A common space for harmonic peacemakers
“Preventive war was an invention of Hitler. Frankly, I would not even listen to anyone seriously that came and talked about such a thing.”
– Dwight D. Eisenhower
- Benjamin Netanyahu: ‘America is something that can easily be moved.’ ‘The world won’t say a thing.’ ‘The world will say we’re defending.’
These criminals need to be stopped. An attack on Iran is the beginning of WW III. Even ‘IF’ Iran would have a nuclear weapon, how stupid must Iranians be to detonate it in Israel or the US? Iranians could easily get hundreds of nuclear weapons fired back at them.
Again, the elitists want to (desperately) start WW III. It is on their agenda, leading to their New World Order. Right now the elitists are exposed and that makes them even more dangerous. Expect false flag operations (like a terrorist attack on Israel or the US) or …
… something like this …
… to get the great war started.
- Israel speeds up ballistic missile tests as speculation grows of attack on Iran (Nov. 2, 2011):
Israel successfully test-fired a missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead and striking Iran today, fuelling concerns the country’s leaders are considering a military attack. The concerns were sparked over the weekend by a report in the Yediot Ahronot newspaper that said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Ehud Barak favour an attack.
That was followed by a report in the Haaretz daily today that said Mr Netanyahu is now lobbying Cabinet members for a military strike, despite the likelihood it would draw a retaliation from Iran.
An Israeli defence official said the military tested a ‘rocket propulsion system’ in an long-planned exercise.
Further information about the test was censored by the military, but foreign reports said it was a long-range Jericho missile – capable of carrying a nuclear warhead and striking Iran.
Israel considers Iran its most dangerous threat. It cites Tehran’s nuclear programme, its ballistic missile development, repeated references by the Iranian leader to Israel’s destruction and its support for anti-Israel militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah.
Iran denies allegations that it aims to produce a bomb, saying its nuclear programme is meant only to produce energy for the oil-rich country.
It has blamed Israel for disruptions to the nuclear programme, including the mysterious assassinations of a string of Iranian nuclear scientists and a computer virus that wiped out some nuclear centrifuges.
But a report by the UN’s nuclear watchdog due to be published next week will provide fresh evidence of a possible Iranian nuclear weapons programme, bringing the Middle East a step closer to a devastating new conflict, revealed the Guardian newspaper.
The report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is the latest of a series of quarterly bulletins on Iran’s activities, but this one will contain an unprecedented level of detail on research and experiments carried out in Iran in recent years, which western officials allege could only be for the design and development of a nuclear warhead.
Israel had repeatedly said that hit hopes economic sanctions will persuade Iran to halt its nuclear ambitions.
Diplomats have been lobbying the international community for tougher sanctions.
It comes as Mr Netanyahu defended his decision to expand construction in east Jerusalem.
He said it was Israel’s ‘right’ and ‘duty’ to build in all parts of its capital.
Israel captured east Jerusalem along with the West Bank in the 1967 war. Palestinians claim that section of the city as their future capital.
Yesterday, Mr Netanyahu’s office said 2,000 new apartments would be built in Jewish areas of east Jerusalem.
Officials said the move was a response to recent unilateral steps by the Palestinians, particularly its acceptance in the UN cultural agency UNESCO.
What happened in the last great depression ??? WWII ! Of course some type of war has to begin to boost the economy .... Sorry Iran your it.
I think the decision to attack Iran has already been made. Could Iranian plans for a nuke be thwarted otherwise ? Yes - as proven by the cyber attack (US & Israel) Could we continue diplomacy and other negotiation channels ? Yes. Would those solutions distract the masses from the major domestic problems (Israel, US and UK). No ? Would there be profit for our lovely corporations ? No ? We are going to war. Regardless of who is weak or string, everybody looses. Now to count how many Iranians will be come collateral damage.
F-35 Jet. Image from maannews.net
Iran: "Israel Owns 300 Nuclear Missiles"
November 6, 2011: Israel, US, UK Nuclear Collusion, 'Intelligence' ...
We have to stay rooted in Peace.
Love and Peace for all Beings
So how can we help bring peace? There were huge protests against the war in Iraq and yet it still went ahead.
For the past 2000 years people have been praying ... " Thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven...". We can choose to be in Heaven on earth rather than Hell . It does not matter what our belief is or what religion we have .
PEACE IS WITHIN US. It is possible to experience it and when we do it not only benefits ourself but it radiates from us and helps others to feel peace in their lives.
I urge everyone to look at wopg.org and listen to Word of Peace. If you are not interested or have no time to listen then at least let someone else know about it. PEACE IS POSSIBLE and we can all help make it happen.
Look on wikepedia what""the bilder-berger free-mas-sons "" BEND and the ""skull---and--bones""devels do
the president of Iran is a best Fr-ee-mm-as-son frend of Bush and Obama
Still different years they prepare WW III
Thats a stratego game whit billion victimes
Therefor the world pupulation must reduced to 500 milion
Than it is possible (aften inplantaition a chip)to controll(slavery) the hole world
Wake up and tell it on the hole world
By non-violence we shall WINN
it seems that war is always happening on this earth. like fires always burning. it never ever stops. maybe dying out for a time thru' exhaustion but flaring up some where else. we are all given this life and the planet earth to live on together. the only request in return is that we live together in peace. that is the challenge that humanity is continually failing. however each of us gets to choose.... peace or war? there is no in between.. maybe our final war is with that which is not human.. the fight for our humanity..
The planning WWIII against Ir-an is started in 2003!!!
The president of Iran is in the same fr-ee-mas-son group as his"frend" Bush
War is a stratego-game for the SUPPERRICH demoons!!
A wistleblower
First they ignore you,then they ridicule you,then they fight you and then you WIN (Mahatma Handhi)
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Gone from our life and forever moved into our heart. ~ ❤️ ~
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Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)
She writes,
"Love, acceptance and inclusion. Grant us peace."
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