Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers

The thymus gland is the first formed in the machine and for the SOL.

In the center of the chest behind the bone where people touch when he says 'I', is a small gland called the thymus. His name in Greek, 'thymos' means life energy. Be necessary to say more?

Yes, it is necessary to say something more ... Because the thymus is still a great unknown. It grows and shrinks when we are happy half when we are stressed and even more when we get sick.

This characteristic confused for a long time to medicine, which only knew him through autopsies and was always shrunk and shrunk.

It was supposed to be atrophied and stopped working during adolescence, so much that for decades American medical scams perfectly healthy bombarded with high doses of X rays, believing that their 'abnormal size' could cause problems.

Later science proved that, likewise shrink after early childhood, he remains active and is one of the pillars of our immune system, along with the adrenal glands and spinal cord and is directly connected to the senses, awareness and language.

As a telephone exchange through which pass all calls, make connections outside and inside. .

If we are invaded by microbes or toxins, reacts immediately produce defense cells.

But it is also very sensitive to images, colors, lights, smells, tastes, gestures, touches, sounds, words and thoughts. .

Love and hate what a profound impact. Negative thoughts have more power over him that viruses and bacteria.

As this negative attitude does not exist in concrete form, the thymus trying to react and weak and fighting against an invader unknown and open spaces for symptoms of low immunity, such as herpes.

In return, they get positive thoughts turn all his powers, remembering that faith removes mountains.

A test of thought

This simple test can prove that connection.

Close your thumb and forefinger in the position of 'ok', press firmly and ask someone to try to open them as you think 'I'm happy. "

Then repeat thinking 'I'm unhappy. "

Most people kept the finger strength with the happy thought and is weakened when you think you are unhappy.

(Replace the thoughts of a delicious chocolate ice cream, a coconut cake, filled with cream, to see what happens ...)

The same test used to diagnose much more complex situations.

For example, the physician needs a differential diagnosis, the patient has symptoms in the liver cancer that can mean as much amoebic abscesses.

Using the same samples or films with graphic representations of one or another hypothesis, tests the patient's muscle strength while in contact with them and get the desired result.

The reactions are considered responses of the thymus and the method which has been shown at scientific conferences around the world and is taught at the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) and medical acupuncturists.

The curious detail is that the thymus is well attached to the heart that ends up winning all the credit for feelings, emotions, decisions, speech, hearing, state of mind, etc..

"I'm tight with my heart ', for example, reveals a real scam that only by reflection around the heart of the problem.

The very heart chakra, an energy source of unity and compassion, has more to do with the thymus
with the heart and is in the field that, according to Buddhist teachings, given the passage of the state animal to human status.

How interesting! You may be thinking, but what with that? "
Turns out, if you want, you can exercise the thymus to increase its production of wealth and happiness.

In the morning, lifting, or at night before bed:
a) - Standing, knees slightly bent (the distance between your feet should be the same shoulder). Put your weight on your toes and not on the heel and keep all the muscles very relaxed.

b) - Close any hand and start tapping continued with the knots of the fingers in the center of the chest, setting the pace as well: unafuerte and two weak. Keep doing 3 to 5 minutes, breathing quietly, while observing the vibration throughout the thoracic region. (Do 20 touches in the morning and 20 touches in the evening).

The exercise will be drawing blood and energy to the thymus, grow it into vitality and also benefit the lungs, heart, bronchial and throat. So, filling the chest of something that was hers and was just waiting for a glance of recognition to become courageous, quiet, nutrition, emotional hug.

Excellent, intimate, full of encouragement ... Blessed Timo
.-Dr Nancy Strauss

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Shannon Wamsley

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Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)

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