Peace for the Soul

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The current radiation levels in Japan are similar to those caused by a TAC
March 16, 2011

Radioactive emissions which are generated after the nuclear explosions in central Fukushima (Japan) as a result of the tsunami that struck the Northeast on March 11 are for the time being "soft" and do not constitute "human damage" as radiation levels are "similar" to those that produce a computed tomography (CT) scan of the chest or abdomen.

This has been assured the Chief of Radiation Oncology at the Hospital Gregorio Maranon de Madrid, Rafael Herranz, remembering why "if it does not increase your dose, need have no effect on the health" of citizens.

However, this expert believes that the Japanese authorities are acting swiftly to time to protect its population and, in addition to evacuate those living near the affected area, have taken appropriate preventive measures, including the distribution of iodine tablets to protect against radioactivity if it increases.

Thus, the iodine collects in the thyroid gland and prevents the radioactive iodine remains in the body, the cancer risk that entails.

In the event that radiation has increased and citizens who may have become contaminated, Herranz has advanced to the action protocol "is defined as a radiological accident," and as a function of radiation dose side effects vary.

Brand as the protocol, these people are bonded "over large areas, usually sports centers, where they practiced" a vision maneuver groups as pollution received. " In this way, said, people that are contaminated "are quickly isolated."

People affected with a higher dose of a sievert - equal to one joule per kilogram - may have spinal cord injury, which is preceded by decreased production of red cells, white cells and platelets. If the dose is more than seven sieverts also produced "Table digestive intestine level."

In addition, he explained, if the dose is over 20 sieverts be expected in the patient "the presence of lesions in the central nervous system."

On the other hand, Herranz emphasized how Nipponese authorities have reported the explosions and the consequences that are generating adequate considering the performance.

Thus, as a counterpoint has been the case of Chernobyl, since according to stated, in this case was "an immediate radiophobia" which led in turn, two components: crisis cancerophobia and generalized anxiety in pregnant women, as lack of communication after the Chernobyl accident caused them to practice "more than 100,000 abortions that were deemed unnecessary."

Fuente: Europa Press

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