Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers

The thirst mechanism is so weak that often 37% of human beings is mistaken for hunger
Even MILD dehydration will slow metabolism as much as 3%.

A glass of water will shut down midnight hunger almost 100% of the dieters, according to a study at the University of Washington.

The decline of only 2% of body water can cause short-term memory loss, trouble with basic math and difficulty focusing your eyes on a computer screen or on a printed page.

Drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79% and reduce by half as likely to develop bladder cancer.

According to experts, this is not optional, it is mandatory if you want your brain to function in an optimal manner.
And if we are stressed, we must increase to 16 glasses of water a day.

90% of the volume of our brain is composed of water and is the main vehicle for electrochemical transmissions.

You can not imagine that 8-10 glasses of water a day can do to eliminate many ailments.
People usually do not drink so much to avoid the hassle of having to urinate often, a minor inconvenience in exchange for an improvement in their health.

If the color of your urine is pale yellow or even better, no color, you are not getting enough water (this does not apply if you are taking vitamin B complex, which produce a natural yellow color).

Speaking of drinking water, does not refer to coffee, tea or sodas. Bottled water and / or spring is best.

Preliminary studies indicate that drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease many discomforts in 80% of people.

NOTE 1: Heartburn


Dump the Tums and cure heartburn.

Heartburn can be a sign of lack of water in the upper gastrointestinal tract. This is a major thirst signal emitted by the human body.
The ingestion of antacids or tablet medications in heartburn does not correct dehydration, and the body continues to suffer as a result of not getting enough water.

Tragedy: Not recognizing heartburn as a sign of dehydration and treating it with antacids, over time, produce inflammation of the stomach, the duodenum, hiatal hernia, ulcers, and eventually cancers in the gastrointestinal tract, including pancreas and liver.

NOTE 2: Arthritis

Water may prevent and cure arthritis

Rheumatoid Joint Pain - Arthritis can be a sign of lack of water in the joints. Can affect both young and adults. The use of painkillers does not cure the problem and causes the disease continues to progress.
Drinking water will alleviate this problem.

NOTE # 3: Back Pain

The low back pain and ankylosing arthritis of the spine can be signs of lack of water in the discs of the spine - the spinal cushions that support the weight of the leather. These conditions should be treated by increasing the amount of water to drink.

Tragedy: Not recognizing that the back pain is a symptom of dehydration in the joint cavities and treating with analgesics, massage, acupuncture, and eventually surgery will, over time this will cause osteoporosis when cells in the cartilage in joints and cause eventual death a deformity of the spine, which in turn lead to physical disability of lower limbs.

NOTE # 4: Angina

Chest Pain - Angina - can be a sign of lack of water in the body between the axis of the heart and lungs.

This symptom should be treated with increased amount of water, until the patient has no pain and without medication. It is wise to have medical supervision, however, by increasing the amount of water to drink can cure angina.

NOTE 5: Migraine

Migraine can be a symptom of the lack of water required in the brain and eyes. Migraines can be prevented by preventing the dehydration of the body. This particular type of dehydration might eventually cause inflammation in the back of the eye and possibly a decrease or loss of vision.

NOTE 6: Colitis

Colitis is a sign of lack of water in the large intestine. Is associated with constipation due to the construction of excess water that is carried in the feces and that in turn loses water provides lubrication.

Tragedy: Not recognizing colitis pain as a sign of lack of water will cause persistent constipation, a condition that will result in a compaction in the stool, which in turn can cause diverticulitis, polyps and hemorrhoids, and increase the likelihood of cancer of the colon and rectum.

NOTE # 7: Asthma

Asthma affects about 12,000,000 children and kills several thousand of them every year, is a complication of dehydration of the body. It is caused by a flaw in the administration program of hydration of the body.
The free flow of air is obstructed the removal of water vapor in the body - the mist. The increase in water intake will prevent asthma attacks.

Tragedy: Not recognizing water as an indicator of lack of water in the developmental stage of children, not just death sentence to several thousand of them every year, but will result in asthmatic children who survive, genetic damage irreversible.

NOTE 8: High Blood Pressure

Hypertension is a state of adaptation of the general body dehydration when cells of blood vessels do not get enough water. As part of the mechanism of reverse osmosis, when water is filtered serum and injected into important cells through tiny pores in their membranes, extra pressure required for the "injection process, such as happens when you inject the "whey" in hospitals to rehydrate the millions of cells. Drinking water, compensate the pressure to normal.

Tragedy: Not recognizing hypertension as one indicator of body dehydration and treating it with diuretics that further dehydrate in turn, lead to further blockage of the arteries of the heart and arteries to the brain by the action of cholesterol. It will cause heart attacks, small or massive strokes that paralyze the body. They can also cause kidney failure and neurological damage such as Alzheimer's.

NOTE 9: Diabetes Type II or Adult

Diabetes in adults is another probable cause due to dehydration of the body. Maintaining an adequate amount of water in circulation and to the priority needs of brain insulin secretion is inhibited to prevent the entry of water into the cells of the body. In diabetes only some cells get enough water to survive. The drinking water reverses adult-onset diabetes in its early stages.

NOTE # 10: Blood Cholesterol

High cholesterol levels are an indicator of early body dehydration. Cholesterol is a clay that is poured in the gaps of some cell membranes to safeguard them from losing their vital water content to the osmotically more powerful blood circulating in the neighborhood. Cholesterol, apart from being used in the manufacture of the membranes of nerve cells and hormones, also acts as a shield against the water demand of other vital cells that would normally exchange water through their cell membranes.

NOTE N ° 11:

Depression, loss of libido, a symptom of chronic fatigue, lupus, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy. All these conditions can cause prolonged dehydration. If it is the probable cause, will be relieved once the body has been hydrated regularly. Under these conditions the muscle exercise should be part of the treatment program.


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Shannon Wamsley

Designed by Michelle Yd Frost

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Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)

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