Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers


Do you feel the same as a cow as a cucumber?

Dear friends, thank you for your interest and enthusiasm for change old habits and encouraged to choose a healthy diet.


In the last notes on healthy eating, we noticed that there are several typical reactions and repeated when you say you are a vegetarian, one of them is: "But you do not think the lettuce also suffer when the tear and eat?" Another argument is as follows: "Then why go vegetarian if man is also part of an evolutionary chain animal and not bad to eat other animals?" 

For the person who chooses to be vegetarian, naturally emerged compassion for those sentient beings, the basic criterion is to respect and love for sentient beings.

Responding to the first argument, it is known that in the case of plants, they do not have a nervous system, so do not feel pain. 

The animals, they are sentient, this is due to have a brain and nervous system so they feel pain and killing by torture is cruel.

Regarding the comment that our diet is dependent on the meat to a certain extent is true, because the human being is a being omnivorous, that is, you can eat vegetables and meats. But well, a vegetarian diet can meet all the necessary nutrients for the human system, so that even a scientifically proven diet that works for the normal growth of children if properly planned in all forms of vegetarianism. 

The fact that animals eat other animals, is common in nature, is the food chain, but for those who choose vegetarianism, the answer to the second question is a simple matter of empathy with other sentient beings .

It is shocking to see what society is numb to pain of other living beings, where the des-criterion implies not think and eat what you guys told us it was okay to eat, without asking if we felt good or bad, is as usual in most people.

Investigations are made on the number of animals that are killed in a cruel, with gruesome torture and abuse under pain and difficult to understand, happens that the only comparable thing that comes to mind is the Jewish victims of Nazi Holocaust. 

Choose a healthy diet, but that does not involve the suffering and exploitation of any animal, is the ethical stance of vegetarianism, which is to cause the least pain to other living beings, an effort that can only be done by humans, as no other animal is able to modify your diet.

We know that these notes generated much controversy, but we encourage you to write for the love of our brothers the animals.

We love you forever!

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