Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers

You, in Your Humanness, Are the Key

Meredith Murphy
a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy

Saturday, 5 March, 2016

Hello Divine Ones,

Thank you for being with us. We are quite excited about this conversation today, for the time has come to have a very direct conversation in a way that we have not yet had with you. Recently we have offered specific suggestions for working with your mind and your habits of thought and patterns of being, so that you might open up more capacity to think freely, to feel more open to think freely, and therefore, to have different experiences from within your humanity.

This kind of movement is an essential part of your evolution because you, in your humanness, are the key to the ascension of your life. What we mean by this is your soul is not within you to take over and do it all. Your soul is within you, offering you energetic nourishment. Pure, clear consciousness, so that you might use this energetic stream of all that you are to remember and to tune yourself into alignment with your essence and use that alignment to create your life with that joyous flow.

The point here is not to become your soul in a way that eclipses your human life. The point here, is to learn to feel your soul presence within you and to recognize it as a pure clear energy that is you, that gives life to you, that is your essence, and to use that energy to guide and steer yourself. To use that energy to know yourself. To use that energy to support and energize your life, and to know that it is the source of your being and your connection with All that is.

As an embodied aspect of your soul, you are ever-expanding awareness. You provide the soul a vehicle to have different experiences, and you enrich the fullness of your being. The vehicle of your life is an amazing experience of expansion for your soul. This is true, really from the very beginning, without you doing anything. Just having the ability to be here, in a body, and perceive and experience this amazing this planetary field, and your amazing intelligent body, is beneficial and expanding to your soul.

Your body, like you, is fueled by the essence of your being. Your body and you are innately aligned in intention and aspiration. You as consciousness experience the world, and it's richness and all it presents gives you ideas. You see what you like. You discover from a very early age, that you have your own preferences. This occurs naturally as you in your uniqueness live and encounter life. As you encounter life, you discover what you like, what you don't, and as you grow and develop, you make adjustments based on what you like, and what you don't, and what you think will get you more of what you like.

Sometimes these adjustments are based on separation. Sometimes these adjustments are coming from within. They are wise and insightful. When they are based on separation, or they're fear-based, they typically involve shutting yourself down in some way. Any kind of adjustment that shuts you down in some way creates problems later.

In our many conversations with you, we offer many ideas for working with this kind of congested energies and patterns so that you might clear them. These more limiting ideas were beneficial to you in the moment in which you chose them, but to perpetuate them is never beneficial. It's only beneficial to be present in the moment and choose from the present.

From a more elevated vibration in the present, because you're ascending, it's much easier to choose more empowering ways of relating and being and participating. Learning to clear the congested energies is beneficial.

Your life is a means of experience, and it's always changing. You are always changing, and your experience of life is always changing. What you are translating as experience is always changing because your vibration is dynamic. What you translate and perceive as experience is based on your vibrational state. What you translate and perceive as experience is always changing because your vibration is dynamic.

You are translating life based on your dynamic frequency state, and so what you translate and interpret in one moment may come from an elevated clear energy state, and in another moment may come from a distorted fear-based energy state. You experience the full spectrum of all of this.

Now, our message for today. There is no need to get this to always be some perfect way in order to have a wonderful life. Do you know this?

Do you really know this? Do you realize that you can feel free and happy and enjoy all the different dynamics of your life by simply seeing the big picture of the game, and knowing your soul here for the experience of it all? Some of it will delight you. Some of you will wish you had not tasted. If you want to be happy, if you want to be free, choose to be happy, and choose to be free. Choose to think and notice in ways that give you the feeling of being happy and free.

You may say, "Oh, Archangel Michael, I don't know how to do this", but you can choose these qualities as important to you, and begin to discover how to feel them more often.

You can make these feelings

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Gone from our life and forever moved into our heart. ~ ❤️ ~

Pray for Peace

Grant us peace

Two beautiful graphics for anyone to use, donated and created by Shannon Wamsely

Shannon Wamsley

Designed by Michelle Yd Frost

Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)

She writes,
"Love, acceptance and inclusion. Grant us peace."



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