A common space for harmonic peacemakers
PLAN IN 2021 By Patricia Cota-Robles
January 16, 2021
This is a critical moment in the United States of America and we at Era of Peace are joining with the Company of Heaven in sending our heartfelt plea for assistance on behalf of ALL of the Sons and Daughters of God abiding in this country.
There is a Divine Plan unfolding that may not be obvious to our finite minds, however, our I AM Presence and the Legions of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are well aware of this plan and are orchestrating it in Divine Order.The Company of Heaven is asking ALL of us to intervene at this time by empowering the Activities of Light in the following Invocations. This is the assistance that our I AM Presence has been training us for lifetimes to invoke when the time is right. THAT TIME IS NOW!
Archangel Michael and the Legions of Power and Protection
I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth. In the Name, Love, Wisdom, Power and Authority of the Beloved Presence of God, I AM, blazing in my Heart, and by the power of Light’s Victory now made manifest on Earth, I invoke Archangel Michael and his Legions of Power and Protection to come forth NOW!
<>Beloved Ones, descend into Washington, D.C. and the surrounding suburban areas. With your Sword of Blue Flame, CUT FREE (3X) every force that is not of the Light.Encapsulate these energies in your Cosmic Circle of White Lightning. Lift every electron of this negativity into the arms of Divine Grace and instantly Transmute it cause, core, effect, record and memory back into Light. (pause)
Beloved Archangel Michael, I ask that you now direct your Legions of Power and Protection to expand this Divine Service into every state, city, town and homestead in the United States of America. With your Sword of Blue Flame, CUT FREE (3X) every force that is not of the Light.Encapsulate these energies in your Cosmic Circle of White Lightning.
Lift every electron of this negativity into the arms of Divine Grace and instantly Transmute it cause, core, effect, record and memory back into Light. (pause) Beloved Ones, expand this Divine Service now into every country, nation, city, province, town and hamlet on Earth. With your Sword of Blue Flame, CUT FREE (3X) every force that is not of the Light.
Encapsulate these energies in your Cosmic Circle of White Lightning. Lift every electron of this negativity into the arms of Divine Grace and instantly Transmute it cause, core, effect, record and memory back into the Light. (pause)Beloved Legions of Light, in the full Authority of God’s Will on Earth, I COMMAND that in every location where negativity was removed the patterns of perfection for Divine Government shall be established NOW and FOREVER.
Through the Presence of God I AM, I ask for a special Cosmic Dispensation. Beloved Father-Mother God and the Legions of Light throughout Infinity, envelop Washington, D.C., the United States of America and every country on Earth in the full embrace of God’s Will and the Sacred Flames of Divine Love, Enlightenment, Wisdom, Truth, Eternal Peace, Justice, Freedom, Compassion and all of the infinite patterns of perfection associated with Divine Government.
I make this invocation, this command and this decree through the Power of God, I AM. And so it is, Beloved I AM.
Video - A Critical Plan For The New Earth" By Patricia Cota-Robles
Invocation to the Elohim of God’s First Cause of PerfectionThrough the Presence of God, I AM, in me and in all of Humanity, I invoke the Mighty Elohim and the Legions of Light associated with the Sapphire-Blue Flame of God’s First Cause of Perfection.
Blessed One, come forth now and blaze your sacred Flame into the cause and core of all human miscreation in Washington, D.C., and thence, through every government capital in the World.
Go forth now with your invincible Angelic Legions, and sweep through every government building, every office and every home in the city of Washington, D.C. and every state in the USA.
Expand this purifying Activity of Light into every country in the World. Transmute the human desire to use free will destructively, and replace it with the intense desire to serve God and Humanity with Reverence for ALL Life.
I ask that you permanently station your Angelic Legions in Washington, D.C., and in all Government Centers on Earth to ensure that all rates of vibration that tie any individual to activities of discord or imbalance be quickened to a point where they are set FREE in the Light.
Protect every soul from accepting negative human suggestions, and help each one to be a receiver of the Forces and Inspirational Activities of God.
Assist each one to be a willing participant in the fulfillment of the Divine Plan of establishing Divine Government on Earth: A Government OF the I AM Presence, BY the I AM Presence, FOR the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity.
Give added protection to those people who are already manifesting God’s Will through their Divine Plans, and protect them from all interference that would seek to disrupt the establishment of Divine Government on Earth.
I consciously accept this done right now, eternally sustained, and all-powerfully active, ever-expanding and world-encompassing until Divine Government is manifest in every country of the World. And so it is, Beloved I AM.
The Goddesses of Liberty, Justice, Freedom, Victory, Glory and OnenessIn the Name of the Almighty Presence of God, I AM, and through the Creative Fire pulsating in every Heart Flame, I invoke the Goddess of Liberty, the Goddess of Justice, the Goddess of Freedom, the Goddess of Victory, the Goddess of Glory and the Goddess of Oneness.
I also invoke the Silent Watcher for Washington, D.C., Beloved Columbia, and all of the Mighty Guardians and Cosmic Beings who dwell in the Etheric Complex over Washington, D.C.Blessed Ones come forth now, and assist me with the most powerful cleansing activity Humanity and the Earth are capable of receiving during this Cosmic Moment. As One Unified Heart, we now invoke the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection.
Blaze, blaze, blaze this Sacred Violet Fire in, through and around all inharmonious actions, all lower human consciousness and all obstructions of the Light, that I or any part of Life have ever placed on the Pathway of Life’s Perfection. Through the Divine Power of God’s Infinite Perfection, Transmute this discordant energy cause, core, effect, record and memory—NOW and FOREVER.
BLAZE and SUSTAIN the Violet Flame of a thousand Suns and the Cosmic Blue Lightning of Divine Will, Power, Faith and Authority from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God in, through and around:
The President of the United States of America and his Cabinet—now and forever.
The Senate and the House of Representatives for the United States of America—now and forever.
The Supreme Court and ALL Courts of Law, and ALL legal procedures—now and forever.
The United Nations and ALL of its members—now and forever.
Through ALL World leaders and those associated with the Governments of Earth at national, state and local levels—now and forever.
Video - "Transfiguring Our Earthly Bodies" By Patricia Cota-Robles
I accept this Victoriously accomplished through the power of God, I AM. And so it is.The Decree For The Earth And Her Nations
In the Full Power and Authority of the Beloved Presence of God, I AM, we, the Children of Earth, humbly come to the Heart of our Father-Mother God to invoke into the physical plane of Earth the most intensified Activity of God’s Will ever manifested in the history of time
We invoke the Legions of Light serving this blessed Earth to absorb this Divine Essence into every fiber of their Beings and project it into the Heart Flame and conscious mind of every person associated with the Governments of this Planet in any way, shape or form. Blaze the Cosmic Flame of God’s Will through every one of these people and clear away any destructive activity of their own free will which might rush in to try and impede their conscious desire to do God’s Will.
Help them to become and remain obedient to the Law of Harmony and to BE God in action at ALL times. Seal all Governmental positions, individually and collectively, in the radiance of God’s Will.
Reveal through Illumination’s Flame, the Divine Purpose and Divine Plan for each office and each individual, and give to each person the Spiritual Courage to fulfill that plan perfectly.
Let the Will of God be manifest in, through and around ALL of the Governments of the World—NOW and FOREVER! Let the LIGHT OF GOD THAT IS ETERNALLY VICTORIOUS Enlighten and lead ALL Humanity everywhere!We accept this manifesting NOW, even as we call. And so it is, Beloved I AM.
The time has arrived for Humanity en masse to move beyond the consciousness of separation and duality. It is time for us to join together as One Breath, One Heartbeat, One Voice, and One Unified Consciousness of pure Divine Love. We must acknowledge the Divinity within every Heart Flame and celebrate our diversities, thus moving past the illusion of things that separate us.
The first step in this Healing process involves Humanity Cocreating the Template for Unity Consciousness. This is a critical facet of the Divine Plan for 2021. Today, you and I and the rest of Awakening Humanity will begin this Healing by invoking the Light of God and Cocreating a Template for Unity Consciousness in the Realms of Cause.
Together, we will bathe Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth in the Healing Unguent of Unity Consciousness from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God.
Please affirm: “I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth.” Now, every person’s I AM Presence is preparing his or her Heart and Mind to receive this influx of Light as we join together in One-pointed Consciousness.
I will lead this guided visualization in the first person, so that we will all experience this Activity of Light individually, but KNOW that the invocation we make this sacred day for ourselves, we make for ALL Humanity and every particle and wave of Life evolving on Mother Earth.
We now begin by Breathing our Holy Breath with the NEW and infinitely powerful frequencies of Prana and Life Force in and out deeply and rhythmically.
Video - "Empowering Your Positive Potential In 2021" By Patricia Cota-Robles
I AM going within to the deepest recesses of my Heart, the secret place of the Most High Living God. There I kneel before the altar of Love and surrender my lower human consciousness to the perfection of my I AM Presence, my true God Reality. (pause)
My I AM Presence takes full command of my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. The Light of God fills my Being, and I Ascend into the Realms of Illumined Truth. Within this octave of Light, Unity Consciousness flows into my Heart Flame and floods the Earth to Bless all Life.
As Humanity and Mother Earth are Consecrated with the Light of Unity Consciousness, specific genetic codings are activated within every person’s Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Strands of DNA and Mother Earth’s new 5th-Dimensional Record Keeper Crystals.
These codings contain the Immaculate Concept of each person’s and Mother Earth’s full Divine Potential. This Activity of Light is now empowering Mother Earth and every Beloved Son and Daughter of God evolving on this Planet to fulfill our Divine Purpose and reason for Being.
Through this activation the mind and emotions of every person are purified and realigned with the Harmony of their True Being. This purification paves the way for the conscious mind and the super-conscious mind within each person to merge and become One.
In this state of at-one-ment, every person’s I AM Presence takes full control. The life, body, mind and soul of every Son and Daughter of God on Earth is quickened and lifted into a state of Enlightenment that clears the way for Unity Consciousness and the fulfillment of the Divine Plan for 2021.
Unity Consciousness contains a clarity and frequency of God’s Comprehensive Divine Love that transcends ALL obstacles. Held in the embrace of this Divine Intelligence, I fully comprehend the Truth that I AM One with all Life and that ALL Life is Divine.
This awareness allows the masses of Humanity to revel in our diversities and to revere and respect our differences in new and wondrous ways. Unity Consciousness contains within its essence the Divine Potential for me to rise above all human conditions and all self-inflicted pain and suffering, for when I AM Unified in Consciousness with the rest of Humanity we become a Force of Unlimited and Unspeakable Power.
With Unity Consciousness, I recognize and honor the Divinity within every Human Being, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth. I peer into the Heart of every man, woman and child and I see a radiant Being of Light abiding within every Heart Flame. As I acknowledge each person’s Divinity, the I AM Presence within their Heart begins to expand and expand.
As the I AM Presence of each person increases in power and dominion, the obsolete beliefs, behavior patterns and illusions associated with fear and separation or lack and limitation begin dropping away.
Regardless of the depths of negativity the person has fallen to, his or her I AM Presence now takes control and places their feet firmly on the Path of Light.
I now Breathe my Holy Breath in deeply and assimilate the Light of Unity Consciousness into my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies.
For a sublime moment, I revel in the wonder of this magnificent Light. Through my I AM Presence I now Consecrate my Life Force to be the Open Door for Unity Consciousness until the patterns of perfection for the New Earth are manifest in all of their Glory.
Through Unity Consciousness ALL Life belonging to or serving the New Earth at this time is NOW experiencing the Divine Qualities of God’s Comprehensive and Transfiguring Love, Oneness, Enlightenment, Eternal Peace, Vibrant Health, Abundance, Joy and Reverence for ALL Life.
From this moment forth, I will focus on the Divinity within every Heart Flame and KNOW that Unity Consciousness is now expanding through every person’s I AM Presence with every Holy Breath we take. And so it is, Beloved I AM That I AM.
Dear One, every day continually focus on the Divinity within every Son and Daughter of God, the entire Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth. Visualize Unity Consciousness expanding through every person’s I AM Presence with every Breath they Take.
God Bless You, Patricia Cota-Robles
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace - www.eraofpeace.org
I lovingly call forth God's Infinite Blessings with the Highest Divine Energies of Each of Your Soul's Love, Enlightenment, Healing, Violet Flame Blessings, & Blessing of Each of Your Soul's New Earth Ascension Blueprint, Peace, Joy, & Abundance that are Divinely Perfect For Each of You in every Moment !
Steven Hutchinson
Video - "Golden Stream Of Awakening With The 144" By Natalie Glasson
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Gone from our life and forever moved into our heart. ~ ❤️ ~
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Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)
She writes,
"Love, acceptance and inclusion. Grant us peace."
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