Prison Analogies
Often / Most times, we, are “Self”, imprisoned. Usually by our thought processes, but hardly ever by our intent. Intent is usually of a virtuous make up. It is often our lack of faith in the manifestations of our intent that leads us to either “sow” our own seeds of “doubts” and “insecurities”. Also we graciously allow others, such as “Friends”, “Family” and “Strangers” to do the same. Doubts and Fears are naught but a “Veil of Darkness” we consent to or assist to shroud the light of our “Dreams”, “Aspirations” and “Intents”! So, when i say we are “Self Imprisoned” . . .
One truism about life is that “Life” is a result of our choices. We must accept the responsibility of our lives. We can either suffer the effects of our choices or embrace the “Joys”! When we do not assertively chose, we are still in charge . . . choosing. We are choosing “not to choose”! When we do this we are allowing this manifestation that is not of our own selection, and yet we are imprisoned once more.
Another consideration about c choices and “Self Imprisonment”, we also become “Slaves” to our Goals and Aspirations, do we not? A pretty “Paradoxical” consideration and place to “BE”! So, the question is, how do we avoid this state of “BE”ing i am calling” Prison”? . . . that which is confining and limited in nature? I got it!
Stop Building Walls !
Blessed Be
© August 2009 : William S. Peters, Sr.
Below is a Poem i wrote some time ago about this topic.
Enjoy and FEED BACK. What is your prison ?
my prison
i have erected four walls
that i call my jail
for inside my walls
i can not fail
outside of my box
in traps i am caught
they tempt me to see
if my soul can be bought
my prison is safe
by my own design
my light’s filtered in
and my truths are sublime
outside of my door
there is my own guard
no one may enter
without their love card
i am safe in my world
and the risks are few
why i stay here
i have not a clue
but some day i’ll leave
and that day is soon
for i hear my heart’s piper
playing Pan’s tune
so i’ll open that door
and then i will see
a bigger prison built
especially for me
so how do i escape
how can i be free
there is but One answer
and that is to “BE”
. . . stop building walls
“before Peace, Love and Freedom can manifest itself in the World
we must first allow it to manifest with in our Self”
~ wsp ~
~ inner child ~
~ U N I R 1 ~
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