Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers

Spiritual Preceptor (Guru's) Glory by H.H Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji - Part 2

Dear All,



We have the choice to go down the ladder or up the ladder of creation. It all depends on how well we make use of this birth. God does not decide our birth.

Death is not for the body. Only 'death' of the mind is liberation.

Liberation is not any kind of a world ('loka'). The highest status of Liberated being is attained only through the annihilation of 'vasanas'(imprint of the mind that generates more and more births). But even after having been blessed with a human birth we lead a highly in disciplined life. We eat and sleep as and when we feel like. We are no better than the animals if we spend our lives as per the fancy of our minds. Even animals behave this way. It follows no rule or regulation. It behaves on an impulse. Therefore, having taken human birth if we behave like the animal then it proves that we do not deserve this blessing of a human birth!

There should be a definite goal in life. And what should that goal be? Attainment of God. Why so?

There may be innumerable worldly goals, viz. to secure a good job or gain more power or earn lot of wealth or earn fame. We undergo a lot of hardships to achieve such worldly goals. They are not attainable so easily. Through 'dharma'(Path of Righteousness) or 'adharma' ( Path of Unrighteousness) we somehow try to attain the
goal. Well! Do we enjoy peace  after having achieved our set goal? No! Even the achievement of our goal might bring on many a trouble or we may experience the fear of losing what had been achieved with much effort. Hence, we find that we do not enjoy peace of mind.

Therefore, when we possess a worldly objective there is anxiety till its achievement and also after it has been fulfilled. This is how worldly ambitions tend to be.

Whereas, if our goal were the attainment of God and we strive towards this, the various efforts undertaken, either dhyana or Yoga or devotion give us much pleasure. And there is unending bliss once we attain God. The very effort made towards attainment of God reduces our 'vasanas' (imprint of the mind that generates more and more births) considerably. And so does our birth. So, when we set attainment of God as our goal the very/mere effort taken in achieving this gives us much pleasure and so does its achievement. Both - the effort towards and the achievement of the goal bring pleasure. Therefore, this is the (only) highest goal.

If we possess this deep and true yearning for God, a true Guru (Trueguru) will, without any iota of doubt, search us out. We cannot reach a Guru on our own. Even if we do we will only be disappointed. We cannot recognize a Saint merely through our intellect.

We may desire to do surrender.But there are various categories even amongst the Sadhus. There are those with whom we can only converse, those whom we can offer food and those whom we can just greet. But surrendering the self should be done only to that Guru who has attained the Self.

It is of no use to take to a Guru who is only slightly better than us in his spiritual status. How then should this Guru be? He should be one who enjoys the the highest status of Being (Oneself). Only one who follows such a Guru (who has attained the highest status) will also be bestowed with the complete status.

Instead if we follow a Guru who is in doubt himself it would amount to 'the blind holding on to another (blind)'. We would also be pushed into a pitiable condition. So, all the 'Grantas' (Holy Texts) only advise attainment of a 'Uttama Guru' (True Guru). In the Bhagavatam, Jnani Jadabharata advises a King by name Raghuguna. He points out how Jnana (Wisdom) is gained. Is it through taking to Sanyasa (ascetic life), or giving up the family or through fast or through deep tapas?

Jatabharata stresses "VINA MAHATPAADARAJOBHISHEKAM' - UNLESS YOU TAKE ON THE DUST OF THE FEET OF A TRUE SAINT ON YOUR HEAD YOU CAN NEVER ATTAIN WISDOM (JNANA)." No matter how deep our penance be, any amount of mantra chanting or practice of Yoga or Veda chanting cannot exert a pull on Lord.

Lord falls only for devotion. Lord permits Himself to be caught only in the net of devotion. And this devotion blooms in one's heart only in the company of a True Saint and cannot be earned on our own.

!!! Will continue !!!
Regards & Chant the Maha Mantra:
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
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