A common space for harmonic peacemakers
Day One, A New Year = A New You The coming of a new year signifies change the whole world over. We all evaluate our performance in the last 365 day cycle and either smile, giving ourselves a healthy pat on the back or we cringe and say, “Maybe this year….” That is where all these New Year’s Resolutions come from–A strong, burning desire to change. However, if you aren’t satisfied with something now, you do not have to wait until January 1st to do something about it. Each new day holds the capacity to create a new you! Let’s explore the concept a little… What does this mean? It means a change in consciousness–A revelation unto yourself. Why do you think that you’re here? What do you think the meaning of life is? These answers vary drastically, but the solutions are elegantly simple as a part of the New Thought, New Consciousness, and Human Potential movements. These movements aren’t quite as new as their name implies, however. These principle truths are as ancient as time! Buddha even clued us in to some of them 500 years before Jesus Christ taught more of the same. New Thought isn’t a religion to adhere to and it doesn’t violate any premise to which you’ve already found your personal/mental/physical/spiritual belonging. It is a perfected way of being–of thinking and living optimally–in order to maximize our own good, and the livelihood of others and is proven to create results that we all wish to see in this world. Interested? Read on. This is a chance to personally learn something that is new to you. You might not have read much into this, but you will see that there are an overabundance of books, bibles, and miscellaneous other sources devoted to establishing the higher-level consciousness in man. If you learn some simple thought-control principles now, you can radically redefine your life from the people you are in touch with daily(relationships), to the work that you do, house that you have, and inevitably, peace, love and happiness. Sound too good to be true? I am here to say that it is absolutely not! You can start right now by picturing a new beginning. Visualize everything you possible can from your ideal life… Try never to get dragged down by any thoughts about what could have, would have, or should have happened in your life. Instead, wipe this slate clean and start fresh as a wiser, experienced soul. Dedicate yourself to your own forward progress as a kind, fun-loving human being. Forgive yourself and others for all mistakes of the past and really polish that slate clean. Decide right now that you are going to live the most out of this life. Try to convince yourself that literally nothing will ever prevent you from having the life you deserve and go on living in a completely satisfied and harmonious way. (You will be surprised at how easy this is once you’ve released the strings to the past cycles of pain & anguish!) The life of your dreams. It has been said that once a man (or woman) has finally fixed their mind unto their purpose and resolved the inner discord that comes as a result of our worldly programming, that every other thing in nature and in life comes to fruition. The stones fall in place for this human soul to rise up and live abundantly happy and prosperous in their chosen course. WHY IT DOESN’T ALWAYS WORK Mental resistance or lack of applied thought control, usually. We naturally feel discouraged and tend to give up hope when things seem not to be shining so brightly. In our heads, we accept defeat long before it arrives. I believe it was Blaise Pascal who said something along the lines of… It is man’s entire duty to think as he ought to. Well we all certainly know how to think don’t we?! I mean, when was the last time you experienced ANY quiet time in your head? Don’t say when you were sleeping either, because at that time the brain is usually anything but still, just the body rests. So? When aren’t there a million thoughts buzzing around in your head? Most of us live with this incessant mental chatter and unless we’ve been trained in the art of meditation or deep relaxation, that stillness eludes us. For those unhappy or dissatisfied souls (such as I was) this mental chatter and self-talk often sounds downtrodden or discouraging. We beat ourselves up emotionally, probing every internal weakness until we can take it no more. The unchecked mind flings you about in a midst-less, self-created hell thats been creatively drafted by your own worst enemy, sometimes known as the subconscious ego, pain-body, dark passenger… I like to think of the ego as the glass-half empty ME. It is the part of me that is never really satisfied, or happy with what I have. It is the part of you that occasionally gets bored in a perfectly healthy relationship and picks a fight once in awhile just to get some more… DRAMA. The emotional pain we relive in our lives is from alllll the painful memories of our past. Usually when we encounter a person or a situation in our lives, the brain (our bio-computer) runs a check to see if we have ever encountered something like this before. This is like spinning a giant wheel composed of our entire life experience until a thorn sticking out from some painful memory snags our attention and we realize we’ve been hurt in a similar situation. It once was a survival mechanism, now it may be a hindrance to the next stage of mankind. Our memories and the emotional pain attached to them actually preclude every decision we make, action that we take, every worldly response to any stimulus, no matter where we are in life. When this happens, we often just put up the shield and move on, closing ourselves off from the rest of the good that is out there for everyone. I know this to be true because for many years I battled depression and misunderstanding. I had isolated myself off from the rest of humanity, and though no man is an island, I suffered mostly in private and alone. I ignored most of my phone calls which I automatically assumed were from some creditor demanding money that I didn’t have. I knew things were getting really bad when I stopped answering calls from my closest friends and family, thinking I wasn’t strong enough or capable of handling any part of life anymore. Inside I was a wreck and felt unhappy with my life’s circumstances, unless I was somehow escaping temporarily. Trying to keep the grades up in college became my only purpose for the real world. I felt pain on all levels of my being and liked to think that I had experienced the full range of emotions… until I found much better ones to replace them with, that is. Truthfully, my hell on Earth ended when I began to recognize that this was not who or what I was… I quit expecting so much to be given to me freely out of this world. I finally told myself this: No one else is ever going to make your problems go away but you. No one else even understands your problems, so how can they make your life better? You have to. I had been waiting around for many years for someone [God?] to wave a magic wand over my life and fix all of the problems I had been ignoring and accumulating. I quit feeling sorry for myself that day and I made a creed to turn over a new leaf and step up into my rightful place in the world. Anyone who is reading this can make the same decision right now. You won’t regret it! Here are some helpful starter suggestions for your new creed. Remember it can be a new you starting at any moment! Don’t delay this any longer, begin making improvements to your life now and don’t even think to stop until you are supremely happy and consider yourself magnificently blessed and, even then, continue to do good unto others because THAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE AND THAT IS WHY WE ARE ALL HERE! Picture the most perfect life imaginable! Don’t fight it! We all strive for something better than this life, we just don’t know how to imagine it or put it down in words. Take a few moments each day to remind yourself of who you are and who you want to be in this life. Picture yourself as already having accomplished all that which you wish to achieve in this life; it could be family or work-related, health, finances, relationships or anything else that you’ve been wanting. Picture everything that you can as clearly as you can and don’t allow any doubts about the possibility of it all happening to cloud your thinking. If you see yourself living in a ten room mansion, then don’t also tell yourself it can never be because of the money. Just write down everything you love about life and make a living out of enacting it. I’m happy to say good luck in this! Decide to be as organized as necessary. This is where planning resources come in handy. I have used large paper planners for 5 years now and couldn’t manage my life without their assistance. Having one place to record the days/weeks/months/years appointments and important events is crucial to helping me prepare and avoid procrastination. I keep lists going week by week regarding important tasks, projects, assignments, necessary communication that must occur, things that I need to buy, appointments, reminders to do little things, et cetera. you should do this too. The more you write down, and the better organized you can become, the more freely you will be able to use your brain for it’s higher purposes. A place for everything and everything in its place. True to a certain extent, these words have driven many of us towards insanity as we struggled to cope with the endless amounts of mail and other paper and belongings that are clogging our overall existence. You only need to be organized enough that you know what you have and can get whatever it is that you need when you need it. Any more organization than that is just fluff, probably wasting precious time that could be better spent elsewhere. Remove all contradictions to your ideal scene. Slowly, but surely, this must occur, in order to remove inner resistance to the dreams which you so desire to come true. For example, do not picture yourself as having ultimately perfected your bodily appearance and health if you are a cigarette smoker who does not like to exercise! Even if you exercise heavily for years and get ripped muscles and a slim waistline, eventually you will see that your inside has blackened and that this prevents you from reaching even greater health. Not everyone needs to be a world-class athlete in order to be happy, healthy, and productive in this life. Admit that you will just have to lower the bar a little bit for this round of idealized thinking and move on with the rest of the philosophy! Start to shape your life now so that it resonates with your highest vision of yourself. Oh, and don’t quit believing just because you aren’t about to give up smoking, I am done anyway, and it is just an example of contradiction. Okay? That’s it! I am not here to prescribe commandments or inflict change upon you–just to help! You are the soul (sic) agent of change. Check back regularly. Enjoy life as much as possible. Live, learn, and love.
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We light a candle for all our friends and members that have passed to the other side.
Gone from our life and forever moved into our heart. ~ ❤️ ~
Two beautiful graphics for anyone to use, donated and created by Shannon Wamsely
Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)
She writes,
"Love, acceptance and inclusion. Grant us peace."
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