Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers

All that has come to pass… has to pass in reality as verifiable facts for truth to prevail! The future cannot rest anymore, solely on possibilities or interpretations of the past and desires of the collective to escape culpability in the present. Every thought conceived has to exhaust its potential as the spoken word and that which has been spoken must be extinguished in deed for the universal laws of conservation to be valid.

Linage and genealogy are meant to uphold this truth as a family. The genes of the inhabitants of the planet is the record keeper of every moment spent by individuals as a civilization. The time when the planet could be viewed as a collection of various unconnected races on separated landmass with varied history has come to pass. The dawn of the age of intelligent machines that record and analyse the efficacy of the word of man, without sleeping, has left us answerable to any idea that is conceivable on the planet as a whole!

Planet Earth has now reached the status of a life-form that is always awake! It is now like an entity that on its own is capable of shaking the lives of its inhabitants as a whole without dichotomy or ambiguity. Just as sickness that enters any cell of an individual can affect the well-being of the complete human being and medication has to be administered to the entity as a whole, so it is now applicable to Earth on a planetary scale!

The pain of a single individual is also logged in the collective conscience of the planet without prejudice and cannot be mitigated in its affect on the planet by the dreams, principles and values of any majority. The future cannot be left to the speculation of the informed and wise, no matter how pious the intentions maybe! The planet Earth as a bio-me, or criss-cross of habitats is a living entity and its response is always indiscriminate for anyone, any where in the universe.

Like a benign mother, planet Earth has till now provided food for many dying stellar civilizations, clothed their being with its precious resources and sustained their cosmic disputes on her ground with unbiased love! It is her turn now to survive the ravages and differences of all these cosmic beings currently incarnated as human-beings on its very being. Even if she views all the current population in human form as one race, it is bound to react since it has to survive to sustain the habitat for the primary reason of its existence, to allow life to thrive in harmony with the universe it is in!

The values that uphold life any where in the cosmos like love, hope and mutual respect are valid now in our current evolution as a species on this planet more than ever. Gaia or mother Earth has always exhibited this and its our turn as its children to show the same. As in any civilization, metamorphosis into a new state of being is always on a blind path ruled by adaptation to changes using instinct, intuition, intelligence and imagination accompanied by survival pains and rebirth pangs. But we are more informed than any species in the cosmos in this respect by our own merit of scientific inquiry though shrouded to various levels in faith, belief and trust!

Whether the savior sought is among mankind or divined from the stars, the laws that exist are the same. The repercussions of interference will be univocally felt from the solar system to the point of source with the point of origin being our planet. Earth has reclaimed its position in the stars, as it had done in the past, to uphold its cosmic relevance and right to exist. It is our responsibility as inheritants of this noble planet to show it in our lifestyle and in our vicinity!

The past is ready with lessons if we want to learn while the present is replete with opportunities to contribute if we are willing. The best charity for a secure future is no longer in terms of kind but in the form of an honest mind! Just a mere thought of concern, where ever we are, doing what ever we are placed to do, is bound to result in a change in reality, relationships, responsibilities and realizations. All that is required is a sense of ownership as an individual and a cosmic being to affect the needed change desired for the well being of all.

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Comment by Ramsai Karri on February 9, 2019 at 7:48am

Test to enter Earth again!

Comment by Eva Libre on February 8, 2019 at 6:44pm

why test?

Quote of the moment:


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We light a candle for all our friends and members that have passed to the other side.

Gone from our life and forever moved into our heart. ~ ❤️ ~

Pray for Peace

Grant us peace

Two beautiful graphics for anyone to use, donated and created by Shannon Wamsely

Shannon Wamsley

Designed by Michelle Yd Frost

Windy Willow (Salix Tree)
Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)

She writes,
"Love, acceptance and inclusion. Grant us peace."



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