A common space for harmonic peacemakers
yes, he was homeless
he sat on the sidewalk
near the corner
by the Bus Stop
where the passengers would pass him by
he was stuck in a convoluted vortex
between Despair and Hope
not necessarily of his own doing
he was just looking for a way to cope
with the invisible rope
around the neck of hid dead dreams
yes, he was homeless
it has been quite some time
more than he could even remember
since he saw his little girl
yes, she and his family was his world
but she probably was not little any more
it has been so many years
so many tears
and all the fears
he once embraced
have now fled
for all that he once prized
has been bled
from his prideful grasp
right before his eyes . . .
his Family
his Home
and now he has been destined to roam
these street of continuing anguish
yes, he was homeless
as he spends his days
in his own chosen ways
he has never held out his hand
to beg
though his life was out of hand
there still resided an uncertain pride
and dignity
his humanity
with somewhat suspect certainty
yes, he was homeless
in spite of himself
he tried
and would not allow his noble spirit
to be denied
yes, he defied
the indifference to his suffering
and perhaps the Societal expectations
that told him to give up on life
to just become a part of the collection of statistics
and rollover and die
but still he vied
for more
yes, he was homeless
somewhere buried deeply in his heart
there still lived something warm
and it was all his alone
he found this quite special
it was the only thing left
yes it was his alone
and it could not be taken
nor forsaken
yes, he was homeless
there were pictures there he prized
he held them forever in his inner eye
embraced them
saw his face in them
there were pictures of a “White Pickett Fence”
with a Gate
that somehow he believed
would alter his fate
as it led to a brighter day
and this dark night would dissipate
and become sunshine once again
and then he could brightly
embrace his joy of expectation one more time
in this same vision
he saw Sidewalks
but the only apparent purpose they served
was for Little Red Wagons
Hopscotch and Skates
and the endless Smiles and Sunshine
upon the Face of the Children
an such
a place where he could touch
a place in space not forgotten
and though he was homeless
he still had a heart
and his sanity
and this heart was the Home
of his Humanity
so though he was homeless
he still was so much more
than the man at the Bus Stop
and though he was just the man on the Sidewalk
of our City
it is not Pity one should give
Perhaps a Meal, your Heart, a Gesture, a Smile
stop and take some time to converse for a while
share your Humanity
share your Heart
for therein resides the Humanity
. . . of us all
yes, he was Homeless
(c) 28 December 2010 : William S. Peters, Sr.
Happy Holidays to you all. I am just taking this moment to share with you this one small issue about Humanity. As m,any of us are blessed and
many find themselves immersed in possibly "hopeless" circumstances and
situations. This Poem i share this day is but to help possibly elevate
our awareness to one of these situations where we can "Allow" our own
Humanity to become outwardly active and Bless another one of our
Brothers and Sisters with a moment out of lives . . . it could be but a
smile, a word or a "Simple Random Act of Kindness" . . it helps us all
when indifference is vanquished amongst us and we come to realize who
we Divinely and Truly are . . . "1" . . . I love you all . . . and wish
each of you naught but the best for this coming New Year of
Authenticity and Realization . . . .
* * *
Connect With Us!
We light a candle for all our friends and members that have passed to the other side.
Gone from our life and forever moved into our heart. ~ ❤️ ~
Two beautiful graphics for anyone to use, donated and created by Shannon Wamsely
Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)
She writes,
"Love, acceptance and inclusion. Grant us peace."
© 2025 Created by Eva Libre.
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