqetherse ! 
Endrrat dhe dashuria per vendelindje eshte zhdukur!...
Ishte zhdukur ndjenja humane!
Kishte humbur ndergjegjeja, ska mbetur me krenari! 
Aty vrejta vetem kafshet qe nuk kishin ndryshuar!
Kafshet qe po e ruajshin identitetin me besnikri !
Dhash respekt per to dhe mbetem me nje shpres
Ndoshta nje dite ....?
Ndoshta nje dite ....?
Me shprese Ndoshta nje dite ... ?



Shefqet Avdush Emini

Review from Patimat Guseynova Sharuhanova artist, Dagestan 21-3-2015

This review is translate with google

Is not the creator who is able to give life ....

Strolling through the expanses of the Internet, I came across a magnificent Dutch expressionist Shefqet Avdush Emini. Later, I was fortunate to get to know him and work for international ART-symposia.

 Expression in color, line, and at the same time, a sense of proportion and harmony - it works like live his own life. They are not designed to ensure that like it or bribe, they are not cloying and not decorative, not cold and dead. It stops swaying life and fascinates the viewer. Bright, contrast, at first glance filled holiday, they both carry the drama.

Amazingly thin ratio of proportions, colors, tones indicate the presence of basic academic knowledge, which release the artist from the fear of doing something wrong. And it gives the artist the right to be fluent in line, that first catches the eye in its schedule.

 This professional immediacy just felt in every movement of the hand, or rather, in each span baggy fleyts through which it enters into an implicit contract with the painting, in a hot working process and forget about the outside world. This is the time of the soul's ascent of the mind, breaking down the barriers of fear giving birth to the best results.

Looking at how the Shefqet Avdush Emini, it may seem that he just casually sprays paint on canvas, but then where do these whimsical abstract and, at the same time, it is figurative landscapes, which are read hot summer field cool water bays or just the state of nature, and subtle sensual images of women with bottomless deep eyes, radiating the whole fate. He portrays them as if he had lived a life with them. Women who portrays  Shefqet  Avdush Emini, always seductive and romantic.

Shefqet - King color palette it is independent from the experience of others, he is dictating its terms, taming the colors with each other, for example, he uses the royal blue on the cheek covered with a thin veil of pink blush, making face to glow from within and thus throwing a challenge to all academic canons . Complex tone, turning into an open net color. Heavy rough texture, flowing silk in soft covering, the former once, rough canvas soft gloss, etc. - So he breaks all the rules of representation, it is, it is free and it is his main horse!

 His work is not so much intriguing topics as pulsating rhythms, a lot of energy, arousing an emotional response from the viewer. And because it stops people passing by, gathering crowd near him, organizing thereby unscheduled performance. Regardless of the format, the quality of the material of the outer atmosphere, it comes out the winner of this game, creating a new life on the canvas, missed through the filter of his own soul.

This artist can talk endlessly, but better than any words say it works. They can be seen on almost all the photographs of contemporary international accounting ART symposia. He conducts master classes in different countries, and artists from all over the world come to him to catch his life-affirming, bright and light-filled art. Generously sharing ability, he is not afraid of competition, leaving nothing for the soul as well as confidence in themselves and in their abilities, who gave him to his mother's milk.

Patimat  Guseynova Sharuhanova artist. Russia, Dagestan.

Не тот ли творец, кто способен вдохнуть жизнь ….

Прогуливаясь по интернет просторам, я наткнулась на великолепного голландского экспрессиониста Shefqet Avdush Emini.  Позже, мне посчастливилось познакомиться с ним и работать на интернациональных ART-симпозиумах.

 Экспрессия в цвете, в линии и, в тоже время, чувство меры и гармонии – его работы будто живут своею собственной жизнью. Они не рассчитаны на то, чтобы нравится или подкупать, они не приторны и не декоративны, не холодны и не мертвы. Именно колыхание жизни останавливает и завораживает зрителя. Яркие, контрастные, на первый взгляд наполненные праздником, они одновременно несут в себе драму.

  Удивительно тонкие соотношения пропорций, цветов, тонов говорят о наличии фундаментальных академических знаний, которые высвобождают художника от боязни сделать что-то неправильно. И это дает право художнику владеть свободно линией, что первым бросается в глаза в его графике.

 Эта профессиональная непосредственность так же чувствуется в каждом движении кисти, а точнее, в каждом размахе широченного флейца, через который он входит в негласный договор с живописью, в жарком рабочем процессе, забывая о внешнем мире. Таков момент восхождения души над разумом, ломая преграды страха рождающий лучшие плоды.

Глядя  на то как работает Shefqet Avdush Emini, может показаться, что он просто разбрызгивает небрежно краску по холстам, но откуда тогда берутся эти причудливые абстрактные и, в тоже время, вполне фигуративные пейзажи, на которых считываются жаркие летние поля, прохладные водные заливы или просто состояния природы, и тонкие чувственные образы женщин с бездонно-глубокими глазами, излучающими целые судьбы. Он изображает их так, как будто бы прожил жизнь вместе с ними. Женщины, которых изображает Shefqet Avdush Emini, всегда обольстительны и романтичны.

Shefqet - король цвета, его палитра независима от чужого опыта, он диктует свои условия, усмиряя цвета между собой, так, например, он использует кобальтовый синий на щеке  покрытой пеленой тонкого розового румянца, заставляя светиться лицо изнутри и тем самым  кидая вызов всем академическим канонам. Сложные тона, переходящие в чистый открытый цвет. Тяжелые грубые фактуры, перетекающие в шелковую нежность, покрывая, бывший когда-то, шероховатый холст мягким глянцем и т.д. - таким образом, он ломает все представления о правилах, он вне, он свободен и это его главный конь!

ü  Его работы интригуют не столько тематикой, сколько пульсирующими ритмами, огромным зарядом энергии, возбуждающим эмоциональный отклик у зрителя. И потому, он останавливает проходящих мимо людей, собирая толпы возле себя, организуя тем самым внеплановый перформанс. Независимо от формата, качества материала, внешней атмосферы, он выходит из этой игры победителем, создавая новую жизнь на холсте, пропущенную сквозь фильтры своей собственной души.

Об этом художнике можно говорить бесконечно, но лучше любого слова скажут его произведения. Их можно увидеть почти на всех отчетных фотографиях современных интернациональных АRT симпозиумов. Он проводит мастер-классы в разных странах, и художники со всего мира приезжают к нему, чтобы заразится его жизнеутверждающим, ярким и наполненным светом искусством. Щедро делясь умением, он не боится конкуренции, не оставляя ничего за душой, так как уверен в себе и в своих способностях, которые передались ему с молоком матери.…/shefqet-avdush-emini-bio…

Обзор от Патимат Гусейнова Sharuhanova художника. Россия, Дагестан 21-3-2015



Review Ina Eskes - Shefqet Avdush Emini

Shefqet Avdush Emini, an international recognized artist, is born in Davidovc in Kosovo on 2 June 1957. He studied Visual Arts as a young man at the Art Academy in Pristina (Kosovo) and worked, after finishing his education, as an artist and art teacher in several towns in Kosovo. Since two decennia, when war broke out in Kosovo, Shefqet Avdush Emini is living in the Netherlands, together with his family. As an artist and art teacher he is able to live and work all over the world, though he always will be connected with his roots to Kosovo. In several works of his hand you will be able to discover these roots and his mixed feelings of living abroad. Shefqet Avdush Emini is an academically educated artist who developed his own style, his own ‘signature’, which made him famous. The list of exhibitions of his artworks in museums and art galleries worldwide is long. Besides, he is regular invited to join art symposia where local and international artist do come together to create art and get inspired. Shefqet is also connected to the Filarski Academy, a private Academy in The Netherlands founded by the artist Marian Filarski, as a teacher for master classes in painting.
In 2011 Shefqet Avdush Eminihas been asked to present his artworks (paintings and sculptures) in two separate solo-exhibitions in the Netherlands, the first one took place in Amsterdam, the second one in Den Hague. These two exhibitions will be presented in this review.
Exhibition paintings and sculptures at gallery Diversity & Art, Amsterdam
2 September 2011- 1 October 2011
Gallery Diversity & Art, an intimate gallery located in the old heart of Amsterdam, is founded by Liesbeth Schreve-Brinkman, after a meeting with AIDA the Netherlands, an organization which does advise artists after they did leave or escape their countries for reasons like war, politic, or censure. Diversity & Art gives these artists an exhibition platform. The selection of artists takes place in cooperating with AIDA the Netherlands. Diversity & Art gives excess to all kind of genres of artists with their own cultural background. The mission of Art & Diversity is to show and share these artworks to public, to increase our idea of art in cultural diversity. From the 2ndof September till the 1ste of October paintings and sculptures made of baked bronze varnish clay of Shefqet Avdush Emini have been presented for public. This exhibition was officially opened by René Mendel, director of Interact; a Film Production Company for television and multimedia. As a filmmaker of a television program of ‘portraits’ of artists René Mendel pointed out the influence of the public opinion by media, and how appreciation for artists can be achieved. Art itself can influence a person as well of course, at several levels. Diversity & Art wants to make visual, mental and social contact possible between artist, art and public, to achieve a better intercultural understanding of art. Shefqet’ artwork is about people. You can ask yourself for example: who are these people? Are they friends, family, anomies, or memories of people of the past, of Kosovo? And what is going on in their minds?
Photo: opening exhibition Diversity & Art, Amsterdam, September 2011.
Solo-exhibition in the Atrium of the city hall of Den Hague,
organized by the embassy of Kosovo in Den Hague
Photo: opening exhibition in the Atrium, city hall of Den Hague, November 2011. On the right hand side: Shefqet Avdush Emini, in the middle: Mr. Ehsan, manager international sales Ikea the Netherlands, on the left hand side: Shefqet’daughter.
Photo: opening exhibition in the Atrium, city hall Den Hague, November 2011.
His ArtShefqet Avdush Emini is an all-round artist who creates baked bronze varnish clay sculptures, drawings and last but not least paintings. In both exhibitions there have been presented several paintings of his hand. Having a look at these paintings means to make a mental journey on many levels. His style of painting, the compositions he makes, the way he is using colors in combination with his compositions, the way is using paint itself as a material (oil on canvas, acryl on canvas), and the stories he want to tell. His painted portraits and figures do often not have titles, which mean that Shefqet gives you a change to make up your own thoughts and feelings. It also gives you an opportunity to travel away in time or place. Sometimes his work might remind you to one of the famous girls of the Dutch master Vermeer, to Mozart, to people in pain, or grieve, people coming from Kosovo, coming from wherever? All kind of moods do come along your eyes and thoughts. His paintings are multi-interpretable. Like they want to tell you something about the past and the present. Besides this you can notice Shefqet’ energy while painting, using his paintbrush as a medium for his own inner world. He is a painter with flair, which can be interpreted as (abstract) expressionism, and gives in combination with his classical touch a very interesting and lively result. You can also notice Shefqet’ knowledge of the Dutch masters like Rembrandt, Vermeer, Van Gogh and the Cobra group, like Corneille for example. In Shefqet ’art is a colorful world of people, roots, moods, tradition, and life coming together.



Tani atje mbizotron gjelozia primitive !
Nu dojn askend perveq vetvetes !
Egoizmi kishte kaluar qdo mase !
Per fat te keq , ishte renqetherse ! 
Endrrat dhe dashuria per vendelindje eshte zhdukur!...
Ishte zhdukur ndjenja humane!
Kishte humbur ndergjegjeja, ska mbetur me krenari! 
Aty vrejta vetem kafshet qe nuk kishin ndryshuar!
Kafshet qe po e ruajshin identitetin me besnikri !
Dhash respekt per to dhe mbetem me nje shpres
Ndoshta nje dite ....?
Ndoshta nje dite ....?
Me shprese Ndoshta nje dite ... ?

Russia 2013



Shefqet Avdush Emini


Review from Patimat  Guseynova Sharuhanova artist. Russia, Dagestan  

This review is translate with google

Is not the creator who is able to give life ....

Strolling through the expanses of the Internet, I came across a magnificent Dutch expressionist Shefqet Avdush Emini. Later, I was fortunate to get to know him and work for international ART-symposia.

 Expression in color, line, and at the same time, a sense of proportion and harmony - it works like live his own life. They are not designed to ensure that like it or bribe, they are not cloying and not decorative, not cold and dead. It stops swaying life and fascinates the viewer. Bright, contrast, at first glance filled holiday, they both carry the drama.

Amazingly thin ratio of proportions, colors, tones indicate the presence of basic academic knowledge, which release the artist from the fear of doing something wrong. And it gives the artist the right to be fluent in line, that first catches the eye in its schedule.

 This professional immediacy just felt in every movement of the hand, or rather, in each span baggy fleyts through which it enters into an implicit contract with the painting, in a hot working process and forget about the outside world. This is the time of the soul's ascent of the mind, breaking down the barriers of fear giving birth to the best results.

Looking at how the Shefqet Avdush Emini, it may seem that he just casually sprays paint on canvas, but then where do these whimsical abstract and, at the same time, it is figurative landscapes, which are read hot summer field cool water bays or just the state of nature, and subtle sensual images of women with bottomless deep eyes, radiating the whole fate. He portrays them as if he had lived a life with them. Women who portrays  Shefqet  Avdush Emini, always seductive and romantic.

Shefqet - King color palette it is independent from the experience of others, he is dictating its terms, taming the colors with each other, for example, he uses the royal blue on the cheek covered with a thin veil of pink blush, making face to glow from within and thus throwing a challenge to all academic canons . Complex tone, turning into an open net color. Heavy rough texture, flowing silk in soft covering, the former once, rough canvas soft gloss, etc. - So he breaks all the rules of representation, it is, it is free and it is his main horse!

 His work is not so much intriguing topics as pulsating rhythms, a lot of energy, arousing an emotional response from the viewer. And because it stops people passing by, gathering crowd near him, organizing thereby unscheduled performance. Regardless of the format, the quality of the material of the outer atmosphere, it comes out the winner of this game, creating a new life on the canvas, missed through the filter of his own soul.

This artist can talk endlessly, but better than any words say it works. They can be seen on almost all the photographs of contemporary international accounting ART symposia. He conducts master classes in different countries, and artists from all over the world come to him to catch his life-affirming, bright and light-filled art. Generously sharing ability, he is not afraid of competition, leaving nothing for the soul as well as confidence in themselves and in their abilities, who gave him to his mother's milk.

Patimat  Guseynova Sharuhanova artist. Russia, Dagestan.

Не тот ли творец, кто способен вдохнуть жизнь ….

Прогуливаясь по интернет просторам, я наткнулась на великолепного голландского экспрессиониста Shefqet Avdush Emini.  Позже, мне посчастливилось познакомиться с ним и работать на интернациональных ART-симпозиумах.

 Экспрессия в цвете, в линии и, в тоже время, чувство меры и гармонии – его работы будто живут своею собственной жизнью. Они не рассчитаны на то, чтобы нравится или подкупать, они не приторны и не декоративны, не холодны и не мертвы. Именно колыхание жизни останавливает и завораживает зрителя. Яркие, контрастные, на первый взгляд наполненные праздником, они одновременно несут в себе драму.

  Удивительно тонкие соотношения пропорций, цветов, тонов говорят о наличии фундаментальных академических знаний, которые высвобождают художника от боязни сделать что-то неправильно. И это дает право художнику владеть свободно линией, что первым бросается в глаза в его графике.

 Эта профессиональная непосредственность так же чувствуется в каждом движении кисти, а точнее, в каждом размахе широченного флейца, через который он входит в негласный договор с живописью, в жарком рабочем процессе, забывая о внешнем мире. Таков момент восхождения души над разумом, ломая преграды страха рождающий лучшие плоды.

Глядя  на то как работает Shefqet Avdush Emini, может показаться, что он просто разбрызгивает небрежно краску по холстам, но откуда тогда берутся эти причудливые абстрактные и, в тоже время, вполне фигуративные пейзажи, на которых считываются жаркие летние поля, прохладные водные заливы или просто состояния природы, и тонкие чувственные образы женщин с бездонно-глубокими глазами, излучающими целые судьбы. Он изображает их так, как будто бы прожил жизнь вместе с ними. Женщины, которых изображает Shefqet Avdush Emini, всегда обольстительны и романтичны.

Shefqet - король цвета, его палитра независима от чужого опыта, он диктует свои условия, усмиряя цвета между собой, так, например, он использует кобальтовый синий на щеке  покрытой пеленой тонкого розового румянца, заставляя светиться лицо изнутри и тем самым  кидая вызов всем академическим канонам. Сложные тона, переходящие в чистый открытый цвет. Тяжелые грубые фактуры, перетекающие в шелковую нежность, покрывая, бывший когда-то, шероховатый холст мягким глянцем и т.д. - таким образом, он ломает все представления о правилах, он вне, он свободен и это его главный конь!

ü  Его работы интригуют не столько тематикой, сколько пульсирующими ритмами, огромным зарядом энергии, возбуждающим эмоциональный отклик у зрителя. И потому, он останавливает проходящих мимо людей, собирая толпы возле себя, организуя тем самым внеплановый перформанс. Независимо от формата, качества материала, внешней атмосферы, он выходит из этой игры победителем, создавая новую жизнь на холсте, пропущенную сквозь фильтры своей собственной души.

Об этом художнике можно говорить бесконечно, но лучше любого слова скажут его произведения. Их можно увидеть почти на всех отчетных фотографиях современных интернациональных АRT симпозиумов. Он проводит мастер-классы в разных странах, и художники со всего мира приезжают к нему, чтобы заразится его жизнеутверждающим, ярким и наполненным светом искусством. Щедро делясь умением, он не боится конкуренции, не оставляя ничего за душой, так как уверен в себе и в своих способностях, которые передались ему с молоком матери.…/shefqet-avdush-emini-bio…

Обзор от Патимат Гусейнова Sharuhanova художника. Россия, Дагестан 21-3-2015



Oil painting on canvas

Oil painting on canvas

Oil painting on canvas

Oil painting on canvas

Oil painting on canvas

Oil painting on canvas

Oil painting on canvas

Oil painting on canvas

Shefqet Avdush Emini's Biography,CV,Publications


Tani atje mbizotron gjelozia primitive !
Nu dojn askend perveq vetvetes !
Egoizmi kishte kaluar qdo mase !
Per fat te keq , ishte renqetherse ! 
Endrrat dhe dashuria per vendelindje eshte zhdukur!...
Ishte zhdukur ndjenja humane!
Kishte humbur ndergjegjeja, ska mbetur me krenari! 
Aty vrejta vetem kafshet qe nuk kishin ndryshuar!
Kafshet qe po e ruajshin identitetin me besnikri !
Dhash respekt per to dhe mbetem me nje shpres
Ndoshta nje dite ....?
Ndoshta nje dite ....?
Me shprese Ndoshta nje dite ... ?



Shefqet Avdush Emini

Review from Patimat Guseynova Sharuhanova artist, Dagestan 21-3-2015

This review is translate with google

Is not the creator who is able to give life ....

Strolling through the expanses of the Internet, I came across a magnificent Dutch expressionist Shefqet Avdush Emini. Later, I was fortunate to get to know him and work for international ART-symposia.

 Expression in color, line, and at the same time, a sense of proportion and harmony - it works like live his own life. They are not designed to ensure that like it or bribe, they are not cloying and not decorative, not cold and dead. It stops swaying life and fascinates the viewer. Bright, contrast, at first glance filled holiday, they both carry the drama.

Amazingly thin ratio of proportions, colors, tones indicate the presence of basic academic knowledge, which release the artist from the fear of doing something wrong. And it gives the artist the right to be fluent in line, that first catches the eye in its schedule.

 This professional immediacy just felt in every movement of the hand, or rather, in each span baggy fleyts through which it enters into an implicit contract with the painting, in a hot working process and forget about the outside world. This is the time of the soul's ascent of the mind, breaking down the barriers of fear giving birth to the best results.

Looking at how the Shefqet Avdush Emini, it may seem that he just casually sprays paint on canvas, but then where do these whimsical abstract and, at the same time, it is figurative landscapes, which are read hot summer field cool water bays or just the state of nature, and subtle sensual images of women with bottomless deep eyes, radiating the whole fate. He portrays them as if he had lived a life with them. Women who portrays  Shefqet  Avdush Emini, always seductive and romantic.

Shefqet - King color palette it is independent from the experience of others, he is dictating its terms, taming the colors with each other, for example, he uses the royal blue on the cheek covered with a thin veil of pink blush, making face to glow from within and thus throwing a challenge to all academic canons . Complex tone, turning into an open net color. Heavy rough texture, flowing silk in soft covering, the former once, rough canvas soft gloss, etc. - So he breaks all the rules of representation, it is, it is free and it is his main horse!

 His work is not so much intriguing topics as pulsating rhythms, a lot of energy, arousing an emotional response from the viewer. And because it stops people passing by, gathering crowd near him, organizing thereby unscheduled performance. Regardless of the format, the quality of the material of the outer atmosphere, it comes out the winner of this game, creating a new life on the canvas, missed through the filter of his own soul.

This artist can talk endlessly, but better than any words say it works. They can be seen on almost all the photographs of contemporary international accounting ART symposia. He conducts master classes in different countries, and artists from all over the world come to him to catch his life-affirming, bright and light-filled art. Generously sharing ability, he is not afraid of competition, leaving nothing for the soul as well as confidence in themselves and in their abilities, who gave him to his mother's milk.

Patimat  Guseynova Sharuhanova artist. Russia, Dagestan.

Не тот ли творец, кто способен вдохнуть жизнь ….

Прогуливаясь по интернет просторам, я наткнулась на великолепного голландского экспрессиониста Shefqet Avdush Emini.  Позже, мне посчастливилось познакомиться с ним и работать на интернациональных ART-симпозиумах.

 Экспрессия в цвете, в линии и, в тоже время, чувство меры и гармонии – его работы будто живут своею собственной жизнью. Они не рассчитаны на то, чтобы нравится или подкупать, они не приторны и не декоративны, не холодны и не мертвы. Именно колыхание жизни останавливает и завораживает зрителя. Яркие, контрастные, на первый взгляд наполненные праздником, они одновременно несут в себе драму.

  Удивительно тонкие соотношения пропорций, цветов, тонов говорят о наличии фундаментальных академических знаний, которые высвобождают художника от боязни сделать что-то неправильно. И это дает право художнику владеть свободно линией, что первым бросается в глаза в его графике.

 Эта профессиональная непосредственность так же чувствуется в каждом движении кисти, а точнее, в каждом размахе широченного флейца, через который он входит в негласный договор с живописью, в жарком рабочем процессе, забывая о внешнем мире. Таков момент восхождения души над разумом, ломая преграды страха рождающий лучшие плоды.

Глядя  на то как работает Shefqet Avdush Emini, может показаться, что он просто разбрызгивает небрежно краску по холстам, но откуда тогда берутся эти причудливые абстрактные и, в тоже время, вполне фигуративные пейзажи, на которых считываются жаркие летние поля, прохладные водные заливы или просто состояния природы, и тонкие чувственные образы женщин с бездонно-глубокими глазами, излучающими целые судьбы. Он изображает их так, как будто бы прожил жизнь вместе с ними. Женщины, которых изображает Shefqet Avdush Emini, всегда обольстительны и романтичны.

Shefqet - король цвета, его палитра независима от чужого опыта, он диктует свои условия, усмиряя цвета между собой, так, например, он использует кобальтовый синий на щеке  покрытой пеленой тонкого розового румянца, заставляя светиться лицо изнутри и тем самым  кидая вызов всем академическим канонам. Сложные тона, переходящие в чистый открытый цвет. Тяжелые грубые фактуры, перетекающие в шелковую нежность, покрывая, бывший когда-то, шероховатый холст мягким глянцем и т.д. - таким образом, он ломает все представления о правилах, он вне, он свободен и это его главный конь!

ü  Его работы интригуют не столько тематикой, сколько пульсирующими ритмами, огромным зарядом энергии, возбуждающим эмоциональный отклик у зрителя. И потому, он останавливает проходящих мимо людей, собирая толпы возле себя, организуя тем самым внеплановый перформанс. Независимо от формата, качества материала, внешней атмосферы, он выходит из этой игры победителем, создавая новую жизнь на холсте, пропущенную сквозь фильтры своей собственной души.

Об этом художнике можно говорить бесконечно, но лучше любого слова скажут его произведения. Их можно увидеть почти на всех отчетных фотографиях современных интернациональных АRT симпозиумов. Он проводит мастер-классы в разных странах, и художники со всего мира приезжают к нему, чтобы заразится его жизнеутверждающим, ярким и наполненным светом искусством. Щедро делясь умением, он не боится конкуренции, не оставляя ничего за душой, так как уверен в себе и в своих способностях, которые передались ему с молоком матери.…/shefqet-avdush-emini-bio…

Обзор от Патимат Гусейнова Sharuhanova художника. Россия, Дагестан 21-3-2015



Review Ina Eskes - Shefqet Avdush Emini

Shefqet Avdush Emini, an international recognized artist, is born in Davidovc in Kosovo on 2 June 1957. He studied Visual Arts as a young man at the Art Academy in Pristina (Kosovo) and worked, after finishing his education, as an artist and art teacher in several towns in Kosovo. Since two decennia, when war broke out in Kosovo, Shefqet Avdush Emini is living in the Netherlands, together with his family. As an artist and art teacher he is able to live and work all over the world, though he always will be connected with his roots to Kosovo. In several works of his hand you will be able to discover these roots and his mixed feelings of living abroad. Shefqet Avdush Emini is an academically educated artist who developed his own style, his own ‘signature’, which made him famous. The list of exhibitions of his artworks in museums and art galleries worldwide is long. Besides, he is regular invited to join art symposia where local and international artist do come together to create art and get inspired. Shefqet is also connected to the Filarski Academy, a private Academy in The Netherlands founded by the artist Marian Filarski, as a teacher for master classes in painting.
In 2011 Shefqet Avdush Eminihas been asked to present his artworks (paintings and sculptures) in two separate solo-exhibitions in the Netherlands, the first one took place in Amsterdam, the second one in Den Hague. These two exhibitions will be presented in this review.
Exhibition paintings and sculptures at gallery Diversity & Art, Amsterdam
2 September 2011- 1 October 2011
Gallery Diversity & Art, an intimate gallery located in the old heart of Amsterdam, is founded by Liesbeth Schreve-Brinkman, after a meeting with AIDA the Netherlands, an organization which does advise artists after they did leave or escape their countries for reasons like war, politic, or censure. Diversity & Art gives these artists an exhibition platform. The selection of artists takes place in cooperating with AIDA the Netherlands. Diversity & Art gives excess to all kind of genres of artists with their own cultural background. The mission of Art & Diversity is to show and share these artworks to public, to increase our idea of art in cultural diversity. From the 2ndof September till the 1ste of October paintings and sculptures made of baked bronze varnish clay of Shefqet Avdush Emini have been presented for public. This exhibition was officially opened by René Mendel, director of Interact; a Film Production Company for television and multimedia. As a filmmaker of a television program of ‘portraits’ of artists René Mendel pointed out the influence of the public opinion by media, and how appreciation for artists can be achieved. Art itself can influence a person as well of course, at several levels. Diversity & Art wants to make visual, mental and social contact possible between artist, art and public, to achieve a better intercultural understanding of art. Shefqet’ artwork is about people. You can ask yourself for example: who are these people? Are they friends, family, anomies, or memories of people of the past, of Kosovo? And what is going on in their minds?
Photo: opening exhibition Diversity & Art, Amsterdam, September 2011.
Solo-exhibition in the Atrium of the city hall of Den Hague,
organized by the embassy of Kosovo in Den Hague
Photo: opening exhibition in the Atrium, city hall of Den Hague, November 2011. On the right hand side: Shefqet Avdush Emini, in the middle: Mr. Ehsan, manager international sales Ikea the Netherlands, on the left hand side: Shefqet’daughter.
Photo: opening exhibition in the Atrium, city hall Den Hague, November 2011.
His ArtShefqet Avdush Emini is an all-round artist who creates baked bronze varnish clay sculptures, drawings and last but not least paintings. In both exhibitions there have been presented several paintings of his hand. Having a look at these paintings means to make a mental journey on many levels. His style of painting, the compositions he makes, the way he is using colors in combination with his compositions, the way is using paint itself as a material (oil on canvas, acryl on canvas), and the stories he want to tell. His painted portraits and figures do often not have titles, which mean that Shefqet gives you a change to make up your own thoughts and feelings. It also gives you an opportunity to travel away in time or place. Sometimes his work might remind you to one of the famous girls of the Dutch master Vermeer, to Mozart, to people in pain, or grieve, people coming from Kosovo, coming from wherever? All kind of moods do come along your eyes and thoughts. His paintings are multi-interpretable. Like they want to tell you something about the past and the present. Besides this you can notice Shefqet’ energy while painting, using his paintbrush as a medium for his own inner world. He is a painter with flair, which can be interpreted as (abstract) expressionism, and gives in combination with his classical touch a very interesting and lively result. You can also notice Shefqet’ knowledge of the Dutch masters like Rembrandt, Vermeer, Van Gogh and the Cobra group, like Corneille for example. In Shefqet ’art is a colorful world of people, roots, moods, tradition, and life coming together.



Tani atje mbizotron gjelozia primitive !
Nu dojn askend perveq vetvetes !
Egoizmi kishte kaluar qdo mase !
Per fat te keq , ishte renqetherse ! 
Endrrat dhe dashuria per vendelindje eshte zhdukur!...
Ishte zhdukur ndjenja humane!
Kishte humbur ndergjegjeja, ska mbetur me krenari! 
Aty vrejta vetem kafshet qe nuk kishin ndryshuar!
Kafshet qe po e ruajshin identitetin me besnikri !
Dhash respekt per to dhe mbetem me nje shpres
Ndoshta nje dite ....?
Ndoshta nje dite ....?
Me shprese Ndoshta nje dite ... ?

Russia 2013



Shefqet Avdush Emini


Review from Patimat  Guseynova Sharuhanova artist. Russia, Dagestan  

This review is translate with google

Is not the creator who is able to give life ....

Strolling through the expanses of the Internet, I came across a magnificent Dutch expressionist Shefqet Avdush Emini. Later, I was fortunate to get to know him and work for international ART-symposia.

 Expression in color, line, and at the same time, a sense of proportion and harmony - it works like live his own life. They are not designed to ensure that like it or bribe, they are not cloying and not decorative, not cold and dead. It stops swaying life and fascinates the viewer. Bright, contrast, at first glance filled holiday, they both carry the drama.

Amazingly thin ratio of proportions, colors, tones indicate the presence of basic academic knowledge, which release the artist from the fear of doing something wrong. And it gives the artist the right to be fluent in line, that first catches the eye in its schedule.

 This professional immediacy just felt in every movement of the hand, or rather, in each span baggy fleyts through which it enters into an implicit contract with the painting, in a hot working process and forget about the outside world. This is the time of the soul's ascent of the mind, breaking down the barriers of fear giving birth to the best results.

Looking at how the Shefqet Avdush Emini, it may seem that he just casually sprays paint on canvas, but then where do these whimsical abstract and, at the same time, it is figurative landscapes, which are read hot summer field cool water bays or just the state of nature, and subtle sensual images of women with bottomless deep eyes, radiating the whole fate. He portrays them as if he had lived a life with them. Women who portrays  Shefqet  Avdush Emini, always seductive and romantic.

Shefqet - King color palette it is independent from the experience of others, he is dictating its terms, taming the colors with each other, for example, he uses the royal blue on the cheek covered with a thin veil of pink blush, making face to glow from within and thus throwing a challenge to all academic canons . Complex tone, turning into an open net color. Heavy rough texture, flowing silk in soft covering, the former once, rough canvas soft gloss, etc. - So he breaks all the rules of representation, it is, it is free and it is his main horse!

 His work is not so much intriguing topics as pulsating rhythms, a lot of energy, arousing an emotional response from the viewer. And because it stops people passing by, gathering crowd near him, organizing thereby unscheduled performance. Regardless of the format, the quality of the material of the outer atmosphere, it comes out the winner of this game, creating a new life on the canvas, missed through the filter of his own soul.

This artist can talk endlessly, but better than any words say it works. They can be seen on almost all the photographs of contemporary international accounting ART symposia. He conducts master classes in different countries, and artists from all over the world come to him to catch his life-affirming, bright and light-filled art. Generously sharing ability, he is not afraid of competition, leaving nothing for the soul as well as confidence in themselves and in their abilities, who gave him to his mother's milk.

Patimat  Guseynova Sharuhanova artist. Russia, Dagestan.

Не тот ли творец, кто способен вдохнуть жизнь ….

Прогуливаясь по интернет просторам, я наткнулась на великолепного голландского экспрессиониста Shefqet Avdush Emini.  Позже, мне посчастливилось познакомиться с ним и работать на интернациональных ART-симпозиумах.

 Экспрессия в цвете, в линии и, в тоже время, чувство меры и гармонии – его работы будто живут своею собственной жизнью. Они не рассчитаны на то, чтобы нравится или подкупать, они не приторны и не декоративны, не холодны и не мертвы. Именно колыхание жизни останавливает и завораживает зрителя. Яркие, контрастные, на первый взгляд наполненные праздником, они одновременно несут в себе драму.

  Удивительно тонкие соотношения пропорций, цветов, тонов говорят о наличии фундаментальных академических знаний, которые высвобождают художника от боязни сделать что-то неправильно. И это дает право художнику владеть свободно линией, что первым бросается в глаза в его графике.

 Эта профессиональная непосредственность так же чувствуется в каждом движении кисти, а точнее, в каждом размахе широченного флейца, через который он входит в негласный договор с живописью, в жарком рабочем процессе, забывая о внешнем мире. Таков момент восхождения души над разумом, ломая преграды страха рождающий лучшие плоды.

Глядя  на то как работает Shefqet Avdush Emini, может показаться, что он просто разбрызгивает небрежно краску по холстам, но откуда тогда берутся эти причудливые абстрактные и, в тоже время, вполне фигуративные пейзажи, на которых считываются жаркие летние поля, прохладные водные заливы или просто состояния природы, и тонкие чувственные образы женщин с бездонно-глубокими глазами, излучающими целые судьбы. Он изображает их так, как будто бы прожил жизнь вместе с ними. Женщины, которых изображает Shefqet Avdush Emini, всегда обольстительны и романтичны.

Shefqet - король цвета, его палитра независима от чужого опыта, он диктует свои условия, усмиряя цвета между собой, так, например, он использует кобальтовый синий на щеке  покрытой пеленой тонкого розового румянца, заставляя светиться лицо изнутри и тем самым  кидая вызов всем академическим канонам. Сложные тона, переходящие в чистый открытый цвет. Тяжелые грубые фактуры, перетекающие в шелковую нежность, покрывая, бывший когда-то, шероховатый холст мягким глянцем и т.д. - таким образом, он ломает все представления о правилах, он вне, он свободен и это его главный конь!

ü  Его работы интригуют не столько тематикой, сколько пульсирующими ритмами, огромным зарядом энергии, возбуждающим эмоциональный отклик у зрителя. И потому, он останавливает проходящих мимо людей, собирая толпы возле себя, организуя тем самым внеплановый перформанс. Независимо от формата, качества материала, внешней атмосферы, он выходит из этой игры победителем, создавая новую жизнь на холсте, пропущенную сквозь фильтры своей собственной души.

Об этом художнике можно говорить бесконечно, но лучше любого слова скажут его произведения. Их можно увидеть почти на всех отчетных фотографиях современных интернациональных АRT симпозиумов. Он проводит мастер-классы в разных странах, и художники со всего мира приезжают к нему, чтобы заразится его жизнеутверждающим, ярким и наполненным светом искусством. Щедро делясь умением, он не боится конкуренции, не оставляя ничего за душой, так как уверен в себе и в своих способностях, которые передались ему с молоком матери.…/shefqet-avdush-emini-bio…

Обзор от Патимат Гусейнова Sharuhanova художника. Россия, Дагестан 21-3-2015



Oil painting on canvas

Oil painting on canvas

Oil painting on canvas

Oil painting on canvas

Oil painting on canvas

Oil painting on canvas

Oil painting on canvas

Oil painting on canvas

Shefqet Avdush Emini's Blog

DUTCH,ENGLISH The Portraits of Emotions and the Artistic Soul – A Masterpiece by Shefqet Avdush Emini

Posted on March 14, 2025 at 1:56pm 0 Comments


The Portraits of Emotions and the Artistic Soul – A Masterpiece by Shefqet Avdush Emini

The painting presented is a powerful example of the mastery of Shefqet Avdush Emini, a prominent artist in the international contemporary art scene. This work, created using rich expressionist painting…


ENGLISH - The painting of Shefqet Avdush Emini is a work that reveals the depth of the human soul

Posted on March 11, 2025 at 6:30pm 0 Comments

The painting of Shefqet Avdush Emini is a work that reveals the depth of the human soul and the expressive energy of colors, which unfold a universe filled with feelings, movement, and emotional complexities. In this powerful composition, the artist intertwines shadows and light, creating an abstracted landscape where human figures appear indistinct…


Professional Analysis of Shefqet Avdush Emini’s Painting

Posted on February 3, 2025 at 9:30am 0 Comments

Professional Analysis of Shefqet Avdush Emini's Painting

This painting, created by artist Shefqet Avdush Emini, is an excellent example of his expressionist oil technique, where the visual language is conveyed through powerful gestures and a rich color…


Shefqet Avdush Emini – A Unique and Expressionist Artistic Performance

Posted on February 3, 2025 at 8:30am 0 Comments

Shefqet Avdush Emini – A Unique and Expressionist Artistic Performance
Shefqet Avdush Emini, as an expressionist artist, brings his art to life in a powerful and dynamic way, transforming the creative process into a true artistic…

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Comment Wall (14 comments)

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At 2:14pm on January 28, 2025, Eva Libre said…

We are still happy to count you among our artistic members! How are you after so many years of silence, Shefqet?

Jemi ende të lumtur t'ju numërojmë ndër anëtarët tanë artistikë! Si jeni pas kaq shumë kohësh heshtjeje, Shefqet?

At 7:50pm on August 9, 2012, leonardo martin said…
At 6:38pm on June 2, 2012, Eva Libre said…

wish you a nice day ..; happy birthday !

At 10:39am on June 2, 2012, Béatrice LATEUR LACROIX said…

Happy birthday dear Shefqet !

May this year which begins for you offers you even more than you hope and imagine.

Love and Peace for all Beings.

At 5:50am on May 1, 2012, Dr. Paresh Ch. Majumder said…

We're for all to assist each other world/universe-wide as a friend by the Grace of Almighty HIM Who is in everywhere to everyone for the greater interest of Humankind +environment ( HIS Creation). So I'm for all to assist all of you as my dignity given by Almighty.... pls share what can we do together to establish PEACE-TRUTH-UNITY-FRIENDSHIP+LOVE to each other. Thanks again everyone.......

At 1:45pm on December 26, 2011, Sunspiritsmiles said…

Many Blessings to you Shefqet for the New Year :-)

At 6:22pm on November 26, 2011, Nada Jung said…

Hey Shefqet !

Thank You for getting in touch. Great works of art .... !

Cosmic Greetings,


At 12:00pm on November 26, 2011, Patricia Araya said…



You should give it try, you will love it


At 1:52pm on June 26, 2011, Béatrice LATEUR LACROIX said…
I accept your friendship with a great pleasure, Shefqet, and I feel honourned by your request.

Let's unfold Peace and Love on Earth all together.
At 6:40pm on June 12, 2011, Béatrice LATEUR LACROIX gave Shefqet Avdush Emini a gift
Let's un fold Peace on Earth all together. Love and Peace for you and all Beings.

Quote of the moment:


* * *

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We light a candle for all our friends and members that have passed to the other side.

Gone from our life and forever moved into our heart. ~ ❤️ ~

Pray for Peace

Grant us peace

Two beautiful graphics for anyone to use, donated and created by Shannon Wamsely

Shannon Wamsley

Designed by Michelle Yd Frost

Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)

She writes,
"Love, acceptance and inclusion. Grant us peace."



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