Peace for the Soul

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Question:How do we know that we are in the right path or not in life ? and many more replies from H.H Muralidhara Swamiji....

Dear All,

"If you perform Maha Mantra Kirtan incessantly God will definitely appear before you one day."

Why are human beings punished for the acts of their previous births, when everything is pre-destined? What is the role of God here?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

The destiny simply decided based on the acts of the previous births. God is like a judge that administers justice in a court.
Is it considered gambling to put money into a stock market, if the intent is to eventually use the money for True work?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

Stock-trading cannot necessarily be considered gambling.
I have heard that it is necessary to have a Guru initiate one into the Mantra, without which chanting of any mantra is futile. How true is it?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

For any mantra, a Guru is a must. For Rama Nama and the Mahamantra, you can start chanting even without a Guru. When you are accepted by a Guru, you can take formal initiation from him and continue. For all other mantras, one can recite it only after proper initiation.
I am a businessman. I wish to be honest and ethical, but the world calls me a fool. Does honesty and fear in God truly pay in the long run?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

Honesty and fear in God pays immediately. How does it pay? In the form of inner excellence, clarity of mind, free and clear consciousness. Why do you always think only of money for results?
How do we know that we are in the right path or not in life ?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

If we have faith in the Almighty and worship Him in any path prescribed by the great devotees and the Vedas, then we are in the right path. If not, then we are not!
Mahamantra has done a lot of good to me and takes me on the right path. These days, I cannot stand the negative attitude of people around me, and this is intolerable. Is this because of the Mahamantra?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

When you progress in spirituality, your mind becomes more sensitive day by day. There are a lot of negative things around us. The mind tries to observe all these negativities. What you have to do is, try to neglect such observations and do more and more Japa. It will be alright slowly.
A man is very much attached to his family. His sense of caring for their well being always keeps him tensed and worried. Is there a way wherein he can be mentally relaxed and free of worries? How can he attach himself solely to God?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

When you travel in the bus, you are merely sitting. The moving bus is not the least worried. Only the driver of the bus and you are worried. Is it not?

Try to constantly remember and internalize the fact that your body is merely an instrument and the operator is none other than Lord Krishna. He is driving it. Then why worry?

One feels safe if he is employed in a big company with a huge turnover. One feels safe if he was born in a wealthy family.

Likewise, one can be totally free and happy in this world, if he surrenders completely to Lord Krishna, for, He is the supreme.
Please enable me to influence my friends to move towards God to the extent possible and move away from the ultra-materialistic pursuits and attractions of modern day life. I find their all-knowing wise attitude very difficult to penetrate. I am not good with arguments either!

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

Arguments are of no use. Chant the Mahamantra regularly. That way, you become a devotee of the Lord. By the mere touch of a devoted person, others can become devotees of Lord.
What is a God? Is it real or just a thing?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

God is not even real. He is beyond that. He is the reality behind all we 'think' or see or hear or smell or touch or feel or speak.
Every single step done by us is written by God. Then why, by doing good or bad deeds, do we go to heaven or hell, while we never perform any step without God’s permission?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

Even that is written by God.
We are studying Hinduism and recently learned about reincarnation.
My friend said, "If Hindus believe in reincarnation then why don't they kill animals for food? Doesn't it help them to achieve a better birth each time until liberation because they are sacrificing themselves to feed you?"

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

Extending your friend's logic, if killing animals is better than killing plants, the best way is to better kill humans themselves! It sounds very illogical isn't it? Tell your dear friend that death is not a guarantee for a better birth in our religion!
Some people kill mosquitoes. Is it not a sin? Can you list all the sins that the human does and atonements for them?

Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji:

Practice Non violence as far as practically possible and chant Mahamantra all the time. Instead of analyzing the swept dirt, why not just find a way to destroy them?

Regards & Chant the Maha Mantra:
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
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