Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers

Tuning Into The Divine Mother By Ann Albers & The Angels

Message From The Angels .....

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Be you male or female, it is the energy of the Divine Mother within you that gives birth. It is the energy of the Divine Mother that nurtures, not only yourselves and one another, but your ideas, your projects, and plans! It is the energy of the Divine Mother that helps you sit in silent reception to God's love. For within God, dear ones, all energies exist, and all energies are present within you to some degree.

Take a moment and breathe. Feel the gentle presence and energy of the Divine Mother within. For some of you this may take a form – Mary, Quan Yin, a saint or guru. For others you may feel a gentle but powerful presence. God is God, dear ones. The Divine contains all. The Divine makes itself known in all. Today however, we ask you to use your intention and relax into the arms and the energy of the Mothering presence of God.

No matter whether your physical mother was nurturing or not, you can bring this nurturing presence of Divine Mother up within you. If your physical mother embodied these qualities, count yourself fortunate.

If not, ask to find them within yourself. Love yourself. Nurture yourself. Care for yourself. Celebrate your good ideas, and soothe yourself when you feel challenged.

Dear ones, no matter what form the energy takes, you all wish to feel nurtured, cherished, and loved. You can find this in a man, woman, Mother Nature, or always within yourself.

The energy of the Divine Mother is soft and strong, for "she" wants you to feel loved and supported. The energy of the Divine Mother steers you in the gentlest of ways. The energy of the Divine Mother helps you honor your heart, receive your guidance, and sit in quiet bliss.

Perhaps this day you can do something kind and nurturing for yourself, and perhaps for  your physical mother as well. If your physical mother was not nurturing then send light to her soul. If she is with us, then tell her all the things you cherished about her, or with great honesty, the things you wish she had been.

Opening your hearts to love dear ones, in any way you do it, is opening your heart to the love and Presence of the Divine within, and we may celebrate this every day in the form and energy of the feminine presence that lives within you all.

Happy Mothers day to each and every one of you – male, female, human mothers or not, for each one of you has given birth to greater light in this world and nurtured its flame in your own hearts.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

Ann Albers Message .....

Hi Everyone,

I love my mom. We have reached a beautiful place of respect and care for one another. It was not always this easy. You see, I had a "mouth" when I was younger. I wasn't easily told what to do. On one hand, I was a "goody two shoes" trying to please everyone, but when I felt that I was being commanded, my internal warrior rose up.

I remember once, after "mouthing off" ducking behind kitchen counters in a game of "you can't catch me," while my poor mom chased after me with a wet wash rag, intent on letting me know that my outburst wasn't acceptable. Eventually we both broke out laughing.

I have come to realize over the years, the challenges that my beautiful mother faced when she was young, and the generational disadvantages that were heaped upon women of her time. My mom became a very good wife and mother, but there was always more to her. 

Now at age 81, after nearly 20 surgeries, including two hip and two knee replacements she keeps going. I am in awe of her persistent spirit. I am i awe of her commitment to see good where she can. She is an amazing grandma to my nieces, and a good friend. I give thanks.

Nonetheless, I didn't learn how to nurture myself from my mom. She was raised in a culture of female martyrdom, which I adopted as well. It took me years to learn to put self-care – beyond the basics of eating, sleeping, and exercising – into the equation of my life.

Now, self-nurturing is as important a part of life as every other responsibility. I wake up three hours early to do my breathing, exercises, cold showers, and self-massage. I eat a healthy breakfast. I spend a little time reading something inspiring or in silence. I take care of my body, mind, and soul. I take time in silence, in nature, and nurture myself in as many ways as possible to keep me "full" enough to care for the thousands I serve.

The Divine Feminine takes many forms. It lives in your mother, and in you. It lives in the saints I go see for blessings every year like Amma Karunamayi. It lives in the vast beauty of Mother Nature. 

I like to sit quietly at times and ask specifically for the energy of the Divine Feminine to rise up within and around me. She feels like a warm fuzzy blanket. She reminds me that God is love, and not the judgmental "father image" I was raised with. She reminds me that I already have the answers inside.

Best of all, she reminds me, she is me, you, and everything in creation.She is He, and He is She, and both are We.... It is mind blowing but beautifully felt when you ask to experience the feminine form of the Divine.

Here are some pointers to help you connect with the feminine presence of the God – the energy of the Divine Mother...

1. Pick an Image of Divine Mother

We are visual creatures and if you're not accustomed to relating to the formless aspect of the Divine, choose a form that represents Divine Mother for you. It might be Mary, Quan Yin, a Hindu Saint, an image you makeup, or even your very own mother, or a powerfully loving woman you know. It might be a pink fuzzy blanket or a cloud of pastel energy. Allow your mind to wander, and ask the Divine Mother to give you an image so you may more easily relate to this energy.

Then close your eyes and ask her to embrace you and speak to you in your heart. Ask to feel her. Breathe, release expectations, and simply see what you feel. You may not hear words, but you will be embraced by pure, nurturing love.

2. Imagine her Presence in Nature and New Life

The energy of the Divine Mother gives life. Imagine her love within every offering of a seed, a bud, a new tree, the sunrise, a fawn, and the birds. Imagine nature is the cloak for her invisible presence. Now imagine your very own nature, your body, is also her cloak. She lives and breathes within you.

Breathe and imagine her love rising up within you.

3. Nurture Yourself

Close your eyes. Ask the energy of the Divine Mother, "How can I best nurture myself?" and listen to the first thought, idea, or image that pops in your mind. Resolve to do this more often. As I typed this, I asked the question, and heard, "Go eat now, before it gets too late." Time had escaped me. It is good guidance.

Happy Blessed Mother's Day tomorrow, to all who are actual mothers in this world and to all – male and female – on this list who are working to give birth to and nurture the light within us all.

Love you all!

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Gone from our life and forever moved into our heart. ~ ❤️ ~

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Grant us peace

Two beautiful graphics for anyone to use, donated and created by Shannon Wamsely

Shannon Wamsley

Designed by Michelle Yd Frost

Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)

She writes,
"Love, acceptance and inclusion. Grant us peace."



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