Peace for the Soul

A common space for harmonic peacemakers

When LOVE happens................. sharing with the other becomes a Joy and Love happens when the Mind dies at the feet of the Beloved ............

When LOVE happens.................

sharing with the other becomes a Joy

and Love happens

when the Mind dies at the feet of the Beloved ............

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Comment by narinder bhandari on July 17, 2010 at 3:54pm

One day, of my Beloved, I asked,
“O Krishna, Beloved Govinda
my Love, my Being
pray let me know,
what is Realisation?”

“Realisation,”answered Krishna, “is the IS-NESS of all that IS”

“And Beloved,”implored the ‘I’ in me, “What is my IS-NESS ?”

“I cannot say, I cannot tell,”Govinda smiled, “But ………..”

IS-NESS happened, it just happened !

The Gift of my Satguru
Time was no more,
Nor Space,
Nor speech, nor silence,

In the Eternity of the Moment
The giving of the Gift
The receiving of the Gift
No Giver, No Reciever,

In the Eternity of the Moment
Silence that IS.
In the Eternity of the Moment
The Soundless Sound.
In the Eternity of the Moment
The One Word.
In the Eternity of the Moment
The expansion of the Word, The Vedas.

In the Eternity of the Moment
All movement, the World, the Universe.
In the Eternity of the Moment
Total stillness, Void,
Full-ness absolute.
In the Eternity of the Moment
Only IS-NESS, just Is-ness!

Only the Giving, only the Receiving
Sans Giver, Sans Receiver

Only gratitude
Only Loving, choiceless loving
One-ness, Not- two-ness eternally ……
Of the seeker the Guru and God,
The seeker and the Sought ,

Comment by narinder bhandari on July 5, 2010 at 6:35am
Thank you, alice ..............................

perhaps, alice, the following arisings from the deeper unchanging silence of the heart, may provoke the ' knowing' of the Un-knowable .....................


However loud it cries,
Will always remain,
It’s own self,

However joyous the Union in two-ness,
Will always revel,
In it’s own Glory’

One-ness, Love, Silence,
Sing the song of love.
In silence, they sing
The song of Silence.
In One-ness, they sing
The song of One-ness.

One-ness, Love, Silence,
Are, were, and will always be,
The joy and expression,
Of the Divine, The One without the second
The One-ness in you.

The Ultimate Wisdom

The ultimate wisdom is LOVE ……………….. and,

Love is non-duality, not-two-ness, the Joy of One-ness

expressed in action .

Love encompasses all; the saint and the sinner,

the great and the small, the happy and the sad

and resides in all, as the Joy of the self .

Love is the seeking of the self

Love itself the sought

When the sought is the dual, it escapes understanding and its expression

(For, Love is non-duality, one-ness it is )

When expressed as One-ness in action,

the self ( seeker), the seeking and the sought merge, and,

Love reveals to itself its source………………

This , verily , is self-realisation.

The self is the vastness of being,

Or, perhaps, more right would it be to say,

That, being is the vastness of the self

all pervasive, the isavasyam sarvam,

blossoming in myriads of flavors of love,

all of them the self, all of them the expressions of the self,

emanating from the self that IS, just IS ……

Love is the source, the ocean with its waves in its embrace.

And, this Love, truly is the great mystery of the self, ever realised in being;

Ever realisable,…. But only when the self longs for the self with all the self !

Ah !!

And it comes as awareness to some self, such as you are,

The self, the presence, the centre, itself vibrates as ‘ PAST ’,

And, as ‘Future’ too, the past more real than future …………

Infinite the past, endless the future, …….. centred in the Self, the presence this moment now !

And thus it is that :

When self is with the self, the awareness of the presence,manifests as the joy of the self !

And now to nariness ; when, nari-ness feels oppressed ,

a feeling gnawing on the Mind, without reason, .

all that needs being done

is to foray in the Past

( not Future, for future is yet only the future … )

Foray in the past

To a point of Joy

And, become aware of the being then , in and around the point of Joy

And allow that point , to fall in the present’s embrace ………………

And just be ………………………..

Be yourself,

Love yourself ; you, the non-dual expression of Love

That spreads Joy to the other, for it indeed is the self that is the other ……

just the presence………… the timeless, space-less void, known as the Self,

the all-pervading Infinity, the timelessness of Now

echoing its song as Prakriti with its three modes !

Echoing its song as Prakriti with its three modes !

and yet remaining unattached, bestowing Grace on the self !

Prakriti, timelessly itself … , the Love, the immutable Law,

The Immutable Law, that one day, shatters the self-created duality

To abide once again in the Self as the self , love of the self,

That sees no more the other, and yet needs the other ,

To shower its love choicelessly, without cause or reason !



Thank you Beloved
For the Beautiful Thoughts…
Thoughts that lead to the
Deep Silence of Being
Silence of Being that You Yourself are …….

Silence , the Imperishable Seed ……
That erupts,
Blossoms and flowers…

The Fruit of which …..
Wonderous Words and Thoughts
That lead one again
Unto the Silence of Being .

And Thank you Krishna .

Thank you Beloved
For your Gift divine .


When I laughed, Beloved
When I laughed,
The Song and Dance in my laughter
Was Your Loving Glance.

When I cried, my Love,
When I wept,
The sorrow, sadness, love or joy in my tears
Was Your Song and Dance.

Song, Dance, Love and Laughter
Celebration That IS,
What Life IS,
The tears in the eyes
A part of it,
Your Gift to me.

Thank You, Lord
Thank you Beloved
Thank You for the Gift of Life 'n Living.

alice, narinder felt strangely joyous , when you asked him to expand on the 'happening of Love '.

ah, alice, you must already have become aware that Love ( as also all things True and Real ) is an 'happening' ...... it is NOT a doing ! Other examples of 'happenings' are...........' sleep', 'breath', ' digestion' ............ in fact, Life itself !

The Ultimate Wisdom, the Ultimate flowering of Consciousness into the Unity of Life , too, is a happening . It is Grace of the all pervading omnipotent and omniscient Lord ........ the Un-knowable, ever known to the self .................


This happening is the result of much Doing , the nature of this 'Doing' being directing the Mind through the spiritual Discipline. This Discipline itself is HIS Grace ........... and does not come to the multitude easily. This is so, because of the Movement of Time and Space , which is leading the self outwards into the field of the senses, rather than inwards into the Unchanging Silence within !

you may also like to read narinder's arisings from this Silence posted in different threads here., including 'Peace Poetry' section .

Love and Joy to you,



Quote of the moment:


* * *

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Shannon Wamsley

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Artist Silvia Hoefnagels
Ireland NOV 2020
(image copyright Silvia Hoefnagels)

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