A common space for harmonic peacemakers
The Light that you ARE is increasing in every moment.
You are expanding in consciousness every moment.
Your vibration is increasing every moment. Through tears of joy, as you celebrate, more and more of the Divine You. Your Presence. Your Divinity. Your God Self. Through your love.
A Love that is so pure, it is eternal. And only knows itself as LOVE.
Even those moments where you feel you have lost the conscious connection, you are increasing in frequency vibration.
Those moments that you feel separated are moments where you have focused on the external... looking to the external for your love, for your appreciation, for the acknowledgment you desire. You simply forgot, to look to the Source of YOU - the Source of Love within you.
You will see HOW All Moments have been perfect and Glorious. You will SEE them through the eyes of Light. Eyes of Glory. Your Heart aflame with Love.
The Magnificent magical Light, that not only light the way. But LIGHTS your Heart so Brightly that it shines throughout eternity. Glimmering here, yet glowing FOREVER.
When you look upon your many lives, through this magical VIEW of the Glorious reality, as it is, you will KNOW that you were always loved. Always acknowledged, always, LIVING in the true Dream.
The true dream of YOU.
For in your HEART is the magical kingdom of Love that opens and unlocks any sealed door. That opens you to more of the true YOU.
This magical YOU with the freedom to enter all areas of this magnificent love, is always present.
Within you, within your heart - is all the fulfillment you have ever desired.
It is the SOURCE of Love, within you.
With your intention - your thoughts and feelings may merge fully with this love as you Divinely enter into the momentous awakening of the Glory of you.
This Love and Beauty is Glorious.
To behold you, is to be fulfilled.
To behold the true you. That does not exist in time. The YOU that is eternal, that is also here in what appears as time.
The unfolding of this Profound LOVE and awakening to the TRUE You is magical beyond your wildest dreams.
The Bliss and ecstasy so profound.
The LOVE so complete.
The GLORY so much more than can now be imagined.
And yet, NOW you are Here. You are present. Even if you are unaware. You will always be YOU. The Beautiful GLORIOUS you.
The Celebration, the Glory, awaits you fully, as your perfect fulfillment. In all ways. In this Glorious Light that is so PERFECT, as it unfolds, through you.
Now, feel and receive, MORE and MORE of this UNION within you.
ALL now, Beloved Angels. In perfect Divine LOVE which is the endless stream of LIGHT. Of ALL That is. NOW. I love you!
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We light a candle for all our friends and members that have passed to the other side.
Gone from our life and forever moved into our heart. ~ ❤️ ~
Two beautiful graphics for anyone to use, donated and created by Shannon Wamsely
Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)
She writes,
"Love, acceptance and inclusion. Grant us peace."
© 2025 Created by Eva Libre. Powered by