Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers

It was until about the year 1900 when the earth 's electromagnetic field was easily in his own field and some other micro-pulsations associated with it. Such is the case of accidental discharges of lightning and visible light. Instead, we are currently immersed in a sea of energy that is almost entirely man-made .

If we perceive and derive information from the natural geomagnetic field , it is logical that all this unnatural electromagnetic field is producing biological effects that may be harmful.

Installation and applications of electricity and electronics are increasing continuously. Its effects on health are now indisputable and widely known within the scientific environment , but in regard to the public , most people do not know what you can do to protect themselves from the harmful effects of certain electromagnetic fields. It is now known that electrical stimulation affects cell growth and helps to promote the consolidation of broken bones.

But it is also known that the intensities of electromagnetic fields necessary for this phenomenon happens , are much larger than the intensities of the pollution of electromagnetic fields .

Since 1975 magnetotrópico The effect of the bacteria to the North Pole.

This is very important when talking about electromagnetic smog .

We all know that in today's society we live in, we are not free of risks, but we must take our precautions to ensure that these risks are lower.

Most people believe that health risks associated with electromagnetic fields are of external origin in the environment. The truth is that the greatest risk is associated with the use of many appliances we use everyday in our homes and offices.

Currently , the electromagnetic energy covers the whole world , ie there is no place to hide it. In the most remote places on the planet would also be exposed to a ubiquitous current frequency level of 50 or 60 Hz , as reflected radio waves in the ionosphere. With this , we can easily realize that the problem is global electropolución and to solve it would require an immense effort and coordination. Furthermore, as individuals , we do have some control over our electromagnetic devices that ordinarily used in our daily life. The only basic concept that we apply is the rate of risk - dosing . For example , we know that an electric razor produces an electromagnetic field of extremely high power, when plugged into an electrical outlet.

We have measured with different devices , electromagnetic fields of 60 Hz , up to 400 milligauss one centimeter from the edge of the knife. These fields penetrate the skin of the operator. There is scientific evidence that 60 Hz fields only 3 milligauss , are associated with increased incidence of cancer. This then tells us that these electromagnetic fields emitted by electric razor (connected to the power line ) are 100 times more potent than considered safe .

Therefore, it is very important not to forget the concept of rate -dosing , as the electric razor for a few minutes using nothing more. Therefore, the exposure is minimal. In contrast, for example, the magnetic field strength electric blanket is 50 to 100 milligauss , while still within the danger zone. Also , take into account that the use of the sheet is several hours a day, so the total dose is much higher.

There are large epidemiological studies on the effects of electromagnetic fields. The most consistent association is in electrical workers , children (particularly for brain cancer and leukemia) and the rate of abortion, which is higher among users of electric blankets .

The electromagnetic field man-made environment , is produced mainly by the local transmission of electric power and distribution network and the level of field strength we are exposed constantly. This field is present inside and outside our homes and it is almost impossible to avoid.

Through various investigations , has been the environmental electromagnetic field levels in urban areas , almost always exceed the 3 milligauss . The range in suburban runs from 1-3 milligauss . These readings can vary greatly according to their proximity to transmission lines of electrical power and power line transformers .

Dr. Nancy Wertheimer of the University of Colorado who published the first epidemiological study on changes in frequency of power, has done similar studies in users of electric blankets .

Some other studies suggest that residential exposure to electromagnetic fields exceeding 3 milligauss environment are closely related to increases in the incidence of cancer in children. Most researchers agree that a maximum safe level is 0.3 milligauss . Wertheimer and Leeper reported that children living in homes close to electrical power lines had two or three times greater chance of developing cancer , particularly leukemia , lymphoma and tumors of the nervous system of children living in houses further away from these settings high current. These results were generally confirmed by subsequent controlled studies done by Savitz et al. In 1989 the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA ) published a key finding indicating that 60 Hz electromagnetic fields and other low frequencies can interact with individual cells and organs to produce biological changes.

We recommend that to reduce our level of electromagnetic field strength of our interior, unplug all our appliances when we are not using as many of them, despite being turned off, continue to produce an electromagnetic field if they remain connected to the power line. One of the most common household appliances today, is television, which , besides producing a small amount of ionizing radiation ( as X-rays ) also produce non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation coming from the whole set. I clarify this because many people think that only emit electromagnetic fields in front of the television set.

Our TVs are a radiant source of broad band of 60 Hz to radio frequencies within the range of MHz radiation emitted by the TV out in all directions. We can say, in a general way that the bigger the television , the greater the strength of the electromagnetic field emitted and therefore be extended further. For all these reasons , we recommend that people (particularly children ) to watch TV, sit at a distance where the level of electromagnetic field strength is more than 1 milligauss .

Regarding the video terminals of computers, we can say that here the problem is greater, since many computers have the keyboard attached to the screen , which increases the dose of radiation. In addition to being exactly at the level of the head. In these cases , we recommend that the operator is at least one meter away from the video terminal to avoid risks and that the electromagnetic level is about 1 milligauss . Today, more and more companies producing computers that emit a low level of radiation.

Another point related to electromagnetic fields are the fluorescent lights. We all know that they are cheaper and last longer than incandescent . It is very important that the fluorescent light , and produce light with much narrower spectrum (which is not good biologically) , produces a stronger electromagnetic field . For example, if we measure the magnetic field of a 60 watt incandescent bulb , are 5 cm from a level of 0.3 milligauss . If we consider the electromagnetic field at a distance of 15 cm , we see that is 05 milligauss . But if we do the same with a fluorescent bulb , we see that a 5 cm from a 10- watt bulb produces an electromagnetic field of six milligauss and 15 cm , the field is 2 milligauss , outside the range of safety from the point biologically .

In the studies we did some years ago in the Program for the Study of Alternative Medicine at the University of Guadalajara have confirmed that an electric clock produces a surprisingly high magnetic field by the electric motor that activates it. We have seen that an ordinary electric clock on the nightstand in the bedroom produces a magnetic field of 5-10 milligauss at 70 cm distance, ie directly on the head of the owner. Therefore, we recommend that you use watch batteries.

Hair dryers are common , occurring in general a very strong magnetic field . For example, a 1200 watts produces a 15 cm distance, a field of 50 milligauss . For a person who uses it every day just to dry your hair, maybe the dose is not very high, but there are early reports that the designers who use them daily for several hours , have a breast cancer incidence higher than the general public .

With regard to electric heaters , we can say that most of them produce a field of 23 to 15 cm milligauss and some more modern that are placed on the roofs come to producing a field of 10 milligauss in the whole room !

Microwave ovens offer the same problem as the computers in regard to the emission of electromagnetic fields. There is no safe level of exposure to microwaves yet determined , therefore , we recommend that users review them regularly to prevent the abnormal release of radiation and stress that they should not approach the microwave oven during operation.

Nowadays, we have a range of radio device, which formerly used only people who needed to work as police, fire brigade. Now, we have CB radio , cordless phones, cell phones, home security systems and offices, remote control toys and many other devices. Dr. Samuel Mihama Health Department of the State of Washington has reported an incidence of leukemia much higher among amateur radio operators that the general public. Therefore, it is recommended that all of these devices are used only when necessary and for the shortest possible period of time.

As we all know , today we are dealing with diseases that were unknown a few years ago . Has also been seen that many considered eradicated diseases , are returning. New paradigms of science can give us some clues to see the emergence of these diseases and the reappearance of those considered eradicated. In theory , a disease that appears from nowhere, can be caused by a genetic change in an existing organism ( a bacterium or virus) which produces new pathologic features .

On the other hand , some researchers believe that what happens is that the weakening of Earth's magnetic field and the excess of other electromagnetic fields at other frequencies , is causing the immune resistance of humanity to gradually decline .

You can add to the discussion of electromagnetic fields and health, an interesting relationship between Alzheimer 's disease and exposure to them. In a recent conference held in Minneapolis , the researcher Joseph Sobel of the University of Southern California reported on three studies that show dramatic links between exposure in the workplace to strong electromagnetic fields and a later risk for degenerative brain disease . The subjects at high exposures were 3 times more likely to develop Alzheimer 's disease than people who did not work around electrical fields. Two of these studies were conducted in Finland, another in Los Angeles. We included 386 patients and 475 control subjects.

More and more governments to take concrete action to inform the public about the effects of magnetic fields. For example , the Department of State Health Services of California published a study called electric and magnetic fields : measurement and potential effects on human health. There is also a protocol for the measurement of 60 Hertz magnetic fields in homes.


By Dr. Hector E. Solorzano del Rio.


President of the Medical Society of Enzyme Research , AC and Coordinator of the Diploma in Alternative Medicine at the University of Guadalajara

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