Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers

Recommendations from Ibn' Arabi

You should avoid eating and drinking from gold and silver vessels. You should not sit at a table where there is wine or forbidden food. Beware of wearing silk dresses and gold. These are forbidden for men and permitted for women. When you wake up after a dream that has disturbed you, spit three times to the left and say: "I seek refuge in Allah from the evil of the dream I had"! Then change the side on which you were lying during the dream and lie down on another side. You should not talk about the bad dream you had. If you do not tell the bad dream, it will not harm you. Keep such a dream inside you so that you can see the proof of it. Most people talk and narrate what they have seen, even if they seek refuge in Allah from such a dream. In one tradition, it is said that the dream is tied to the foot of the bird, and when it is told, it is untied. You should wear a beautiful fragrance, it is Sunnah to wear a beautiful fragrance. Men should wear a perfume whose scent is diffused but whose colour is hidden. Women should wear a perfume whose scent is hidden but whose colour is clear. This is mentioned in a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). You should use miswak at every prayer and ablution or when entering your house. Miswak purifies the mouth and pleases Allah. It is said in a hadith: 'A prayer with miswak is seventy times more rewarding than a prayer without miswak. Ibn Zanjavi narrates it in his book 'Hadith at-Tergib fi-Fadaili'l-A'mal'. You should avoid swearing bad oaths. For such an oath makes a person a sinner. People are divided on the expiation for such an oath. Some have included it in the atonement for oaths, while others say that there is no atonement for such an oath. What is meant is a vow that allows you to violate the right of another, which is obligatory for you. There is a subtle and mysterious theme here about the obligation of the right that can be understood by those who analyse and understand it deeply: When is a right obligatory and in what capacity? What prevents me from explaining this to people is my desire to prevent evil. Otherwise, the ignorant might try to interpret it and go beyond what we have mentioned and fall into sin without realising it, because the jurists have not recognised this aspect that we have pointed out or said. This is because the jurists have not recognised this aspect that we have pointed out or said.

Muhyiddin Ibn' Arabi (q.s)
Futuhat al Makkiyah
Volume 18 / Pages 250-251

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Grant us peace

Two beautiful graphics for anyone to use, donated and created by Shannon Wamsely

Shannon Wamsley

Designed by Michelle Yd Frost

Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)

She writes,
"Love, acceptance and inclusion. Grant us peace."



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