Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers

Dealing With Challenges / Finding Love By Ann Albers &

The Angels

Hi Dear Friends!

Life can be challenging... and yet love can be found even in the midst of our challenges. The angels talk about its every-present nature, and I'll share my experiences and some tips about how to find and feel love, even when it is tough.

Love you all!

Message From The Angels .....

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Life, dear ones, will have its challenges. You spill your milk. The refrigerator breaks. You stub your toe, or more seriously lose a job or a loved one. Elements of your dream here upon the earth shift and change. The constant behind and beneath all things, however, is and always will be, love.

In even your deepest challenges you can find the frequency of love. If you have deep debt, you can love the food upon your table today. You can love the people in your life. You can love the blue sky and the scent of your spring flowers. If you have suffered a devastating loss of someone in your life, you can still find love in all of those who still surround you, in the arms of God in prayer and meditation and from your angels – and even your dearly departed loved ones – if you are willing to sit, breath, and receive. If you have pain, you can see love in your own heart's willingness to persevere.

The reason challenge and loss hurts so much is that it is perceived as a loss of love. In truth dear ones, love lives! Love lives in every challenge and every inconvenience. Love waits for you on the other side of every loss. Love lives beyond death. Love lives in every particle and manifestation of life. Love lives … inside of you.

You cannot ever lose love. You simply tune into it, or not.

It is all too human when you face challenge or loss to feel a loss of love. Your life has to change. You will have to work harder to find the frequency of love. It is easy to feel the energy of love when life flows smoothly. It takes more work to find it again amidst the chaos. It is easy to feel the frequency of love with a loved one, and much more difficult to find it if they leave. Nonetheless you can discover the One love anywhere, indeed everywhere, even when you feel challenged, hurt, or abandoned. Love will never leave you. It cannot.

Suppose your car breaks and you have to wait all day for the repair. Perhaps love can be found in the form of a kind person to speak with while you wait, or from inspiration that comes while reading that book you've been putting off.

Perhaps the love will appear in the form of having to decline other commitments that you didn't really want to do anyway. Maybe love appears because your car broke down in a safe place and your life was spared due to the repair... Maybe love appears within your own heart as you realize that there is a purpose to all things.

Suppose you lose a loved one. Maybe this is the point in your soul’s eternal evolution where you are going to learn to make contact across the “veil” and once and for all banish the notion of death being the end. Maybe it is a time when you will grieve deeply and be inspired to do great good in the world as a result of the human tragedy. Maybe it is your soul’s time to learn to love yourself instead of always caring for others. Even in spite of the grief and pain, love is waiting to be revealed and to heal you.

In all things, dear one, there is love. Even in your human challenges, love is waiting to be revealed. Allow yourself your very human feelings first. Love yourself through them.

Then, ask a potentially life changing question,"Love, how are you trying to reveal yourself more deeply in my life as a result of this challenge?

Dear ones, love waits for you to discover its Presence. It is an energy frequency that you can find no matter what life presents. Look for love in easy times and, especially, in your challenging times. "Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened." Look for love, and your life will be an experience of love no matter what the outer world presents.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels


Message From Ann .....

Hi Everyone,

In my deepest challenges, I have found my greatest strength. When I was an engineer in a small group years ago the work was challenging, but manageable. When I was promoted to systems engineer coordinating the 777 airplane displays program between Honeywell and Boeing, that stretched me!

I learned to lead. I learned to juggle various people’s needs. I learned to withstand harsh criticism and judgment and still do the right thing, rather than being a people pleaser. I learned a physical and emotional fortitude I didn’t know I had. By the time I finally heard the voices telling me to turn in my resignation, although I was scared, I knew I could handle the unknown.

When an angry, jealous, yet powerful soul hurled spiritual and physical attacks my way several years ago I learned to love even those who hate me… and learned that in that kind of soul love, no darkness could penetrate my loving energy. It was a victory for my soul.

When I faced life threatening physical issues, I learned the power of the mind, and to treasure this gift of life.

When people I loved turned on me, betrayed me, maligned my character, and/or left me, I learned to turn to the One Source of Love and to find strength in knowing and loving who I am. It gave me the courage to love beyond illusions.

The challenges in life are not there to hurt us.

They are there to reveal the areas where we are already hurt and feel disconnected with love so we can find our way back to truth and wholeness.
If we can see them that way, good will always result.

Even my broken toe is a gift. I’m being forced to slow down and realign my posture which has been off for years! I’ve prayed about this. The angels kept telling me it would take me slowing down, walking consciously, and focusing. Well I didn’t. And now, with the broken toe, I am. Since I used mind power and energy to get rid of the throbbing right after I broke it, it serves its purpose well without undue pain. If I remain slow and focused there is no pain. If I walk off kilter, it hurts. It is yet one more blessing in disguise.

So while I’m certainly working to create through greater joy, challenges still happen, and good will always come.

Love, no matter how long it takes, always wins... if we let it.

Here are some pointers to navigate life's challenges and get to the love...

1. Mine for gold….

Veins of gold grow in hard rocks, and veins of love grow in tough life situations. Don’t ask, “Why me? Why now?” instead ask, “How can I bring love into this right here and right now? What good can come from this?”
2. Resist the urge to play victim... and remember you’re a student

This one is tough, but you can do it! First go ahead and allow yourself some very human reactions. Feel your frustration, fear, anger, or upset, then ask for what you really want - comfort, kindness, help, assistance.

Then, after blowing off steam, crying, venting, or doing what you need to do to be human, remind yourself that you are a powerful creator. The challenges in your life are only here to help you find something stronger, better, more abundant, or more loving inside of yourself. They lead you to a greater truth. What can you learn?

As the angels instructed us this week, ask a potentially life changing question,"Love, how are you trying to reveal yourself more deeply in my life as a result of this challenge?

3. Face the challenge head on

We’re wired to fight or flight when challenged. It is in our biology. You will have those twinges. But before you withdraw, fight back, give up, snap in anger, or do any of the other fight/flight behaviors, take a deep breath.

Spend several minutes breathing slowly and deeply to calm the nervous system. Tell yourself, “This challenge is here for a reason. I am not and never will be alone. I am working with the creator of universes and a band of angels. We can handle this even if I don’t yet know how. This could be the best thing that ever happened…"

Then, as the angels always suggest, imagine and feel your desired outcome, do what you know to do, and wait for further guidance.

I honestly don’t enjoy the unexpected challenges in my life any more than the next person :) Nonetheless in every unexpected or tough circumstance there is a gift waiting to be acknowledged – perhaps we can grow stronger, happier, better, and above all, more loving to ourselves and others. Suddenly the challenges aren't so challenging after all.

Love you all!

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Gone from our life and forever moved into our heart. ~ ❤️ ~

Pray for Peace

Grant us peace

Two beautiful graphics for anyone to use, donated and created by Shannon Wamsely

Shannon Wamsley

Designed by Michelle Yd Frost

Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)

She writes,
"Love, acceptance and inclusion. Grant us peace."



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