I have just spent the last month in Brazil bringing the latest teachings and initiations from the Pleiadians to many groups of people. This journey in Brazil has been a sacred time for me, so rich and rewarding to be able to bring these beautiful light initiating energies through me and allow them to move outwards to so many.
The days off were spent in a small cottage by the ocean. Early morning I would watch the sun rise and witness the giant turtles feeding off the reef at low tide.
There has been a sacred group of beings also present working through me, supporting me during each step of my journey through Brazil. This process of working in unionism with these powerful light beings is humbling and liberating. As I witness their magnitude I begin to witness my own fullness of light. I realize as I ‘let go’ into the expansion of my own energy there is a forging of my own brilliance anchoring through the cells of my heart. This process is exhilarating and at the same time it feels incredibly natural. I am filled with gratitude for all that I have experienced here.
There has been an increase in the intensity of energy on the planet, I am sure you all have noticed this in your day-to-day lives. I keep remembering the Pleiadian directives to breathe and let go. I do hope you are remembering to also breathe and let go in your life.
Every aspect of life is changing right now on an energetic level. I find that I absolutely need to trust the moment as it unfolds, and as the unexpected arises I witness what is right in front of me. I am committed to just opening up to what that unique experience is bringing to me, I spend time receiving that which is offered to me within the moment.
I have been working in alliance with the Pleiadian, Galactic and Lemurian energies building a new energetic framework during this month. I have been called to hold a series of powerful energetic platforms for the earth plane to support the changing dimensional profiles that are enabling many veils to be lifted at this time. This lifting of the veils is creating the energetic intensity right now. There is a change in the dimensional setting on the earth, and there is a new intensity of light being channeled onto our planet. This expanded light is creating great change that we are now perceiving in our own lives, as well as, bringing a huge transformation within us.
For me I am gaining daily insights about my humanness, my own vulnerability. I find that these understandings about myself support me in my journey of self-acceptance and self-love.
We are being asked to surrender to the struggle that we have been holding onto for lifetimes. This is an aspect the lifting of the veils brings to support us in being able to let go of this struggle now. The 3rd dimensional holds in place the illusion of the need for us to struggle. Now is the time for us to be liberated.
I will be returning home and I know there will be a great welcoming from all the energies on our land as we arrive. There is always such excitement and joy to be back with the very sacred energies that are anchored on our land.
I am going to Paris at the end of May and I am so looking forward to meeting many of you who plan to be there. I do know that the energy of this Pleiadian Seminar is very unique and will be powerful for everyone who will be attending.
Much love to you all,